Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Frank Schaeffer talks some serious shit!

If you missed Rachel last night then please take the time to look and listen to this video. It's long and I tried to crop it but don't know how! All Rachels shows are excellent but this segment on the wingnuts latest nuttery is a must see. They are circulating yet another Bible verse, A Prayer for Obama, PSALMS 109:8&9. For you neocons who refuse to see the evil of your ways please look at this part of the video then try to explain it away, I'd really love your comments. After that is Frank Schaeffer, Frank is an X wingnut so he knows what he is talking about, he is asking all conservatives to denounce the religious fanatics, this is not fun and games anymore, this is scary. The religious fanatics are not led by God when they put out their vile and evil words, this is an entity like nothing we have seen in this country. Conservatives, if you only listen to rightwing media then you are not getting the full picture. Let me know what you think about this latest wingnuttery!


Frodo, aka "Brother Love," said...

Pat Robertson said, after George H. W. Bush was defeated by Bill Clinton, that God told him that he should not worry, that George Bush would be President again. Frodo wrote Pat Robertson a few days later, and told him that Frodo had talked to God, and had asked him to comment on what Robertson had said. God said, "Who?"
Robertson did not reply to Frodo's letter.

Frodo also saw the interview, and heard the excellent reporting and research done by the Rachel Maddow staff. There is a big problem on "C" Street in Washington, D.C., and it won't be solved until we follow the money, all the way. The gullible never admit they're being manipulated, particularly when a latter-day Elmer Gantry is calling on them to stand up for Jesus.

ZIRGAR said...

This is disgusting, but it cuts both ways. If this the game they wanna play I'm ready for 'em. Fuckers.

Sue said...

I love how Frank says we need to show more support and patience for our president, he is so correct. Too many of us are quick to criticize and run, independants especially are jumping ship without giving policies a chance to even be enacted into law! Come on people, this president has insurmountable problems, he deserves our support!!

Infidel753 said...

I'm at work right now so I can't watch the video, but I intend to watch it when I get home.

Frank Schaeffer is a very valuable voice about the dangers of the Christian Right (his father was one of its founders). He has warned about it before.

I just finished his book, Crazy for God, which is worth reading if you want to understand how scary some of these people really are.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I don't hide from my Christianity. It disgusts me that zealots have hijacked it for political purposes. There ave been a few that have murdered in the name of Christianity. Such as abortion clinic bombers. At least it hasn't gotten as far as the radicals who hijack Islam for their gain. Yet.

themom said...

I have relatives (I'm runing from) who are the backwoods evangelical types. I refuse to get into their paranoid and racist arguments involving our POTUS. They seem to miss the point that - thinking for oneself, rather than as the massses tell you - is a GOOD thing. Such ignorant fucking asswipes. Grrrrr.............

Lisa said...

I couldn't watch her I ran out of barf bags.

Sue said...

lisa you have no right to comment on this post unless you listen to the video. Stop going off subject too or I'll delete. Now listen and I want a comment I can understand about this video!

LeftyLadi said...

"I couldn't watch her I ran out of barf bags."

The immaturity of those on the right is truly stunning.

Why is it that Rachelle is the only media journalist on television who actually cares to provide substance to her reports? I love her muckraking. She's the Walter Cronkite of this generation.

Frank Schaeffer was raised on evangelical BS. If anyone knows how evil they are, it is certainly him.

Sue said...

Nancy I knew I couldn't get a reasonable conservative to dispute this video. The difference between our side and theirs, we show facts and we have words directly from the mouths of the experts, thats why they can't comment!

One Fly said...

The media is the mouthpiece for this hate. This may be the worst it's ever been. Many want confrontation with us. They/we are the same as the ones over there we hate so much. I don't even want to get close to any of these people and if I know they're a nutter I'll shop elsewhere as well.

Sue said...

One Fly, I see the religious fanatics, the really scary ones, as no different than the Taliban. They are American Taliban.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Quote ~ "Frank Schaeffer was raised on evangelical BS. If anyone knows how evil they are, it is certainly him."

Frank Schaeffer is selling a book for crying out loud!!! Who knows how he was raised, and his views may have always been tainted by his own misinterpretation of scripture. Just because someone calls himself a Christian does not mean that he is a Christian.

