Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our President and First Lady, Classy.....

  In an exclusive interview with Barbara Walters from the White House, President Barack Obama says he's not giving much thought to the 2012 election, but is focusing instead on being "the best possible president." And, he said, he certainly isn't focused on a potential challenge from former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. When asked specifically if he thinks he can beat Sarah Palin in 2012, the president told Walters "I don't think about Sarah Palin." Gryphen (Immoral Minority) said it best...
   "Barbara Walters should NEVER have brought up the Grizzled Mama to either our President or his wife.  These are serious accomplished people, and asking them to comment on the antics of the court jester is an insult to them, and to the American people".
Oh how true Gryphen! The Obamas are beautiful people, inside and out.


Shaw Kenawe said...

OMG! Baba Walters of "If you were a tree..." fame?

She's an embarrassment.

The Obamas are waaaaaay over her head.

Flying Junior said...

That would be like asking Nixon if he was afraid of Abbie Hoffman or Eldridge Cleaver running against him.

B.J. said...

The media are dying for a Palin-Obama matchup. Ain't gonna happen! But, remember, some people in this country wouldn't know class if it hit them between the eyes. BJ

Sue said...

So true Shaw. I'm gonna take the time to listen to the Obamas talk again, they really are at the head of the class in classy


True BJ, when you read the conservative bloggers demeaning words about the president and his wife it's very sad because we all know where its stemming from...

Papamoka said...

I can't believe that she is the golden girl of the GOP. She's an isolationist against the moderate vote and we all know that you do not win the Presidency by courting the extreme of any one political party. What I would look for is an Obama vs Romney campaign in which Romney would lose by ten points.

GO 'Bama!

Rock on Sue. :)

Leslie Parsley said...

Mrs. Obama has more class and brains in her little pinky than the mindless wonder has in her entire body. Did plastic-face Walters lean over and squint at the Obamas as a signal that her next question was the most significant one in the interview?

SP's ratings keep falling and if she keeps yapping her fluffy head off - proving beyond a doubt how utterly vapid and ignorant she is - she'll be but a blip on the radar screen. There's only so much stupid even stupid people can take.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

While I agree that Mrs. Obama is class act, I really don't think that it's helpful to dump on one of the true pioneers of journalism for women. Ms. Walters absolutely paved the way for a lot of the others who followed and, while, yes, it may be true that she's pretty much lost her fastball at age 80, I still think that the lady deserves respect. I mean, look at where she is....and look at where we are.

Pamela Zydel said...

Sue: I don't think it’s Barbara’s fault the media has turned Palin into some kind of icon. She was probably just trying to give her audience the answers she felt they wanted to hear.

Sue said...

this wasn't a dump on Barbara post, it's an interview with our classy president and first lady just so happened to be Barbara doing the interview. Yes I do agree with Gryphen on the Palin question but you have a point Pam, the audience usually has some who like this sort of questioning.

Pamela Zydel said...

Sue: I didn't think this was a "dump on Barbara" post and I'm sorry if my comment made you think that! I was just trying to point out something that you might not have thought of. :)

Sue said...

Not at all Pam! Don't ya hate when the typed words don't send the right message?! Anyway... a few here mentioned Barbara and I just wanted to show the clip of the Obamas while also pointing out Gryphens comment about Palin and why she should not have been mentioned in this kind of interview.

I usually use :-) or lots of !!!, so I see where you misunderstood my reply! :-)

Leslie Parsley said...

Will: You're right but only to a point. Now it's time for the lady to exit gracefully and to be honest, I think she should have done so years ago. Her looks - real, fake, ugly, pretty - have nothing to do with it.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Damn you Papamoka. The post I was doing after reminding the right winger Left Coast rebel he owes me $20 was about it being Romney's turn to get the republican presidential nod.

I've often thought of posting as a righty because I'd be the alpha dog. Those jokers are incapable of independent thought or incite. Course then again, I'd more likely be a pahriah because I didn't post verbatim the shit from Rush, Glenn or the RNC.

The Lefties are just too damn smart for our own good sometimes.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'd still take Barbara Walters (who's basically the only sane one on "The View", let's face it) over all of those partisan comic-book like stooges on Fox and MSNBC. They're the frigging nitwits who exit "gracefully".

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

who need to exit "gracefully" is what I meant to say.

Flying Junior said...

Dear Friends,

It's really not that complicated. Baba Wawa just asked Palin if she thought she could beat Obama in her interview to appear on ABC December 9th. Why shouldn't she take the opportunity to ask the big guy what his thoughts were on this rather comical subject?

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

And speaking of people who are in "over their head", maybe we really need to add Mr. Obama's name to that list. I mean, think about it. For a fellow who's supposedly so knowledgeable, he certainly doesn't seem to have learned from the mistakes of his predecessors; McKinley, Wilson, Johnson, Nixon, Bush #2. This, in that he has shamelessly and moronically put 30,000 brave American youngsters into the middle of that grinder/unwinnable situation over there - Afghanistan (almost an additional 800 dead since Mr. Obama's "surge")......Now, correct me if I'm wrong. But I can't ever remember Barbara Walters doing anything that moronic and/or cynical.

Anonymous said...

Since when is class defined as jet setting all over the world while the rest of us are suffering?

Sue said...

fuck you anonymous. HE IS THE PRESIDENT!!!

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Eloquently state Lady Sue. You must be of royal lineage yourself.

Although I would said "A fucketh on you anonymous knave!"

Sue said...

thanks m'Lord. And yes you may call me Lady.

Shaw Kenawe said...

"This, in that he has shamelessly and moronically put 30,000 brave American youngsters into the middle of that grinder/unwinnable situation over there - Afghanistan (almost an additional 800 dead since Mr.Obama's 'surge')"

Mr. Obama did exactly what he said he would do when he was campaigning for the presidency. And the American people voted him into office on his word. He met with the generals and the defense secretary who advocated for the surge--Mr. Obama said he would listen to the generals and make his decision. He did that. Whether we agree or not, he did what he said he would do, based on the intel the generals and the secretary of defense provided him. I don't call that "moronic." It is a decision he made after thoughtful deliberation. His generals and defense secretary encouraged and supported it.

It's really easy to sit on the sidelines and call it moronic when one has no real information on it or when one doesn't have to actually make momentus decisions involving people's lives.

I don't agree with the escalation. But I do believe the president listened to the people who had the best information and intel on what was happening in Afghanistan.

"......Now, correct me if I'm wrong. But I can't ever remember Barbara Walters doing anything that moronic and/or cynical."

Do you know every detail of Ms. Walter's very long and very intriguing life?

Did you forget about her admission to having an affair with Senator Ed Brooks when he was a married man? Some people would call that moronic and cynical--I don't judge her, but you need to understand that everyone can be judged on his/her actions. Even Ms. Walters.

The Wool Cupboard said...

A handsome face, a flowery tongue, and an expensive suit doeth not a good president make. Who cares if this radical is "classy". He is on the fast track to destroy our lives as we have known them. You are not wise enough to see it.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

We have markedly overestimated the intellect of this man. He can't pronounce corpsman. He thinks that the people in Austria speak Austrian. He apparently doesn't know how to spell Syracuse. And, yes, he hasn't been able to figure out that the Afghan War is an unwinnable one......Oh, and, yeah, that whole thing about their being 57-58 states. That was another damn good one.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Let's see, Barbara Walters had an affair, President Obama dumped 30,000 young Americans into a meat-grinder. Sounds comparable to me.

Sue said...

I wish just once a conservative would spell out the facts on EXACTLY what it is Obamas policies have destroyed!

YES, the Obamas are classy, isn't that a damn shame for America! Finally we have class and intelligence in the White House!

Sue said...

NOT ONE out of all the politicians running for president in '08 would have ended the Afghan war by now either. The war is a business, they look at it that way, not at the death toll...IT IS NOT the fault of Barack Obama that we are at war..

Leslie Parsley said...

Shall we compare Obama's mispronunciations to Palin's "I want to help clean up the state that is so sorry today of journalism. And I have a communications degree."

Ten to one most of SP's supporters can see nothing wrong with her sentence structure.

Or to her "refudiate" or her following comment in an interview:

"Well, North Korea, this is stemming from a greater problem, when we're all sitting around asking, 'Oh no, what are we going to do,' and we're not having a lot ...of faith that the White House is going to come out with a strong enough policy to sanction what it is that North Korea is going to do. So this speaks to a bigger picture that certainly scares me in terms of our national security policy."

But a quote in a comment by Magpie from the Sydney Morning Herald says it better than I've read so far:

"The decay and putrescence at the core of the US Republican Party, and the US as a country, could be nowhere more clearly illustrated than the puerile deification of the most illiterate, intellectually debased and fanatical individual ever to take part in the theatre of the absurd which is modern US politics. And that is saying something given the depths of vacuity plumbed by Ronald Reagan and George Dubya.
The leadership stage of every civilisation in decline has always been crowded by such mutant freaks as Palin. That ought to tell us something pretty profound about the state of senescence of the US empire."

Yes, Obama has misused or mispronounced 3 or 4 words in how many hundreds of speeches over a couple of years. How does this compare to a woman who can't string two coherent sentences together every single time she opens her mouth and who couldn't pass a sixth grade civics test?

Sue said...

Leslie, that moron womans sentence structure is abhorrent!! She thinks she sounds intelligent I guess. UGH she is a total embarrassment to America, and apparently to some republicans who are speaking out like Joe Scarborough did today. Called for all GOP to fight back the bitch (or lose the party for good,my words)

The Wool Cupboard said...

Quote ~ "Those jokers are incapable of independent thought or incite. Course then again, I'd more likely be a pahriah"

I believe that it is "insight" and that you would be a "pariah", oh you smart leftie, you!

You know, not all conservatives are wowed by Sarah Palin, but even with her unusually complicated sentence structures, she makes a lot more sense THAN (not "then," Sue) most of you super smart lefties.

