Monday, November 16, 2009

Get the story right or don't say anything!

I have seen a few conservative blogs claiming President Obama wants to "slow down" the investigation of the Fort Hood murders. They are of course trying to insinuate something sinister, like Hasan is a Muslim.... therefore Obama being Muslim......there HAS to be a connection.....
They have accused the President of wanting to go real slow so the public will eventually forget about it, it'll be taken off the front pages..... and well you can just imagine what they are assuming!

I actually got this from The header said...OBAMA URGES CONGRESS TO DELAY FORT HOOD INVESTIGATION:
President Obama on Saturday urged Congress to hold off on any investigation of the Fort Hood rampage until federal law enforcement and military authorities have completed their probes into the shootings at the Texas Army post, which left 13 people dead.

On an eight-day Asia trip, Obama turned his attention home and pleaded for lawmakers to "resist the temptation to turn this tragic event into the political theater." He said those who died on the nation's largest Army post deserve justice, not political stagecraft.

"The stakes are far too high," Obama said in a video and Internet address released by the White House while the president was flying from Tokyo to Singapore, where Pacific Rim countries were meeting.

Isn't it so typical of these moron, conservative, Obama hating bloggers to twist and turn upside down a story that says NOT ONE THING that they are claiming!

President Obama said in his weekly address to the nation...

"There is an ongoing investigation into this terrible tragedy. That investigation will look at the motives of the alleged gunman, including his views and contacts. As I said in Fort Hood, I am confident that justice will be done, and I will insist that the full story be told. That is paramount, and I won’t compromise that investigation today by discussing the details of this case. But given the potential warning signs that may have been known prior these shootings, we must uncover what steps – if any – could have been taken to avert this tragedy.

On the Thursday evening that this tragedy took place, I met in the Oval Office with Secretary of Defense Gates, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – Admiral Mullen, and FBI Director Mueller to review the immediate steps that were necessary to support the families and secure Fort Hood. The next morning, I met with the leadership of our military and the intelligence community, and ordered them to undertake a full review of the sequence of events that led up to the shootings.

The purpose of this review is clear: We must compile every piece of information that was known about the gunman, and we must learn what was done with that information. Once we have those facts, we must act upon them. If there was a failure to take appropriate action before the shootings, there must be accountability. Beyond that – and most importantly – we must quickly and thoroughly evaluate and address any flaws in the system, so that we can prevent a similar breach from happening again. Our government must be able to act swiftly and surely when it has threatening information. And our troops must have the security that they deserve.

I know there will also be inquiries by Congress, and there should. But all of us should resist the temptation to turn this tragic event into the political theater that sometimes dominates the discussion here in Washington. The stakes are far too high." (END)

There you have it, the President will NOT drag this out and delay. What he is saying to Congressmen, obstructionist neocons, is stay the hell out of it if you are planning on turning this story into something it is not just for political grandstanding!


Infidel753 said...

Isn't it so typical of these moron, conservative, Obama hating bloggers

Well, yes, it is. Were you perhaps expecting something different?

TomCat said...

The more information that is made public right now, the better a claim Hasan has that he cannot get a fair trial. As much as the MSM wants to try him in the press, let's let the justice system take its course. Then the Congressional investigation can proceed.

Sue said...

NO Infidel, of course we have to expect these kinds of things.

Tom these bloggers are saying Obama wants to delay because "Maybe he is afraid of what will come out in the investigation". Typical rethugs just trying to tie the president in with something sinister. They are disgusting and way off base here!

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

President Obama has probably forgotten more law than any of these arm chair critics has even taken the time to learn.

The guy was a constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago- so he probably knows one or two things that the Usual Suspects can't even pronounce.

Sometimes I think the "other side" looks for their spokespersons from people who identify with a certain beer know, "Real Men of Genius".

Or women for that matter.

Darren Lenard Hutchinson said...

I am with Infidel. After "bow-gate," they have proven themselves to have nothing to offer except for negativity and distortion.

TomCat said...

Sue, I understand. Presenting the real reasons is the best defense against their lies.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps this person could be president one day: