Monday, November 2, 2009

Economic recovery....

Please don't call me naive. I choose to listen to what our president says and give him the benefit of the doubt. I choose to look at the glass half full and trust him to tell us the truth. When Obama took office this country was crumbling, the steps he took will be argued for generations to come. Those naysayers who find it so hard to trust all I can say is LISTEN to what President Obamas' plans are, be realistic, these changes are not going to come easily or quickly. Democrats ALWAYS have to come into office and clean up economic disasters from Republican administrations. They have to restructure, rebuild from the ground up. The plans they have are long term sustainable plans. I like what President Obama says at this meeting. I trust him!

I found these comments from a person who viewed this video at

There is a clean energy jobs bill going to markup tomorrow-- a bill that would create 1.7 million jobs per $150 billion investment in the renewable energy sector, a sector we ought to be interested in leading globally. If clean-energy investments were to expand more quickly, overall job creation would increase correspondingly. (These job gains would be enough—on their own—to reduce the unemployment rate in today’s economy by about one full percentage point, and the figures account for possible jobs losses in conventional fossil fuel sectors of the U.S. economy as they would contract)

And what are the Republicans doing? Some are following Inhofe's lead and planning to boycott the markup.


Another comment from the same person:

I read a great column by Bruce Bartlett in Forbes on Friday. In it he provides a concise description of why government stimulus was necessary to battle this recession-- but the entire post is worth a read, even for those who are pretty far gone when it comes to economic ideology zealotry (Bartlett is a former Republican supply-side economist; now an independent)--

"The main differences between today's crisis and the Great Depression is that the deflationary pressure is less than a third of what it was in the 1930s and policymakers today reacted much more swiftly and more appropriately than they did after 1929. Those who think the government should have done nothing risked turning the current downturn into another Great Depression. Thankfully, their advice was ignored."


Jerry Critter said...

Gee! Long range economic planning, what a novel idea. We haven't seen that in about a decade, or so.

Can you imagine where we would be if we were following the republican plan? Oh wait! There isn't one, just like there is no republican health plan. At least nothing except "Don't Get Sick And If You Do, Die Quickly".

Sue said...

thanks for not calling me naive, Jerry!

I don't want to imagine what would be happening right now if McCain/Palin were in the WH!! Scary thought...

Anonymous said...


You are anything but Niave! ..and hell yes, it would be DAMN scary if McCain and Palin were near the WH!!!! LOL


oohhhhh girl,,,,I get the ebbie jebbies at the thought!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa said...

Like a 2000 page bill with terms like the following isn't scary?

--181 instances of "penalty" or "penalties"
--214 times "taxes" or "tax" is recorded
--82 usages of "fee" and "fees"

…A total of 486 times any form of the words penalty,
surcharge, tax, fine or fee are used!

--422 instances of "require," "requires" or "required"
--78 times the words "obligation" or "obligated" occur
--219 usages of "regulation(s)"
--106 times "impose, imposed or imposes" are used

…A total of 609 times any form of the words impose, require,
mandate, obligation, license or regulation are used

Sue said...

me too Donna! LOL

lisa I can't wait to see your sorry asses regulated!! lol

susan said...

wow lisa, you actually read it? very impressive, do you do this sort of statistical evaluation on all the house bills? If so, I would love to see the break-down on the patriot act.

Tao Dao Man said...

The resident republican [naysayer-party of NO] must have gotten a spam email from glenn beck, or rush limbaugh. parroting the fringe right wingers is common among the members of a party thast is wandering aimlessly in the cosmos.

Sue said...

lisa, because I'm trying to live on unemployment I had to switch my bloodpressure meds to generic, I'm feeling kinda sick today from it all so I'm not in the mood to argue and I don't want anyone else who comes here today to argue with you either. These new pills are making me dizzy and my head hurts and I feel totally ill, so please refrain from making idiot statements. Thank you

Annette said...

Great post Sue, As I pointed out in my wind energy post, if we can push this through and get it going it will help with the economy, the jobs and everything else. Wind and solar energy is clean, it will help the environment, the economy, the jobs outlook and so that makes it a win win all around.

Thanks for pointing this out. You do great work and are in no way naive.

Sue said...

thanks Annette, you've always been my cheerleader!

Lisa said...

