How embarrassing for New Jersey residents to see Gov. Chris Christie in California beating up on a voter at a Meg Whitman town hall! Who the hell does this buffoon think he is and why did he have to speak for Whitman?? First of all the man in the audience, Ed Buck, just simply asked Whitman if she was gonna answer questions, and when he didn't get an answer he asked more forcefully but was respectful and inbounds. Whitman has not answered any questions from the voters and has not talked to the press.So what's the problem?? How can you run for office and not answer questions at a town hall??? She invites bully Christie to come speak for her because she can't speak?? Give me a break!!
Talking to reporters after the event, Whitman said she figured Buck was planted in the audience by her opponents. How hilarious is that??!! Ed Buck was on Ed Schultz tonight (my reason for being fired up of course!) He said he is a multi-millionaire and wanted to talk with Whitman about tax cuts for the rich. He says he does not need a tax cut and cares about things like crumbling infrastructure and education. So wow, big fat fuckin Christie has to get in Bucks face wagging his finger and telling Buck to sit down and shut up. Isn't this what the right is accusing the left of doing, stifling free speech??!!! Buck says he is a republican but would NOT vote for Whitman! Good for you Ed Buck!!
Not only is tubby a bully but he's also a hypocrite...where was he when the rightwing nuts were screaming and disrupting town halls during the healthcare debates?? Give me a fuckin break....
What is it with wingnuts and their LOVE for buffoon Chris Christie?? I don't get it. He is a bully. He stands up and belittles anyone who disagrees with him. His policies are Bush policies and are Bad news for us in NJ. He hates teachers, he HATES unions, he LOVES the rich and gives them the tax breaks while cutting billions from education! He hates kids too I guess.
Mormons love Chris Christie, WHY?? Why do people in Utah and Arizona care about my governor? Glenn Beck loves Chris Christie and does a segment on his radio show every day especially for Christie. Bully Beck loves Bully Christie. UGH!!!!!
thanks for letting me vent.....
Leslie has another incident of rightie violence here , its a good one!
Hey! Why isn't anyone talking about Chemtrails (Contrails) anymore?
Look I know RFK Jr is in the midst of making a Measles outbreak in
Texas become a full-blown Nationwide epidemic but, why isn't he moving on
17 minutes ago
Corrupt democrats have flushed the great state of New Jersey down the toilet, Christie is grabbing a plunger. Some people can be so ungrateful.
He stood up for a lady against another angry liberal. What a gentleman.
SF!! That is bullshit!! Ed Buck is a republican and Whitman just lost his vote. All he wanted was some questions answered and she didn't want to take questions from the audience. The guy did not get angry! Christie will be a one term gov. he is a bully and cares not one bit about NJ except for the rich sector in N Jersey. I live here I know what the dems did for NJ. The corruption came from the years of republican gov. rule. We can especially thank Christie Whitman! Hey look at that, another Christie and Whitman!
I tell ya, the Buggers are losing it. Go see my latest. I'm loving it. Ummm, if you can't stand the heat . . . .
I love it too Leslie! Yea, the violence is gonna come from the left...
What's really amazing is Christie told Buck the screaming at town halls is dividing America. Where was he last year with all the screaming banshees on the right??
I'm going to link from my article to yours.
Somebody give SF a reading comprehension class. ; )
My first thought when I saw that was, if she can't take getting a question asked of her, and has to have some blowhard like Christie come to her defense, how is she going to work as Governor of California?
The first time the members of Congress disagree with her, or question something she says is she going to have to call someone to bail her out? Oh wait, that's what Baby Blunt did here in Missouri... he had to have extra body guards around him to protect him from the handicapped and disabled who protested his cuts to Medicaid... had chains put on the door and kept them out while he escaped out the back and ran away rather than answer some tough questions.
OMG Annette that is horrific!
Christie had 2 body guards near him during his finger pointing lecture with Ed Buck... what a bunch of idiots...
thanks Leslie! I'll do the same for your post...
"Corrupt democrats have flushed the great state of New Jersey down the toilet, Christie is grabbing a plunger. Some people can be so ungrateful."
SF....what you know about New Jersey politics can be put into a thimble and there would be room for the Chinese Army.