I'm sorry, I couldn't resist because you all revile conservatives so often. Turn about is fair play.

The CDM said...

"I wish just once a conservative would spell out the facts on EXACTLY what it is Obamas policies have destroyed!"

Sue, you will get the answer to that as soon as that irresponsible, WWE-styled, doucebag glenn beck gets out his little chalk board and explains it all to his idiot audience for them to parrot.

It's just too bad there are sites like snopes, factcheck and politifact that will debunk this shortly after it is unveiled.

By the way, those sites have been known to be toxic and damning for botth sides of the aisle, but more so for the hard right shit disturbers.

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Of course you and your right wing friends are capable of "incite" Linduh.

You incite fear, hatred and bigotry.

My apologies to all who were offended by my typing the wrong word.

And stick Dan Quayle's potato up you ass Linduh.

Sue said...

I'm not sure why Linda pointed out the THEN and THAN, your last comment was correct Truth. I'll have to reread all the comments and find what she was referring to...

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Show me one sentence here where I've in any way defended Sarah Palin. Good luck in finding one......And, Sue, I am in not in any way blaming Obama for the state of the Afghanistan War that he inherited (the fact that Mr. Bush took his eye off the ball by going into Iraq, etc.). But, come on here, HE HAD A CHOICE. He could have done the wise thing and took the advice of Vice President Biden and switched to a counter-terrorism approach. But he didn't. He went instead for the incrementalist war-mongering approach of LBJ and Nixon. I mean, I thought that Mr. Obama was a smart guy/student of history. Did he not realize that they call Afghanistan the place where empires crumble in? Did he flat-out not learn the lessons of Vietnam and the Philippines? Why, pray tell, are you spinning for this guy's destructive foreign policy?.....Oh, and, yes, I know, this is what he promised to do in the campaign. But circumstances change and, yes, sometimes you just have to stand up to the generals (a la, harry Truman).

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

1) Mr. Obama doesn't write those speeches and 2) he reads them off a teleprompter......Austrians speaking Austrian. My God, even I know that Austrians speak German.

Sue said...

Will I have never defended Obama when it comes to the war decisions. I'm all for the wars ending TODAY. I was just making a statement the war is not Obamas doing and I don't believe there is another politician from either side who would end the war tomorrow if they had the chance to do so. That's all...

Leslie Parsley said...

I ask over and over but I never get an answer. Why does Linda come here if she hates us Lefties so much? I sure as heck don't spend time visiting her site just to read the same ole mistruths and venum she spouts here. Nor do I read any other right-wing blogs. I do visit conservative sites, such as Frum's and Pam's and some others where I can read some intelligent arguments and participate in reasonable discourse even though we may not agree.

The only conclusion I've been able to reach is that Linda is only interested in taunting. And she seems to get a perverted thrill out of being being beaten up. Signs of a real sicko in need of some srious counseling, imo.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Linda doesn't get it.

No one here is setting him or herself up to be the next preznit of the United States of America.

Sarah Palin fancies herself capable of leading the free world, despite the unalterable fact that she's a dunce, knows nothing about foreign policy, and doesn't know how to put alucid sentence together--oh, and hadn't left the country until she was well into her forties. IOW, she is unworldly and is popular with people who share her stupidity.

No one here, even with their misspellings and grammatical errors is promoting themselves as someone who is qualified to be president.

Linda, you have a logic problem and don't know it. But you defend Palin. Figures.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Lord Truth ~ That would be Dan Quayle's Potatoe...remember? Potato was was spelled incorrectly on the card he read from at the....spelling bee....and lefties have ridiculed him for DECADES over each of Obama's 57 states.

Why don't you take Dan Quayle's "potatoe" and have yourself a great loaded baked one, with butter and all the great stuff sprinkled all over it.

Leslie Parsley said...

Linda: Fuck thee, thou bitch.

The CDM said...

I tried not to laugh while reading the past 7 or so entries....

Nope, couldn't do it. I tried, I really tried. This shit is just to frickin' funny.

I'm curious, does anyone here actually think Will is a conservative troll or something? Personally, I've seen him as more of a centrist or moderate. Correct or not, that's still a far cry from being a tea partier or staunch conservative.

Thanks everyone, I needed the laugh tonight!

The CDM said...

OOPS! I meant "too" frickin' funny. Have to make the correction before I get ridiculed by our traveling school marm.

Sue said...

NO C, we know Will is not a conservative troll. He's moderate yas and will usually comment with an open mind and look at both sides without throwing out the partisan talking points.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

CDM/Sue - thanks for the vote of confidence. All I can say is that I don't think that the folks at think that I'm a conservative. This, in that I was banned on that site for being a "Palin bashing Obama-lover". Go figure, huh? And I'm pretty that Linda doesn't see me as a righty, either.

Sue said...

Tammy Bruce.... GAG!!!

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I did criticize Palin, but I did it respectfully. That's all I did and I still got attacked by her ramrods. And banned, too! What a beeatch.