Friday, November 13, 2009

despicable fearmongering neocons, please watch!!

I am outraged at the rightwingnutfucks who are so hysterically trying to claim President Obama wants the trial in NY so all the dirt on the SHRUB and his Dick can come out during the trial therefore causing a mistrial, or even worse, the terrorists will go free because liberals are too fuckin NICE!!! Rethugs want these trials secret, they don't want the families to see the murderers found guilty?? They want a military tribunal. Well sorry fuckers, the world will see this trial, they will see we will find these terrorists guilty and they will face punishment. After 8 years waiting for these terrorists to finally have their day in court, it's President Obama who is doing it! So go ahead you nutfucks, FEAR, FEAR, FEAR!!!!!


Annette said...

We have tried almost 200 terrorists in open trials in this country before.. I don't see how these are any different.. one of the things they always say is that these aren't military like our military are and therefore aren't subject to the Geneva Convention and such.. so why would they be subject to Military Tribunals either?

If Pres. Obama had said he was going to hold Tribunals they would be saying no they wanted them tried in open court.

Frodo, still thinks McCain a fool, said...

Annette, Frodo is not an attorney, but you should be. You are absolutely on point. These are not "Soldiers of Allah," these are merely hoodlums of the worst kind. They wear no uniform, they salute no flag. They may be "Bloods," or they may be "Crips," but that does not entitle them to the confines of military jurisprudence.

Frodo, however, would like to volunteer for jury duty.

Sue said...

thank you Annette and Frodo! Linda had me ready to punch someone so I was heated to say the least and rambled on without direction and a sensible train of thought, but you came to my rescue! Did you see what she had the nerve to say to me?? Check out the Bush video!

Karen said...

"despicable fearmongering neocons"

Is there any other kind!?! :o)

Tao Dao Man said...

Please remember one thing. TORTURE will come up again, and again, during these trials. ? ? ? ? Will the defense be privy to all of the " enhanced interrogation methods" that were done to their clients? ? ? ? IF any of these cases are thrown out of court because of that then there will be no one to blame but Yoo, SHRUBSTER, and CHENEY and the rest of the psychopaths. They initiated it, and they condoned it.

Sue said...

I hear ya RZ. I'm confident these terrorists will be convicted, unlike Linda, who thinks liberals will be soft on them. How hilarious, she sounds just like limpballs himself!

Tao Dao Man said...

This could open up a huge can of worms. It could revolve around torture, and not 9/11. The Cheney crew is probably already trying to figure out who to throw under the bus.
OBL has never been indicted for 9/11. Even on his FBI most wanted poster 9/11 is not mentioned. There is no factual evidence about OBL'S whereabouts since Tora Bora. WHY ??? because he is dead, and has been dead.

Jerry Critter said...

Part of me, a small part, almost hopes that he get off. If he does, it won't be because "liberals are too nice". It will be because of the insane policies of Bush and Cheney that fucked up the whole process.

Of course, financially, it has worked out pretty good for their buddies.

Tao Dao Man said...

check out the shrubsters former attorney generals comment at the end of this.

They are all running scared. they know what this will bring out. Gitmo was their form of entertainment. now it will be their undoing. These NEOCON PSYCHOPATHS will be squirming in their own drivel hoping their names do not come up. Mukassey will not like this one bit. He had to of been in the loop.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Holder is asking for the death penalty which all good neocons adore. And these thugs have been in custody for eight years. Now these idiots think we have to hurry up and military tribunalize and execute them? The most frustrating thing about stupid neocons is their inability to see their own stupidity. Unfortunatly, in a world with 7 billion people, there are always plenty of equally stupid to cheer them on.

Frodo, Keeper of the Ring said...

RealityZone, would you please simply step back and read what you have written herein. Wait a little while, and then respond, if you so desire. What you have done is an affront to all those of us who believe that this is a great country and that we are a good and just people. You have accepted the argument that a judicial system, or a full one-third of the power and authority rendered by our Constitution, which has existed for what will soon be three centuries, could prove incapable of any challenge, much less that offered by murder and crimes against humanity.
Frodo argues that, as much as he may decry the status of the legal profession, Frodo believes that the process is the best ever devised since Adam bit the apple. Frodo understands your anxiety, he, too, thinks OJ Simpson is a murdering sack of shit, but he is unable to accept that the pledge of "life, honour, and sacred fortune" of those deemed the Founding Fathers cannot withstand this test.
What, if not in the principle that all are judged equally before the law, is it that you do believe?
Let the process begin, and let all the world sit in judgment, not only of the monsters, but of those who are a part of the foremost of all social contracts. It is an obligation that demands public performance in open court.

Anonymous said...

Helloooo...... Mr. President, are you listening??

If so, who the hell are you listening to?
Because you are destroying this country daily. But then again, I think that's your plan. It seems to me that he really hates America and wants to put us in chaos.
We're giving enemy combatants all the protections inherent in the Constitution? Obama; you are an anti-American, terrorist sympathizing, coward!

Jerry Critter said...

So AAG, are you saying that the Constitution only applies to people you like?

Sue said...

well well ms All American girl who served in Iraq, Of course by your comment slamming our president you are a Bush/Cheney supporter and a supporter of the war, Right? Well you of all people should see it's not our current president but our previous one who we can blame for the fuckin messes around the globe. Every step Holder has taken to bring these terrorists to trial in NY is constitutional. They will be tried and convicted so I don't know what the fuckin hell you are so scared of! Get over yourself!!

Tao Dao Man said...

@Frodo; Perhaps you should reread my comments one more time in sequence, with an open mind. I believe you might have misunderstood some of my meaning. Especially the part of the neocon fright to flight.

Annette said...

RZ, if torture does come up so what.. don't you think they have thought of that? I am sure that AG Holder has more evidence to use at trial to convict KSM and the others on than what would have been gotten from torture.. besides from what I read of the transcripts of the reports that were released, there wasn't any intelligence garnered by the waterboarding and torture anyway. If that is the case, it is a moot point.. the only good thing about getting the torture brought into the trial by the defense will be to get it into the record and used against Bush and Cheney at their trials.

See how that works.. I actually think this is a plan in action.. Once torture is in a court record and is introduced in trial it becomes evidence.. and can be used against another defendant.

There ya go.. instantly you have on the record a way to get Cheney and Bush into court. Also Alberto.. former AG who will lose his law license if he refuses to testify.. so will Yoo and all the rest of the attorneys.. what better way to get them on the record and in court.

Tao Dao Man said...

I guess i am not expressing myself correctly. Nothing would please me more than to see these guys get nailed for 9/11, and the other guys to get nailed for the torture that they brought up and condoned. What i am afraid of is that as soon as it comes up, --it goes down---. In other words it gets thrown out, or non admissable. No further testimony, no nothing. They left a paper trail. Starting with Yoo, and the Cheney basement blaCK/ops. The Shrubster knew. Just as Abu Graib came from the top down. No one was held accountable, NO ONE. The FBI warned the CIA, and the WH about this. The medal of freedom winner TENET needs to be frog marched into court. imo, he will talk. He was not happy with the shrub/vader regime toward the end.