Sunday, November 1, 2009

Would the REAL Anti-Christ please stand up!

I was watching some of the Glenn Beck show this weekend, just to get a feel for what this asshole has to say..... My conclusions are..... He's the Anti-Christ! Yup Glenny boy is!! Just look at his charts... look how he sits at his desk and talks to his followers, it's hypnotizing! Hell, even I was becoming hypnotized by him. But luckily I came to my senses and turned it off, just in time!! :-)


ZIRGAR said...

Funny--From my reading of the Bible, I always imagined the Anti-Christ would be intelligent, charismatic and heroic, or at least that's how he would be perceived. Beck is none of those.

Sue said...

Zirgar my perception of the Anti-Christ is someone who can deceive the masses into believing what he says. Like how neocons say Obama does, therefore to them Obama is the Anti-Christ. Beck is a masterful deceiver, and to think he does it all in the name of money!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

The wacko evangelicals come up with a new anit Christ every week or so. My principal in sixth grade accused me of being the antiChrist once.

The righties soak this crap up up because they can't face the truth that it is their "supply side" economics and reactionary nonsense that have caused most of the troubles our Nation faces.

Sue said...

Truth, I used to say Bush was the Anti-Christ. But now I see my logic doesn't match Bush at all! Its true our troubles come from the right but thats between us, they will never own up to it, NEVER!

TAO said...

Bush was just a simple guy who got in WAY over his head....

I have yet to meet and or read anyone who is blindly following and or believing in Obama...

But every hour on the internet I can meet and or read something where someone is quoting Beck as if he is the son of God....

Its a cult, Limbaugh is a cult, Palin is a cult wannabe....why do those kindred folks on the right need cult like leadership to channel their hate and anger?

Sue said...

Tao I believe Bush was led by Cheney but hardly an innocent bystander. He, like his daddy, love OIL!
the neocons tell us we are blind followers of messiah Obama, I hear it all the time. I just choose to give the man a chance to prove himself before I condemn him. Yes you are right about the neocons turning from a conservative party to a cult. If they dispute that fact and say its just a small minority then they aren't doing a very good job of convincing me of that!

susan said...

With a world wide population of 4+ billion peeps, the chances of the antichrist being an american are fairly slim...I'm predicting that he/she will be a buddah-antichrist.
BTW if your interested, please visit my site, you have been nominated. =D

Sue said...

I don't know Susan, I'm not a studier of the Bible. Ask RZ, he'll tell ya the Book of Revelation scares the shit outta me!! lol

The Wool Cupboard said...

Yeah, all Beck did was to prove direct links between the Obamas, their closest friends and cabinet members and a WHOLE bunch of Marxists and socialists. That obviously means he is a loon! Even though he has PROOF that they are Marxists and socialists (you tapes of them admitting it and admitting that they hate the free market system, etc.), he must be insane to actually question the motives of a president who would appoint so MANY America haters to his advisory positions. It's no big deal that the Obama's socialize and hang out with all those unsavory characters and call them "close friends."

The truly astonishing thing to me is that you all don't seem very troubled by it. You surely should be!!

Infidel753 said...

He left out the "oligarhy".

Like Zirgar, I always imagined that the Antichrist wouldn't be as goofy as that, but what the heck, I guess even Satan can't get decent help these days.

all Beck did was to prove direct links between the Obamas, their closest friends and cabinet members and a WHOLE bunch of Marxists and socialists.

Yes, and I'm sure he's a close personal friend of Hitler too. Just try spending years in academia without getting to know people with socialist leanings and even a few Marxists -- it's impossible.

What about President Bush's close ties with a large, powerful gang of sadistic, corrupt, America-hating medieval religious fanatics known as the Saudi royal family? And that was real, not imaginary. Some of Obama's associations disturb me, but none come anywhere near being as frightening as that.

Sue said...

Linda you are scaring me. Now we know you are a Beck follower, thats a pitiful shame!

Infidel yes we can expect a more intelligent Anti-Christ to appear, Beckwad is just the butt of a joke for me :-)

Lisa said...

Linda stop scaring Sue. Mark Llyod,Anita Dunn. Cas Sunstein and Ron Bloom are no more thugs than say.... Mao.
After all if they want to accomplish(take over) anything they have to do it through taxes or the barrel of a gun.
That' not scary at all. I mean these are all educated graduates right from the Frankfurt School of thought.
They are the best people to fix(transform) the country.
Now let's all stop whining and sign up for our "service" to the president and do the real work that is needed.

themom said...

Next time you want to sit and listen to BEck...let us know first...we will call 911. I cannot believe all the weak minded idiots who fall for EVERY word this man says. I call them the "non-thinkers." It's much easier to have someone else think for them and spoon feed them all the bullshit!

Sue said...

lisa stop quoting Beckwad on my blog, I'm sick of hearing the morons words.

Mom I will be sure to do that. I don't know what came over me, just curiosity I guess! lol

Lisa said...

Sue I wasn;t quoting Bck I was quoting:

Mark Llyod,Anita Dunn. Cas Sunstein and Ron Bloom

They were the ones who agree with Mao and Chavez,Beck just exposes them.
I know it's hard to admit that these are the people in our government. Oh sorry I left off Van Jones.

Infidel753 said...

This is a standard Fox scam.

Lisa said...

It doesn't change the fact they are from the Frankfurt School of thought.Even too leftist for Germany.
Infidel they do that to Limbaugh all the time. Don't you Hate when that happens?

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

And people say that liberals are anti-Bible, anti-God.


We know the Bible as well as the next guy....especially when we are looking for the Anti-Christ and signs of The Apocalypse.

So you'd better be nice to us....because YOU could end up us the villain in a straight to video Grade Z horror movie if you aren't!

Sue said...

you tell 'em Hugh!!

Leslie Parsley said...

Aw, give the guy a break. He really deserves our pity, don't cha think? ; )

Sue said...

no Leslie he's not getting my pity! lol