I'll put it another way...Sue and I have forgotten more about Jersey politics than you probably know now, or probably ever know.
But don't take it personally.
Florio, Whitman, DiFrancesco, McGreevey, Coadey, Corzine, Christie....not a law firm, the last seven governors of New Jersey- four Dems, three Republicans. And it was Christie Whitman and her tax cuts that started the snowball rolling down hill in 1994. It got her elected, but she never cut she borrowed from the public employee pension funds to balance the budget to avoid a deficit.
BTW, she's a Republican.
And New Jersey borrowed from the fund to balance the budget for years....under Dems, and the GOP. They were equal opportunity offenders. There was a surplus in the pension fund for years, and municipalities deferred payments to that pension fund from 1997-2003- years New Jersey was Governed by Whitman and Don DiFrancesco (another Republican).
And you know what? Because of all of that borrowing, economic downturns, more retirees entering the pension system, and because of Christie's short sightedness in the big picture of what his cuts would do to our cities and towns, New Jersey municipalities will now have to pay an average of 22% more to the state's pension system. So much for reduction of property taxes.
Of course, Christie's team blew the $400 million Race To The Top funds...then Chris blamed the President and Washington for it's failure- and when Bret Schundler, his commissioner of education, told Christie that Christie was mistaken, Christie threw Schundler under the bus by saying he was lied to, and fired Schundler.
And then theres' the case of the New Jersey's film industry....BOARDWALK EMPIRE's producers wanted to shoot it in Asbury Park. But Christie and Company did away with New Jersey's tax credit for film BOARDWALK EMPIRE is filmed in Brooklyn; New York has a tax credit.
LAW AND ORDER;SVU pulled up stakes in NJ and moved to New York after 11 years because Christie took away the tax credit. And at least two other film productions that were based in New Jersey had to be moved to other states because of the loss of the tax credit.
There was a film and TV industry in New Jersey before Christie...and now it's gone the way of the Passenger Pigeon.
But Chris Christie, and his bluster, makes good video for YouTube, and gives the Republicans a hard on.
Yelling at a guy because he is yelling makes sense, right? Chris acts like somebody's crazy uncle. And where the hell was Christie when the Tea Party was interrupting and shouting down the town halls in New Jersey in the summer of 2009?
Strangely silent.
Yeah, a "uniter" you want to buy a to the set of BOARDWALK EMPIRE.
that about says it all Hugh! Thanks!
Hugh - you go for it, guy. And thanks for the info.
Silverfiddle needs to get out and get some sun and fresh air...too many hours behind a keyboard can make you crazy...
SF is supposedly a vet and supposedly lives in Colorado...which means that he is gonna vote for BUCK who wants to privatize the VA!
I say VOTE BUCK! Privatize the VA, privatize Vet Benefits, privatize Social Security...hell, while we are at it...privatize the Pentagon...Blackwater could do a really smashing job there...
Oh and to people like christie...when he talks about bringing people together that means "sit down, shut up, and listen to me..."
That is pretty much how Meg sees things too!
TAO, when I started to read your comment I stopped at SF is a vet, I said to myself, 'SF is a veterinarian?? I didn't know that'...
DUH! Don't repeat that or my bloggy friends will think I'm
mr. lisa said, between shots of some strong stuff,
He stood up for a lady against another angry liberal. What a gentleman.
One thing is for certain, Mr. Lisa-you are consistent in your spewing of the methane. Someday, we may even need you and those like you to produce the energy sources of the future.
Silverfiddle immediately and irrevocably removed himself from rational discussion months ago. Everything wrong with America is the fault of Liberalism, including the NeoCons like Bill Kristol and Frank Gaffney who are Liberals to him.
And with this lovely blog post Silverfiddle had a banner with FDR and Hitler together. because according to SF: Chinese and Russian Communism, Italian and German Fascism, and the US Progressive movement embodied in FDR's new deal and Johnson's great society.
President Obama was standing next to Benito Mussolini.
So, when ball swallowing Tea Baggers like SF declare I've never seen Obama =Hitler signs you know he is lying for he has used the imagery himself.
SF is moderate in his comments here, to a point. But when I see his comments on conservative blogs he is extreme teabaggery. Sorry SF, it's true.
One thing that got lost here is that the so-called heckler only asked why Whitman was not answering any of the questions herself.
