While watching the evening news my local station had a segment about the upcoming terrorist trial in NY. He said the republicans are AFRAID (there's alot of that going around lately) the trial being in NY, instead of secretly hidden away in military tribunals, will give the terrorists a platform to spew their hate. I thought to myself, Hmmmmmm, isn't that what we give the republicans every day?? A PLATFORM TO SPEW THEIR HATE!! HYPOCRITES!!!
If they were honest they would tell us their only fear is for a dem president to show he is tough on terror. They are petrified for a dem president to do what they couldn't.....fuckers
Never Forget!
*"Don't take for granted how quiet the Capitol will be today.*
*It's because today in America, tragically, only one party respects
elections. The other...
1 week ago
I guess we should be use to such hypocritical behavior for the republicans. Most recently:
Trying to prevent health insurance payment for abortions while provide abortion coverage in their health care
Railing about "death panels" while their own health care insurance pays for end-of-life counseling.
And of course let's not forget:
Saying they are fiscally conservative while running up massive debt by waging wars and not paying for them.
Supporting family values while having extra-marital affairs and homosexual encounters.
This is just the tip of the list of republican hypocritical behavior. I am sure many more examples can be added.
Republicans have no credibility. Their political capital is ZERO!
Good one Jerry!! They are HUGE HYPOCRITES and those are great examples!!
you now how ridiculous this is that we are supposed to be a nation of laws and the president is saying we already know they will be put to death.
Can you just name me just 2 or 3 good reasons why they want to have this trail in NY?
Thank goodness we have the party of tolerance in charge now of curse unless you disagree with them,they don't like you or you are a threat to them, then you get Alinsky'd.
Here are a couple of reasons.
1. The World Trade Center is in the Federal Southern District of New York which puts the 9/11 attacks under the Southern District's jurisdiction.
2. The staff of the U.S. attorney's office for the Southern District of New York has gained considerable knowledge and expertise prosecuting terror cases over the years, just as the U.S. Marshals Service Special Operations Group (SOG) has gained much experience providing security for those trials. It was in the Southern District of New York in 1995 that Omar Abdel Rahman, aka the Blind Sheikh, was tried for the so-called Landmarks Plot of 1993 and received a life sentence.
Read more about it here.
Shouldn't the guy who bombed the Cole then be tried in Yemen?
Also they may have to reveal classifed information that would be better left to a military trial but then again I think Holder really wants to put the CIA on trial being the president already said they will be executed.
Oh no Capital Punishment! I thought liberals were against that.
They would prefer to put Sarah Palin on trial in a Military Tribunal.
The danger is that this has never happened before and these enemy combatants were not read miranda rights BECAUSE they are not citizens of the US. They should not be tried in our criminal court system, because their actions were acts of WAR not crime. This will be a media circus which will expose classified information to our enemies (you are stupid if you think this won't happen) and will only embolden our enemies to seek "justice" for their encarceration. Eric Holder in in over his head and is foolish! We can only hope someone with a brain can stop this moronic plan before it does permanent damage to the US.
Jerry C ~ WHERE did you get your FACTS to support your accusations of republican hypocrisy? I'm not talking about someone's opinion on some blog somewhere...I'm asking for REAL sources.
You do realize that an example of one or two hypocrits does not prove widespread hypocracy, don't you? If this were not the case, then democrats would be in a ton of trouble!!!
My examples are common knowledge and well publicized in the press. Look them up for yourself if you have never heard of them.
Linda, once again your info from FOX is FALSE!! This has happened before close to 200 terrorists have been to trial. (not sure the exact number). The miranda rights question was answered this week, they were read their rights in Cuba before entering prison. Eric Holder knows EXACTLY what he is doing, why do you think you are smarter than he?? You are spewing false claims and I don't like it on my blog!! Democrats KNOW what they are doing, you are a fool!!
Thanks for answering linda and lisa's questions Jerry!
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