Sunday, November 15, 2009

interesting read on rethuggery stupidity

Check out this post by Spencer Ackermann-firedoglake. He quotes Sarah Palin's stupid objections to the terrorists trial being held in NY, and also goes on to say this....

"What’s an actual insult to the victims of 9/11 is the idea that America is not strong enough to withstand the blatherings of a mass murderer. For me, the prospect of KSM grandstanding at his trial falls into I-wish-a-motherfucker-would territory. I want to hear how KSM builds a case against America, because everyone will hear how laughably conspiratorial and clownish it is. Think of what a cathartic moment it will be when America sees the face of the man considered to be UBL’s most efficient henchman and he delivers a pitiful harangue to a bank of cameras. No one will be emboldened to do anything but laugh. The only downside will be his inevitable discussion of how CIA operatives tortured him.

My hope for the KSM trial is that it does more than all this. It should forever shatter the pernicious myth that al-Qaeda is composed of supermen — supermen against whom America has no choice but to alter its character and most precious laws in order to confront.

Read the rest here:

So while reading the comments about this post I thought this one was excellent and says alot about our fraidy-cat rethugs:

sgwhiteinfla November 15th, 2009 at 10:54 am

I love this post and of course I’ll be linking to it, but I wanted to make one small correction. You see Sarah Palin isn’t REALLY afraid of what KSM will say or do during the trial. What she is REALLY afraid is that a Democratic administration will do what a Republican administration didn’t. And that is show that our system of justice is stronger than any terrorist in some far off land living in a cage. And also that we will NOT show cowardice by bending to their will by not giving them a fair trial and thus becoming the caricature that they try to make out of our country. And finally that a Democratic administration will show more deference to our founding fathers than Bush or Cheney would have ever dreamed.

You see once KSM and his cohorts are dragged in front of a jury and are handed down the death penalty, then they lose the super villan with super powers status that Bush, Cheney and just about every Republican in Congress has given them for the last 8 years. And guess what, if there are no more boogey men then Republicans will have a hard time finding someone to fearmonger against when they are pimping their national security cred.

As with most things that have to do with Republican criticism of moves that the Obama administration makes, this has almost nothing to do with what they are actually saying and everything to do with what they see as their political futures. See also, health care, cap and trade, gay marriage…etc

How true is that??! Rethugs and their never-ending fearmongering tactics, it's the only way they know how to steal power and win over the ignorant segment of our population. Sad really.

Here's another great comment which reminds me of Saddam hiding in his rat hole, peeking out as he was found. It's so pathetic how these monsters are held up to be Satan himself in their evilness but are pions in the end. We shall see how KSM responds during the trial, and that's something we need to see, we wouldn't if rethugs had their choice of a military tribunal. comment:

I think keeping the face and bent personality of KSM out of the public eye, allowing him out of the shadows only as a caricature, is essential political theater for the national security state. That’s because, as in personal and family counseling, the monster in the living room keeps growing when it stays in the shadows. When it has a name, a place a date, a hurt, a harm, a fix; when it’s removed from the realm of the head on pillow at night and sees the light of day, it’s often very much smaller. It’s manageable and it can sometimes be cured.

Keeping KSM and those like him out of a public courtroom is essential for Mr. Cheney’s view of the world to win. It’s essential to keep the public in awe and fear, to keep it obligingly paying taxes without questioning to what use they are put. It allows Cheney and his successors to continue to build the national security state with no questions asked, no policies reviewed, no limits applied.

My guess is that KSM is no more frightening than the CEO of a tobacco company or an energy company, or a drug kingpin. Seen in the light of day, none of them are as mighty as the law. Keep them in a secret world, positions reverse and we live in fear, not hope.


Black Republican Women said...

I've seen your comments around the boards and you appear to me to be another fine example of Leftists who can't stand facts and must resort to name calling.

Keep it up...Just shows you can't compete on the field of ideas.

Get back to me in 3 days, I think that will give you enough time to read this post correctly.

Karen said...

Yep, it's all political grandstanding with the rethugs. Everything Prez O does or doesn't do is criticized.

When he goes to Arlington it's a *photo op* but if he didn't go to Arlington, it would be... "how come Obama isn't there, he just doesn't care about our troops."

On the other hand, I read somewhere KSM and his cohorts may plead guilty because they want to die as martyrs.

Sue said...

BRW sorry but the lefties are the ones with truth and facts, you are the namecallers, but thats ok, you must be a proud republican right??
well I'm a proud liberal democrat and here are some of the reasons why...

When George Bush was president, liberals said the word "fuck."

Now, conservatives threaten to kill Barack Obama.

When George Bush was president, liberals said they hated him.

Now, conservatives threaten to kill Barack Obama - a 400% increase in threats against Obama compared to those against George Bush.

