Wasn't today Oprahs interview with Sarah Palin?? I forgot, damn...
Why are we giving this empty-headed moron air time anyway?? Why has MSM gone bonkers reporting about this hideous book?? The majority of sane America despises her. I wish she would fade away into the woodwork, or how about another far away country, somewhere, far far away....
I'm bored with the story, I sure hope Keith doesn't talk about her tonight, he probably will. In fact he'll probably do a 15 minute rant.
I'd much rather hear about Lizard Cheney and her comment on Fox Sunday morning. She said "Cheney 2012". I don't know if she meant herself or her evil twin, daddy. Did anybody see the show or read anything about it? Can you imagine, Dick the M F 'er actually thinking he could be president?? Maybe this could get the ball rolling with Obamas administration and put the fucker behind bars. Would he, could he, campaign in prison...??
Time for Countdown!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Sarah Palin is an American citizen and, as such, has every right to give her opinion no matter if everyone agrees with it, or if no one agrees. Democrats always want to shut people up...to take away their right to free speech. I disagree with about 100% of everything said on this blog, but I would not take away your right to dish out your hatred and vitriol. It is pretty sad to think that you are advocating the silencing of more than 50% of the American population.
Sarah Palin puts forth more wisdom in one paragraph of her writings than the whole bunch of you giving ALL your ideas...and that is my honest opinion.
of course she has a right to write a book of lies and go on Oprah, and the MSM has a right to talk endlessly about her, but frankly she bores me to death so I have a right to say that...
WISDOM???? The book is lies and that is being said by those whos names are in the book. I have not nor will I read it so I'm just relaying what I heard.
Linda, I'm a dedicated democrat and I fully support sarah's right to free speech. The last thing I would ever want would be be for sarah to shut up. She is priceless!
A cheney/palin 2012 ticket would be a dream come true! Go sarah Go! Talk sarah talk.. talk..talk and then talk some more and certainly she should write more books and facebook updates and twitter too. I absolutely enjoy watching the GOP ejaculate all over themselves.
Susan LOLOL!! Yes, Palin can talk her silly ass off, I'll just tune her out thats all!
oh, I will read it. most likely borrow it in a few months from a co-worker. What you just said Sue is exactly what the Republicans always say... and it is sooo closed minded. Remember Repugs don't watch michael moore movies, read bush-era whistleblower books, etc. I don't want to act like them...I don't like them.
Susan, I am not close-minded. I have listened to talk about the book and saw clips of the Oprah interview all week, thats all I need to satisfy any curiosity of this hyped up conservative moron. I am way too busy!!
PLUS... this book is not a book that gives any views on policy, or current events etc. Its full of whining and personal family stuff that does not interest me in the least. Its a fictional book of a wanna be celebrity figure.
I didn't mean to call YOU closed minded...I think it came across wrong. I was inferring that Repukies are the ones who refuse to read anything that isn't rubber stamped by the RNC. It is so frustrating trying to carry on a conversation with these people when they strickly adhere to the reading lists manufactured by FOX and their view of the world is defined by beck/hannity/rush...oh what a better world it would be if people sought out their own point of view.
Well, lets face it... Sarah "I Can See Russia From My House" Palin, resigned from her governorship to make money and that's exactly what she's doing with the help of the MSM giving her an over abundance of free publicity.
I'm enjoying the bickering between her and McCain's "the fundamentals of our economy are strong" camp!! It's very entertaining.
Gotcha Susan. The difference with Michale Moore movies and Palins book is he tells us what is wrong with our government, and alot of the time he is not partisan in his arguments. Rethugs can't watch or read anything negative said about themselves even when it's proven factual. Palins book is a review of her failed campaign and her life story and I don't give a damn about it at all.
Karen I have a short attention span and I've heard enough about the bimbo bitch.
I woke early, got my coffee and have spent the last two hours or so, reading and mulling over your last three posts. To comment on everything, I would have to spend the rest of the day.
Let me just say you are familiar with my post, “It’s not personal, it’s business,” and can just imagine how disturbed I’ve been over right-wing wackos in this country.
Both your words and those in the comments have set me to thinking about several issues, which will probably result in posts of my own. This is a compliment to you.
More and more I see a need to distance myself from the insanity prevailing in the far-right in this country. One of your commenters said the right doesn’t want to read facts, and I have found that to be the absolute truth. The ignorance is staggering, yet anyone with intelligence and the ability to reason is belittled as “elitist.”