Rachel Maddow ADDED Psalm 108:9 into the story, when clearly the shirts only quoted Psalm 108:8. Typical liberal enhancement to the story to make it seem worse. Why is this any different from libs wanting G.W's days in office to be shortened??? You are reading a lot of hate into this that was not there. If you are going to be dishonest in your representation, then your argument has no merit. The shirts are merely stating the sentiment that they want a new man in office. I want a different man in the Presidency, too, but I don't advocate anything other than voting him out. I think that that is what this story was about until Rachel Maddow opened her big mouth and embellished the story to her liking. That also is typical of liberal bias in the media. Get over it...there is no story here.

Sue said...

Once again linda you refuse to see the hatred and evil coming from the fanatical right, the religious right which includes Palin, Armey, Bachmann, to name a few, are dangerous and will be watched closely. The few in this country who choose to worship them are very dangerous, you are fooling yourself if you ignore these proven facts by Frank. The fanatics certainly do want the president dead, not just removed from office. They are sickos who believe it's a message from God!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ When one segment of society decides to villify another segment based solely upon their religious beliefs, that is bigotry!

You cannot blame religious people as a whole for the actions or opinions of a handful of whack-jobs. I know a lot of Christians, and I am a Christian myself, but I don't know anyone who has voiced hatred for President Obama, and certainly no one has wished him dead. I would be careful to not lump innocent people into your group of "people to be watched!" I can't believe that you are endorsing the "watching" of Christians because of your "perceived" hatred of Obama. Whom do you think should be the "watchers?" That is an unAmerican attitude. The Founding Fathers established our a safe haven for religious freedoms (and to protect citizens from taxation without representation.)

Sue said...

you really just skim my comments without really reading don't you linda? I said a "few" worship the fanatical rightwing wackos, I know they are a minority but nevertheless very dangerous. When our president gets death threats to the extent this president has, the wackos are "watched", nothing at all wrong with that! You condone terrorists in the US are "watched" don't you?

Sue said...

I never said I blamed ALL Christians for the sickos behavior.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ There is a HUGE difference between watching known or suspected terrorists and watching "right wing Christians." In the first place, someone who makes a threat to the President is a criminal (since threatening the President is illegal), so they would be arrested, not watched. Therefore, I think your idea of "watching" Christians who presumably have threatened the President to be baseless.

One Fly said...

You finger snapper believers never take the blame for any of your shit not me not me. I'm the opposite of Linda - don't have those redeeming quality's da believers claim to have. But I can tell you I/we are more special than the likes of the Linda's cuz the path of Reality is the true path. In other words Linda you're full of shit and I don't trust your self proclaimed not me crap any farther than I can read it.

Sue said...

thank you one fly!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Once again, you have ignored the facts and run with your "feelings" about the issues. You "feel" that someone is an expert, but you ignore the fact that he is obviously selling something. Consider the source and his potential benefit from taking this stand.

Sue said...

alot of people actually write books to enlighten people, not just to make big money. Google Frank Schaeffer and read about him before you write him off as just another 'Palinesque-writer'

Infidel753 said...

Anyone who looks into Schaeffer's background will see that he knows the Christian Right far better than most do.

He's a successful novelist and doesn't need to write books about fundamentalism (and perhaps put his own life at risk from violent nutcases) to make money. He does this because he perceives a genuine danger, and because he feels responsible for having earlier helped fuel this movement which has become so dangerous.

Sue said...

thank you Infidel for helping linda understand...

The Wool Cupboard said...

Quote ~ "Anyone who looks into Schaeffer's background will see that he knows the Christian Right far better than most do."

In just 30 minutes of reading what Schaeffer has had to say, I realized that he is a bitter person who has harbored ill feelings toward his parents and any Christian who believes what the Bible teaches about homosexuality and other topics. He has an agenda and it has nothing to do with getting to the truth.

The Wool Cupboard said...

One Fly ~ Quote "You finger snapper believers never take the blame for any of your shit not me not me. I'm the opposite of Linda - don't have those redeeming quality's da believers claim to have. But I can tell you I/we are more special than the likes of the Linda's cuz the path of Reality is the true path. In other words Linda you're full of shit and I don't trust your self proclaimed not me crap any farther than I can read it."

Are you speaking English?

One Fly said...

Yo Linda baby- you betcha I'm guilty of trying to cover too much ground in an attempt to insult as much as possible in a short time.

Since this is not my place and haven't seen the use of too many bad words here it takes a bit longer to get to the point with those on the dark side.

So to be perfectly clear Linda what I wanted to say was go fuck yourself and the agenda you and the rest of the people on the right wish to impose on the rest of us which would take away constitutional rights I enjoy.

