Friday, November 19, 2010

The GOP and the Games they Play

 Another day, another setback, just another ploy by the GOP to bring our president down. 

These Republicans have no shame, they are willing to put Americas security on the line for political game playing. The ratification of the START treaty should not be controversial, but the GOP is hell bent on making it so! Why? For what reason? The first treaty was ratified in the Senate with overwhelming support from both parties. Well come now, we all know what's behind the the latest GOP scheme. 
The GOP's fringe element of Obama haters, fearing a boost in his popularity numbers, has chosen to put fear into Americans by claiming the treaty will leave only a measly "thousands" of nuclear weapons, and what about our missile defense? We will be rendered defenseless! Oh Horror! This is one of the most disgusting acts of  contempt, and is simply to try and humiliate President Obama. The GOP has it all planned out, do not budge on this START treaty and it will die in the new Congress. Yes folks, the GOP is so willing to destroy the president that they will even play around with our national security. This is your republican party. Well ya know what GOP'ers, it's just another nail in your own coffins cuz your little ploys are not gonna work!

Arizona Senator Jon Kyl is the foot dragger this time. The nerve of this hypocrite! It was just last year he accused the administration of foot dragging on renewing START. He even said on the Senate floor, "for the first time in 15 years an extensive set of verification, notification, elimination and other confidence-building measures will expire." So what's he doing now, he's fighting Obama  on the renewal. It really is hypocrisy at its finest.

From The Washington Post,
Republican leaders have been willing to entertain the notion, common among their base, that the president himself is an existential threat to the country, leaving little room for cooperation. Voting on START means making a choice between indulging the reflexive hatred of their base or acting in the U.S.'s basic national security interests.
The Republican attempt to derail ratification of the new START arms control treaty with Russia is a reminder of just how far the GOP is willing to go merely to deal the president a political defeat.

MOSCOW - Russians are mystified. They can't quite believe the U.S. Senate might fail to ratify the nuclear arms treaty, and they see no good from such an outcome. And to top it off, the United States and it's president would look ridiculous.
   But of course, this is the GOP plan, dontcha know!

Sergei M. Rogov, director of the Institute for U.S. and Canadian Studies, said he had difficulty believing Republicans are serious about killing the New START treaty, even though Republican Sen. Jon Kyl of Arizona said Tuesday there was not enough time to consider it in the lame-duck session. A vote next year makes ratification harder because a loss of Democratic seats means 14 Republican votes will be required for passage rather than nine now.
"In arms control, Russian and American cooperation is crucial," Rogov said. "I really don't think Republicans want to kill arms control."

Well, we'll see. But one thing is for certain, the Republicans care about ONE THING and that is to make Obama a one term president. They think these policy battles will benefit them, how stupid can you be. Their skewed thinking and harmful and dangerous game playing will backfire on them,  IMO.

UPDATE: One sane Republican.....
Today on MSNBC, Sen. Rich Lugar (R-IN) urged Republicans such as Kyl to support the treaty and called on Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) to hold a vote on it in this lame-duck session of Congress:
LUGAR: Please do your duty for your country. We do not have verification of the Russian nuclear posture right now. We’re not going to have it until we sign the START treaty. We’re not going to be able to get rid of further missiles and warheads aimed at us. I state it candidly to my colleagues, one of those warheads…could demolish my city of Indianapolis — obliterate it! Now Americans may have forgotten that. I’ve not forgotten it and I think that most people who are concentrating on the START treaty want to move ahead to move down the ladder of the number of weapons aimed at us.


Leslie Parsley said...

These yahoos really are pathetic. It' like they're tripping all over each other to see who can come up with the stupidest idea of all.

For some reason, this brings to mind one of your headlines that was a hilarious parody on "G.O.P." but I couldn't find it in your archives. A earch engine would be good. : )

Sue said...

is this the one you were looking for?

it's so weird to go back a year and read old posts. I don't even remember writing some of them!