When George Bush was president, liberals photoshopped his face onto a chimpanzee.

Now, conservatives threaten to kill Barack Obama.

Now, conservatives take guns to meetings with Barack Obama and other politicians.

Now, conservatives talk about armed revolution.

Now, conservatives in uniform band together to conspire over the circumstances in which they would disobey their orders.

Now, conservative GOP politicians visit illegitimate governments and pledge their support to unelected dictators against the stated policy of the USA. (Never mind, they've always done that.)

When George Bush was president, liberals were angry and let it show in their words and in organizing to defeat Republicans in special and regular elections all across the country.

Now, conservatives from the grassroots, to lunatics on TV to their top elected officials foment rebellion, spread fringe conspiracy rumors, stoke racist fires and, it must be said again and again,
threaten to assassinate the president of the United States of America and members of his administration

to the point that the Secret Service is entirely swamped, unable to deal with the avalanche of violence directed toward the legitimate government of America...

Be proud of who you represent BRW!!

Jerry Critter said...

BRW - next time let's see some of those facts the "Leftists ...cant stand" and discuss that find "field of ideas" rather than trying to "shoot" the messenger.

Kentucky Rain said...

BRW reminds me of all the Righties everywhere. All they do is throw rocks and never hit the target. Notice that she can't pinpoint the errors in the post. Perhaps it is because there are none. Oh well. We all have to put up with the Crazy Right dropping by once in a while:-)

Sue said...

thanks guys, I love my lefty friends!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I wouldn't take BRW very seriously. It's probably one of a handful of trolls that figured out how to link Facebook profiles of unsuspecting Facebook users to blogs.

The important thing is not beating down the troll, although that is an enjoyable and fulfilling pasttime. The important thing is showing the world our justice system is capable of treating everyone fairly. KSM's guilt is without question. But after all the crap at Gitmo and Abu Ghraib, I believe we must show the world that we are a nation of law and not some old time goverment of inquisition and secrecy that the Cheney crowd would have us be.

Sue said...

well Truth seems my troll from NY(I have deleted the asshole comments) is getting nastier and nastier, I'll probably have to put comment moderation on soon!

you are so right on what the world will see with this upcoming trial. put a sock in it righties...

Karen said...

Well, I was walking lightly since I'm a newcomer here, but agree with all the comments regarding BRW.

And, Sue, you crack me up when you said... "When George Bush was president, liberals said the word "fuck." cuz that was my word of *choice* when W was in and I told hubby I would retire the word if Obama won!

Sue said...

Karen don't be silly, SPEAK UP!!

fuck is always my word of choice and I don't plan on retiring it! LOL

I don't think my new troll is BRW, but I'll do some investigating!

Karen said...


Me either, I lied! There's just too many fuckers to retire that damn good word!!

Sue said...

Karen look around, all my posts have my favorite word, some have complained but they were righties, so we don't give a fuck do we?!!

Karen said...


So many fuckers, so little time!!

Sue said...

YUP lolol!

nonnie9999 said...

i'm surprised brw ventured out from beneath her bed long enough to comment. it's not safe out here!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ Name one conservative who has threatened to kill President Obama, and prove that he/she is conservative.

The Wool Cupboard said...

BRW ~ You have hit the nail on the head! Read any page of this blog and you will find rampant name calling with very few ideas or issues being discussed.

Sue said...

All my posts are on current issues Linda, that is why you come here and read, right??

you will have to ask the secret service for names of neocons who have threatened Obama with death, there are probably hundreds, possibly thousands....

The Wool Cupboard said...

"you will have to ask the secret service for names of neocons who have threatened Obama with death, there are probably hundreds, possibly thousands...."

In other words, Sue, you have no answer because you have no facts to back up your statement.

Every President has had threats made to their lives, it comes with the territory, but to claim that hundreds or thousands of CONSERVATIVES have threatened to kill him is irresponsible.

Sue said...

Linda shut up with the same ole rethug talking points, its so fuckin annoying! "give me facts".

Why would a dem want to kill Obama? It's not liberals at the rallys holding Hitler signs. Face it Linda your party is just a bunch of radical sick hateful pigs. and I might add, jealous, oh so jealous of liberals and our intelligent elected president!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ So from observing someone holding a Hitler sign at a rally, you have deduced that hundreds and thousands of conservatives want to kill President Obama?????????

Yeah, conservatives are always talking about wanting the RADICAL can we get?? Those messy facts always get in the way of liberal talking points. It's hard to come up with a good defense of liberal policies when you have to try to match them up with actual facts and figures, isn't it?

What do liberals have to fear from facts? Hmmmmmmmm?

Lisa said...

Sue when you say unfounded things about hate opposition you are the one causing the tensions. But then again the administration is doing a good job on creating it's own tensions.