Sue I am sorry you aren't feeling well.
I do agree that Glass Steagall was idiotic as was the Community Investment Act(Fannie and Freddie)

RZ said
"The resident republican [naysayer-party of NO] must have gotten a spam email from glenn beck, or rush limbaugh. parroting the fringe right wingers'

So I am assuming you read it being you want it to pass, you must know what is in there, yes?

Or do you not care and just want to forge ahead with reckless abandon becaue you just hate George Bush so much?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I can't speak for RZ Lisa, but I personally would like to se this bill scrapped. The obstructionist republicans kicked off the committees. And a national health insurance bill that is good for the Nation and not just a pander to insurance companies and tea bagging morons that wonder why representative government costs money.

Tao Dao Man said...

The health care legislation is a scam, a farce, and a joke. Reid and the rest of his spineless travelers are showing once again how they slither through the grass. They should have pressed for a medi-care for all. Combining medi-care for the elderly and for the rest of the population.
This should show once and for all that we are a one party system, controlled by a corps, and banksters. The republican party wants everyone to think this all started on 01/20/09. It did not. We now live in a mind set that everything is too big to fail. The big banks are too big to fail, Afghanistan is too big to fail, America is too big to fail. Wrong on all counts. Why are republicans so afraid of higher taxes, regulation, health care. Why is [SOCIALISM] such an evil word. The G20 is now setting the ground rules. And America better get used to it. The IMF, and their SDR'S are breathing down our neck. Do not worry so much of a tax hike. Worry more that the greenback will no longer be the global reserve currency.

Anonymous said...


How are you feeling today! Me.. the election has me sick to my stomach! I hope you are feeling better health wise! I hope those meds are not making you sick!!!!!

Let me know how you are... asap!

I am worried about you!

Donna M

Lisa said...

Truth how does it feel to be much more enlightened and informed than these people?

Lisa said...

RZ-This isn't about health care and big business,it's about politicians,big government,big labor,mandates,taxes and pretty much about the economy which Pelosi and Co. don't seem to show any real concern about . Their only concern is fulfilling their 30 year wish list with a "F****" off to you tea bagging astro turfing people. Yep that really resonates well with Americans.

I tend to go along with the CBO myself not some radical,hippie left overs from the 60's.

I guess you prefer to have Government too big to fail?
You want corruption,that is a recipe for it in the 10th degree.
So now the IRS will have a hand in your health care as well.

And here I though you guys were all about civil liberties.

Ranch Chimp said...

I supported Obama before he even became a candidate,back when he was a Senator... because he "spoke" slightly out of the box...and posted and knew during the campaign's that he would shake up alot of people in Washington, and he would also do thing's that I dont even like...yet I will STILL support and vote for him, even though most of my voting history has been straight republican.I was pissed the other day when he signed that bill to pay off Taliban insurgent's almost a billion to take sides with us in this Pakistani/Afghan region's conflict for instance...and posted about my anger and reason's(largely inspired by Sen.Carl Levin and the CIA)...however ... I still support this man 110%.I simply dont feel he has had enough time considering the plate he had of issue's to do much else...and as I have posted time and again...even though this recession might be techinically over,in break,remission,decline or the number of other expert assessment's of it....the bottom line is...for the peoples it is over when they are able to feel the benefit's of any of these bailout's,stimulus's or whatever other nonsense.Simply showing stat's to folk's weekly that we created a quarter of a million job's this quarter or that quarter dont mean jack ... not when you already lost million's.Bottom line... whoever is President, it will be some time still to come before the actual American people feel ANY relief. Folk's are not as naive as they are desperate in times like these.

Thank You Ms.Sue...........

TomCat said...

Sue, you're not naive. You put your trust in Obama, as many of us have. I'm more quick to criticize him than you are, but my criticism is constructive. I want nothing more than for him to succeed. Obama inherited the worst conditions any President has faced since FDR took over a another instance of GOP greed running our economy into the ground. Added to that, no US President has ever faced opposition so intense that the minority does not care how much they hurt America if only they can cause Obama to fail. In the face of that, he's handles some thiongs well and other things not so well, but all things better than any alternative the GOP has tried to shill.

I know, you had a hard day yesterday, so I figured I'd stop by and try to cheer you up. So we'll put you in charge of GOP circumcision today. Snip wherever you want!! ;-)

Sue said...

thanks for the great comments guys! You always get me thinking long and hard about the issues, it really does come down to Obama needing more time. I hope you are as willing as I am to give it to him!