I want no part of the world you want me to live in and will fight the likes of you tooth and nail for that.

The reason the right has the influence it does now is because they lie-cheat and steal. Stick the claim of "librul media " where the sun don't shine as well.

The time for nice is long since over and there is no changing anyone's minds.

You people on the right are so fucking stupid you can't even comprehend that your party has been in power for a very long time and we are seeing the results of that and you want more and lie cheat and steal to get it.

That is about as simple as it can be made. Did I get kiss my ass in there someplace.

LeftyLadi said...

One Fly - I think I love you! Well said.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Fly ~ Quote ~ "I want no part of the world you want me to live in and will fight the likes of you tooth and nail for that."

Just what is it in "my world" that you think you wouldn't like?

Would it be the freedom to choose your own health care plan/doctor; or would it be a government that does not seize 25% of your paycheck to fund your lazy neighbor who won't get a job; or that free markets are allowed to flourish without governmental interference; or that the stampede of illegals would be stopped by a completely secure border; or that we have peace through strength; or that you have plenty of money to pay your bills because confiscatory taxation has been eliminated?????? Hmmmmmm????????

You know, YOUR world is a place that I don't even want to visit, much less live. I can see it all now - babies aborted for any reason, at any time and paid for by my tax dollars (even though I look upon abortion as murder); 60% of your income going to Barack Obama so that you can have "free" health care; standing in line for 4 hours to go see doctor #47 (who,only because of affirmative action quotas, graduated at the bottom of his class at the New Delhi School of Medicine) at the clinic of "free" health care, and then being told that because of the most recent in a string of budget crunches, you are now considered too old for the procedure to be cost effective; a surveillance camera on every street light to make sure that what you are smoking is only a joint and not a nasty cigarette or that you are not eating a forbidden Twinkie; and Comrade Kathleen S. stopping (unannounced) by your house to make sure that your house is child friendly, safe, and clean enough to allow you to raise your child; and while Comrade Kathleen S. is there she will take your measurements, weigh you, and do a body mass index reading to make sure you qualify for your "free" health care coverage that your neighbors are paying for with their hard earned tax dollars...we can't have any "fatties" running lose without having been through the "healthy lifestyle counselling sessions" down at the clinic; and after going through all of that, you are hauled off to jail for 5 years for not providing the required 5 forms of proof that you have purchased your REQUIRED health coverage government option's a wonderful world....Barack Obama's America.

Hyperbole can sound ridiculous, can't it? But IS it hyperbole?

P.S. No, I am NOT prejudiced against foreign children's pediatrician was a wonderful man from excellent doctor.

Sue said...

OK first off, one fly, you can cuss your sweet little heart out her, as long as it's not directed to ME!! :-)

Linda, in my liberal world I WILL have the freedom to choose my HC plan and DR, my government absolutely DOES NOT seize 25% of my paycheck to pay for my lazt neighbor, when the free markets had no regulation they FUCKED UP EVERYTHING!!!, why do neocons hate illegals so much??, in my liberal world we HAVE PEACE thru diplomacy, my bills are paid on time every month, even in my liberal world!
liberals look at abortion as murder too, we just understand that its none of our business what a citizen of this free country does with her own body. Never will 60% of a persons income go to President Obama, but if we don't fix HC then it will go to the insurance companies!!

why do you come here spewing your hateful neocon stupidity, your Obama hating, America hating words are making me puke and I'm fucking sick of you!! Good by LINDA!!!

The Wool Cupboard said...

That's what I like about you, Sue. You can sure dish out the hate-filled accusations, but you can't stand it when someone throws facts your way.

I think I've been very civil. I've not called anyone a single name and I think I have laid out my concerns about our current administration in pretty clear fashion. It just seems that you and others of the liberal persuation are not interested in anyone else's opinion or even in the facts. You just want your happy little Obama love-fest day after boring day.

In true facist fashion, you can shut up everyone's views but your own and live in your Obama "utopia", but trust me...there will come a day when it is too late, that you will realize how foolish the liberal agenda has been. The unfortunate part will be that you will no longer have the freedom to express your shocked anquish to anyone. No one will care. Think about it.

Sue said...

you have not stated one single truthful fact Linda. You are all about Becks talking points, you sound just like dimwitted lisa!

I do feel bad for losing my temper, but I don't believe a word you say so you might as well give up!