I'm a Californian. We've had a Rethug governor for far too long - every action movie-watching wingnut came out of the woodwork and voted, and in the recall, very few votes were necessary to get into office. Thus we have Ah-nuld.
As a Californian, I'd like to ask Whitman quite a few questions. Like how will she control her temper so the state doesn't get sued for her pushing around employees. But the real issue is, if she is to expect Californians like me to vote for her in the election, why won't she answer questions? Why won't she speak to the press? And why won't she have the guts to face questions from real Californians, instead sending her minions to do her dirty work? She's running scared, figuring her self-funding will see her through and buy the election. I hope other Californians will see through this bullpuckey. We cannot afford another "I wanna play governor" Ah-nuld-type in office. It will destroy the schools and ruin our great state for good.
yes TC I did say that in the post. Do you mean in the comments? I guess we got fixated on buffoon Christie! :-) Ed Buck was not a heckler like the righties want you to believe. He was simply asking Whitman to answer some questions.
Hi MP! I heard the other day her and Jerry Brown were tied even tho she has outspent him by millions. That's all Multi-Millionaire Ed Buck was trying to do, get her to talk to the voters. Buffoon Christie was like her body guard or something. What a joke he is!
Ah yes, that would be Gov. Christie who recently was caught in a lie when his state lost out on the funding in the "Race To The Top" program sponsored by the Obama administration.
Christie tried to blame the loss on the Obama administration--and that was the first excuse out of his loud mouth. Only problem was that the Obama administration actually tried to help Christie's education dept. get the funding. It was Christie's people who screwed up, and then Christie blamed the Obama administration for his administration's screw-up!
Christie is a bully. And apparently a liar as well.
Just a note regarding the top of your blog: "Anthem Blue Cross and Aetna have announced that they will no longer "offer individual policies in California to any children who don't already have coverage." This is in response to the requirement that health insurance companies may not deny individual policies to children with preexisting conditions.
Is this where the rightwingers recite the Bible verse "suffer the little children"????"
Have you not been paying attention? This is one of the consequences we've been warning about that would start happening as a result of Obamacare. No, we're not for anyone suffering, let alone the children. We're not for the insurance companies pulling stunts like these, but I'm afraid it's just the beginning of bad things that will be happening because of Obamacare.
One of many things like companies dropping health insurance altogether because of the higher costs and just paying the fine because it's cheaper for them.
If this bill is so great why will it still leave 20 million uninsured? And why doesn't it go into affect until 2014?
I know why just want to hear a liberal admit it.
I bet Christie would be a hero if he were defending a liberal woman.
well ya know what senseless, the insurance companies are the villains here, NOT Obamacare. They need to start putting lives before profits or be fined and fined I hope they will be!! There is no excuse in your book or the book of these companies to deny care to ANYONE who is able to pay the premiums, or not pay the premiums if you want to be truthful about all this. Babies will die, now you tell me who cares about babies. I guess the insurance companies only care if they are a fetus in the womb about to be aborted, but not if they are born with a birth defect or become stricken with a disease. That's where they draw the line on care! Stop blaming the healthcare reform, it is meant to save lives but the companies want to punish Obama, bottom line. Profit before lives...fuck them all to hell
how many people did your party claim to cover in their asinine plan lisa??
you can answer this one question JUST ONCE. You will not hijack this thread.
If the democrats are soooo concerned why didn't they just do Universal Health Care then and start coverage now.?
I'll tell you why because there is no money and no plans to pay for it after 10 years.
If Obama was more focused on the economy instead of an agenda and being anti-business then he would of had more support for it,you know when people have actual jobs with money coming in.
More people would be covered if there weren't all these regulations on insurance companies and more regulations on tort reform to help keep health care costs down.
Don't you think it's ridiculous for a doctor to have to pay 50,00 a year for Mal practice insurance?
Or for a lawyer to sue a doctor right out of business?
I bet you don't care if those Mal practice lawyers make big profits.
I have a great idea, lets stop murdering people around the world in endless wars and we'll have enough money to save American lives with universal healthcare. Priorities, that's all it takes...
sounds good to me. We can start with Afgahnistan
Simple enough
it was interesting to read you, thank you and good luck!
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