Jerry Critter said...

The republicans are not only willing to risk our national security, they are willing to risk a nuclear terrorist attack on us or another country in the world. They put the whole world at risk of a terrorist nuclear attack because they would rather hand Obama a defeat.

Why is this risking nuclear attack? Russia is a huge source of nuclear material. The START treaty, both the first one and this one, provide for inspection of nuclear material. We have been able to help the Russian keep track of their stuff and prevent it from being sold to terrorists.

This is just another example, in a long line of examples, where republicans put politics above the American people.

Leslie Parsley said...

Sue - nope. It was omething really, really funny and I think it was early on. I prefer search engines to the Archives. Says this old librarian, you can't find anything in the archives and it takes for f'n ever. I took my down.

JC - as always, you're right. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk.

Sue said...

Jerry, either they are such partisan Obama haters they would risk our national security or they think Jesus is coming in 2012 so who cares about nuclear threats. The whole thing is very serious and very much a security issue, the world is watching us and waiting to see which move we make. The GOP is showing the world what they are made of.

TomCat said...

It may go even deeper than that. Republicans have tried, on behalf of criminal corporations, to gain control of the gas reserves in the four independent states collectively known as the Stans. The gas is currently piped to Russia and distributed by GAZPROM, Russia's largest company, and the world's largest energy distributor. Better relations with Russia make snatching the resource more unlikely.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Kudos to Mr. Lugar.

Flying Junior said...

Two things. I would say the real corker is that despite the fact that Brent Scowcroft, James Baker III and Henry, "Dr. Strangelove", Kissinger himself are all standing by the president on this one, the republican caucus still ignores this protective wall of sanity, goodwill and intelligence. Even worse is Kyl's sickening madness and hypocrisy in insisting on a political plum as detrimental and harmful to world peace as the mind-boggling concept of nuclear arsenal modernification.

At the same time that the former Soviet Union just buried tons of nuclear material in the Steppes of Kazakhstan?!? Those stupid, hating partisans! Reagan is turning somersaults in his grave.

Kennedy and Kruschev were not concerned with which side had the more powerful nuclear arsenal. The concern was that even one nuclear device might be exploded over a population of human beings, plants and animals.

Sue said...

mornin guys!

TC, that's a scary story, I had no idea!

Yes Will, one sane republican, isn't it reassuring?

Well said FJ, love it! Yes indeed, fuckin partisan Obama haters. I believe this is the most important issue to show Americans just how sick the republicans are. I hope this is talked about on the Sunday talk shows...

Shaw Kenawe said...

A political party whose only ambition is to defeat an incumbent president has no soul. It cares not for the country and it will reap the disgust and contempt fair-minded citizens have for it.

Holding up the START treaty is just one more piece of evidence of how utterly cynical and useless the GOP has become.

Boehner and McConnell are cowards and contemptible worms.

Sue said...

Shaw I hope the fair-minded citizens turn in masses against the disgusting politics of the GOP.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I thought that Chuck Hagel and Linc Chaffee were (and probably still are) sane, too, Sue. But Chaffee was voted out and Hagel (understandably) got out of Dodge. Too bad.

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

During a 2009 climate change hearing Rep. John Shimkus (Republican from Illinois's 19th district) said...

Quoting Genesis 8:21-22... "Never again will I curse the ground because of man, even though all inclinations of his heart are evil from childhood and never again will I destroy all living creatures as I have done. As long as the earth endures, seed time and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will never cease".

Shimkus' conclusion... "The Earth will end only when God declares it's time to be over. Man will not destroy this Earth. This Earth will not be destroyed by a Flood... I do believe that God's word is infallible, unchanging, perfect".

I don't see why this belief wouldn't cover nuclear war or a nuclear terrorist attack. Which might explain why they aren't worried about allowing the START treaty to lapse. God will protect us.

I think what he (and other like-minded Righties) are missing is the fact that the earth can endure without man.