Friday, November 13, 2009

The Shrub speaks, or at least tries to...

Keith sarcasticly says 'don't laugh' at pieces of the Bush video, but I did and you will too. Also you will probably be sickened by his words and his smirkiness. Afterall this Shrub is responsible in part for 2 wars, thousands of American deaths, hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, and an economy that almost (and still could) spiraled us to Hell. Listen carefully to what Bush says about free markets and what Keith and Alter respond with. Also Alter talks about 8 failed years in Afghanistan and the weight on Obamas shoulders because of it. President Obama is being thorough and thoughtful on a strategy to get us out of the quagmire, I trust he will do the right thing. As for the Shrub, how he can stand in the publics view and laugh and joke, PLUS put down this current president and his administrations monumental tasks at hand, is just the most sickening display of idiocrisy I have ever seen. May you rot in Hell Mr. Bush.


Jerry Critter said...

I liked the ttle that Keith has for this video:


How appropriate.

Oso said...

Hi Sue,
I agree, may Bush rot in hell.he's got the blood of tens of thousands on his hands.After 9/11 we needed a statesman but only had a clown.

Frustrating to hear him use economic terminology as if it's something he understands. Like a child using a phrase she heard her parents use,only not cute.

Nice post,thanks.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

It's no wonder thre right gets mad when we remind them it was Bush that got us into the unending occupations and financial meltdown of our, and the world's, economies.

They think reminding us of Jimmy Carter makes them even. Carter got the hostages home safe and had the good sense to stop trying to be a hero with military solutions after the rescue mission failed.

Sue said...

thanks guys. Words of Wisdumb, appropriate indeed!

Carter, in my eyes, is an honorable man who can be proud of his accomplishments after his presidency. Bush can't ever come close, he might try to improve his image but he will fail. The blood is drip, drip, dripping...

The Wool Cupboard said...
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Sue said...

I am NOT filled with hate as you presume me to be Linda. And a miserable wretch?? Wow how mean of you! Of course you don't want President Obama to rot in hell, he has no blood on his hands, why should you!

IMO Fort Hood tradgedy was not a terrorist attack. And what neocons are screaming about with the upcoming trial in NY is a disgraceful show of hypocritical INSANITY!! How dare you say the disgusting things about us wanting the terrorists to get off scott free. You better watch your fuckin mouth and the hateful stupid things you say here, your true miserable hateful self is making me fuckin ILL!!!

Jerry Critter said...

Linda, Too bad Bush did not do a better job of protecting us BEFORE 9/11.

Annette said...

What Linda fails to recognize and fails to acknowledge in her little diatribe is that the so called terrorist who shot the people at Fort Hood.. fomented his hatred and all his weird habits under her beloved Bush and Cheney.. Pres. Obama had nothing to do with it.. So for her to say it was Pres. Obama's fault is just way off base.

Annette said...

Sorry, forgot my comment for answering Linda's stupidity...

I refuse to listen to this crap.. I had to listen to this jerk for 8 years while he was our president.. I don't have to listen to him now.. I was so ticked yesterday because MSNBC and Tweety cut off Pres. Obama in Alaska to show some of this crap and talk about him... it was disgusting and vile.. I couldn't believe it.

Sue said...

Linda wouldn't recognize her ass from a hole in the wall. fuck off Linda

The Wool Cupboard said...
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Sue said...

yes I am rendered speechless by your lack of consideration for myself and my guests. You are becoming another Beck/Limbaugh spewing hateful twit, please leave me alone

The Wool Cupboard said...
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The Wool Cupboard said...

Annette ~ So because the terrorist (who has always been a Muslim, BTW, developed his hatred for Americans during the Bush administration, that makes Bush responsible for this murderer's actions??? Another liberal who blames Bush for everything...what a surprise!!!

The Wool Cupboard said...

"You are becoming another Beck/Limbaugh spewing hateful twit,"

Why, Sue, you've hurt my little feelings!

Sue said...

Really?? Good

Sue said...

Annette never said Bush was responsible, she just said the hatred happened under is regime. See how you twist words, you all do it Linda!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ What part of your investigation of the Fort Hood attack proved to you that it was not a terrorist attack?