There is a cancer growing in this country, and it will be a test of its strength to survive.
Keep convincing yourselves because after these last 10 months anyone is going to be more popular than what we have now.
I guess the NJ nd VA elections didn't tell you anything?
I am voting for Michelle Bachman because she is for the American people. In other words she kisses up to her people not other countries.
And I quote Michael Corrleone "Never take sides against the family"
Good Morning Sue! I can't imagine why in the world people are so interested in the Ice Princess, Sarah. Honestly, she is no different in any way from my neighbor who loves to gossip, makes things up about people, has a daughter who gave birth out of wedlock and quits all of her jobs when she thinks they've become too hard. She has no intellectual curiosity and has limited knowledge of politics or of anything of substance. She even attends the same kind of evangelical church that Sarah does. These two women are both narcissists who believe the world revolves around them. Both are boring as hell and neither one of them could ever come close to being President of the United States.
lisa you aren't from Bachmanns state so how will you vote for her, do you mean for president?? Bwaaahaaaahaaaaa
Nancy I feel sorry for you having a neighbor like Palin, isn't she just pathetic?? LOL!!
BJ I look forward to your new posts!
Hmmmm....that's interesting that anyone would use the words of a mafia king to justify their feelings toward our president who is trying to heal the wounds caused by the cowboy president.
Sue - The only difference between Sarah Palin and my neighbor is that my neighbor didn't write a revenge book...yet!
At least Sarah Palin quit for the betterment of her state because of people who keep up the constant attacks by the nasty and virile left on her that she was wasting time and money that should be going to her state. Of course not wasting money isn't in this administration's vocabulary.
Aren't you glad our GM bailout money is creating jobs in China.
Not to mention the 1 billion they just lost.
Yep keep smiling towards the abyss.
Nancy there are no words... I just let her ramble til I get to the boiling point then I start deleting, I'm almost there. I wanted to display her stupidity just a little longer!
lisa if an elected leader of any state or country quit because they were being ridiculed there would be nobody left! Shes a lowlife moron and you all should be embarrassed to keep defending her!!
Quit for the betterment of her state? I thought it was for the betterment of herself. And speaking of attacks, she did and does a fair amount of attacking on her own. By stating Obama "pals around with terrorists" and allowing people in her rallies to yell out "Kill him!", "terrorist" and yell the N word - she brought attacks on herself. She is not an honorable person. If I did the same amount of name-calling she did, I would deserve to have it come back at me ten-fold.
I choose to not see our future as an abyss, but to look at life in a positive manner. Republicans always think the world is going to hell in a hand basket when a Democrat is in office and it never does. Life is to be honored, not disparaged as some on the right are doing right now. Why is it so necessary to be enemies with fellow citizens? I'm sorry. I just don't get the hatred.
Sue~ Yes, it's real that Prez O is 'Leader of the Year' in GQ. I forgot to hyperlink the header with the story... it's done now!
the right are nothing but obstructionist fearmongers. They thrive on scaring people into voting for them. After the last 8 horrific years of horrendous rethuggery leadership(and I use that word leadership lightly) you would hope the country has grown and evolved, but sometimes I have my doubts, especially with the very fickle independants.
Mooseolini may be the Reich's 2012 nominee. As long as that possibility remains, she'll get lots of press.
Tom, I sure as hell hope our country has more brains then to nominate HER!! Yes even tho I'm talking about wingnuts!
just think Sue, if the repugs do nominate Sarah in 2012, it will validate everything we already know about them...
Its a horrifying thought Susan! I guess I don't have much faith in the American people. For our country to have a president Palin would be like a Twilight Zone program!
I'm just interested to know what terrible, horrible, unforgivable thing that Sara Palin has done to incite such hatred by the left? Can anyone answer that question? As far as I can tell, she has been a loving wife and mother, a successful mayor, and a successful governor who fought corruption in BOTH parties in her state and brought financial surplus to Alaska. Why do libs hate someone who seems to be so well respected in her own state? Just facts, please. Your baseless "feelings" about her are irrelevant.
I believe the truth is she is despised by Alaskans
Just got back from FactCheck. I didn't see nor do I ever remember seeing a video. I did see a slide show. When you click on Palin's slide, it takes you to lots and lots of informative info about her.
If you want to find more about her, type her name in the search box and then hit enter. Elementary, my dear.
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