Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Breaking News.....

Official: Obama rejects war options

A senior administration official says the president doesn't plan to accept any of the Afghanistan plans. Full story


Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

And the GOP will line up to pounce on the Prez.

I only say one thing...get it right, then move forward. Because our military cannot get bogged down in for another decade in this quicksand- we won't sink, but will be stuck in a quagmire just like every invader since Alexander the Great 2,300 years ago.

A tough decision....and I'm glad Barack is making the decision rather than Those Who Shall Remain Nameless.

Also....not one penny for the conduct of the war in Afghanistan until the extension of medical benefits- held up by Sen. Coburn of Oklahoma- goes through. Our wounded and their families need and deserve this. That little Oklahoma piss-ant is is playing political cheerleader while our troops are coming home in pain and suffering...and NOW he frets about how to pay for their medical bills.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I would love to see a resolution before Congress demanding a tax increase to pay for the occupations or the Troops come home. Let the republicans vote no on that one. In one swoop it would prove they are chicken hawks and don't really care about fiscal responsibility. Not that we need any more proof.

The Wool Cupboard said...

President Obama is losing so much support from all sides that he can't afford to anger his base. He will sit on this and keep pretending to consider "all options" until something catastrophic happens to force the issue. Isn't it wonderful to have a strong, decisive president who ignores all the polls and just does what's right?

B.J. said...

It will be interesting to see how this all plays out. BJ

Sue said...

It is such a different feeling to have a president who thinks about the consequences of his decisions when it comes to American lives and war. I wonder how long independants will give Obama before turning their backs and going back to the past 8 years with warmongering and decisions not based on lives of Americans. Would we be fighting 3 wars if McCain was prez?? I believe Obama wants out of Afghanistan, he needs to do it the right way.

Tao Dao Man said...

One of the main factors was that the Afghan Ambassador told Obama NOT to send more troops. The Karzai govt. is in turmoil. Seymour Hersh said that Karzai's mental capacity might be in question. Shillary and her covert state dept. are beating the war drums, and approving of Bibi and the israeli settlements. She has teamed up with Patreus, and Mc Chrystal. This will come to a head. I said from the beginning that having shillary as his sec. of state was the biggest foreign policy he ever made. I agree with 101 on the tax increase. yay, or nay.

TomCat said...

Great news. Next step is to sack McChrystal.