Here we go, are ya ready? Got your BP meds?
President Obama is not ready to cave in to Republican demands that Bush-era tax cuts must be extended to wealthy Americans. He said he is open to discussion BUT NOT COMPROMISE.
Fifty-three percent of Americans agree with Mr. Obama that the tax
cuts for the wealthy should be allowed to expire, while 38 percent do
of three Democrats think it is a good idea, and most independents (55
percent) agree. Most Republicans (57 percent) think it is a bad idea. Surprised?
After saying the tax rate for wealthy Americans would return to
Clinton-era levels, Obama quipped, "Rich people were doing pretty well
back then." Hell Yea! Where are the GOP disputing that FACT?
WE MUST hold our president to the fire. Let him know in no uncertain terms, let the Americans who voted for the GOP majority takeover because they wanted change know, let the teabaggers know, THIS tax cut the GOP is fighting for the country's wealthiest 2% is a STIMULUS, there is no other word to describe BORROWING 700 billion to give rich bastards who do everything in their power NOW to deceive the tax man. This country MUST look out for the middleclass and working poor. Those fuckers who make billions are not worried about permanent tax cuts, if they are honest they will tell you they are fine with paying more taxes . Afterall giving rich people tax cuts DOES NOT stimulate the economy, if it did then why are there NO JOBS with these tax cuts being in place for years now?
Rep. Darrell Issa, a California Republican, says he'll
oppose any compromise that fails to make permanent Bush-era tax cuts for
the most wealthy Americans.
Issa, in line to head the House Oversight
and Government Reform Committee, said Monday on ABC's "Good Morning
America" that "tax certainty" is probably more important for investors
than for other Americans, to give them incentives to make investments
that create jobs. HA! They've had their incentives for years, where is the hiring? Where is the job growth? The Republicans want to kiss the rich bitches ass so they have their continued support, THAT'S WHAT IT COMES DOWN TO. Republican Whoremongering.
definition whoremongering: a dirty suck-up.... I couldn't print the rest, it was nasty!!
We had been on a decline for years ,but now we have a president who has put this country on the right track, slowly we are coming back, and letting tax cuts to the rich expire will help us even more, NOT HINDER US! Please let your voices be heard, go to the progressive organizations and tell them to tell President Obama, NO COMPROMISING with the whoremonger GOPers!
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3 hours ago
C.Vivian Stringer, the Rutgers womens' basketball coach, always quotes her late father, Buddy Stoner, who was a Pennsylvania coal miner.
"If you don't stand for something, than you stand for nothing".
Its time to find what our President....and the Democratic going to stand for. Do what's right, or do what's expedient?
Forget "what would Jesus do?"
It should be....
"What would Harry Truman do?".
This morning I heard some talking head from CNBC saying that businesses will be holding out for the tax cuts, by using blackmail so to speak.
She said if they weren't extended the companies promised the GDP would not be over 1% all next year.
That's part of the results of letting the rethugs have control of even part of the Congress.
scream it on all the liberal blogs Annette!
It's definitely do or die time Hugh.
The people have spoken, it's just the thugs speak a different language then the rest of us! The thugs keep saying they will listen to the people, well this is their TEST!
They aren't going to listen to the people.. that was campaign rhetoric to get elected.. thats all it was. Just as they say they are going to cut spending and the deficit and the first thing they want to do is add to it by giving tax cuts to the wealthy... It does not add up..
You are correct, we need to help the president by keeping his feet to the fire on this.
Annette you know how President Obama can make me happy one day then the very next day I could just take him by the shoulders and scream "what are you doing???" It's usually after I watch Ed Schultz, I love the big guy but he gets me every time!
I want desperately for the president to put those thugs in their place, first thing is to veto any change to the HC bill and then to put an end to these tax cut compromises.
Which historical lesson will Obama take from. When Clinton moved to the center or when Truman said screw you bastards.
I fear he'll take the cue from Clinton. But damn. After two years you'd think he would have had enough of these republican jokers and fight back.
Here's what hurts though and I've touched on it but it gets no traction. Where are the other Democrat office holders and leaders? Reid and Pelosi both come off as pansies. We need another John Murtha.
Bloggers just aren't enough. We have the same audience and we're pretty much preaching to the choir.
Truth I was just telling TomCat on his post calling for replacing Reid, I can't think of one strong Senator with a strong will and big, fat, full, firm but hairy, balls to replace Reid!! They are all pussies on our side, WHY?? How about a woman, our female senators are stronger then the men!
In 1985, the top 5% in the US had a net worth of 8 Trillion dollars. Now they have a net worth of 40 Trillion dollars, a 400% increase in 25 years while wages have stagnated.
Sorry, the top 5% do NOT need a tax cut. They need a BIG tax increase.
Jerry try to convince the wingnuts who vote for rethugs over and over by believing their lies, tax cuts to the rich will hurt small businesses. Lies, lies and more lies!
Only 2% of small business make over $250,000 per year. Allowing the republican tax increase to take place on incomes over $250,000 will not harm NINETY-EIGHT PERCENT (98%) of small businesses.
we're the only ones who understand that important info Jerry. The others, they listen to rightwing hysteria and lies. It's shameful! How about small business men and women come forward and help our side deliver the TRUTH!!?
That committee chair for Issa is going to be big trouble. He is completely without any conscience and will stop at nothing to foist his dirty trix on the American public. He was, of course, the driving force behind the recall of Governor Davis in 2003. He took advantage of a law that was intended to give the public a chance to recall a grossly incompetent or corrupt officer, smelling blood in the opportunity to slam Davis after the misunderstood energy conspiracy of the summer of 2002. There is little the republicans can do in the way of changing any laws, so they intend to do the utmost harm humanly possible. Darrel Issa is the quintessential mama grizzly.
California democrats might consider amending the recall law to, at the very least, allow the recalled official to be on the ballot as a choice. Issa only needed signatures equal to 12% of the total number of voters who elected Davis to mount his recall effort. The election had two questions. Recall, yes or no? Whom do voters wish to replace him with? Many Californians didn't even understand their choices. There is little doubt in my mind that California republicans will mount a recall election against Brown momentarily.
God forbid what that thug Issa could do in a R-controlled house.
FJ I was just listening to Morning Joe, Politico was talking about Issa and his plans for over 240 investigatins this year, BUT he added he doesn't think they will be of the trivial kind like birth certificate garbage. Yea just big time stuff to insure his impeachment? Fuckers...
These are the people the masses want to give power too. The voters in this country should be ashamed at how uninformed they are, or they don't care to be informed just so there is an R by the name of the fucker.
Teabaggers in NJ are trying to oust our elected by the people sitting Senator Menendez. They better NOT get away with this stunt! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!!
It looks like there might be some kind of compromise. The Democrats may offer a temporary extension of the bush tax cuts for the uppers in exchange for a permanent tax cut for everyone else. I'm against any kind of compromise. NO tax cuts for the wealthy.
I think they should all be allowed to expire... first the Democrats should make a show of trying to compromise so the American people will know who to blame for the lack of middle class tax cuts. At the same time Dems also need to STRONGLY make the case as to why we can't afford to extend the cuts to the uppers.
Sadly I don't see this happening.
Sue- as always, thanks for the up-date! I get better news from you and your friends than on a TV screen.
Oh, and Linda, in case you didn't know, taxes are tiered, so for example, on your first $50K you pay X, the next $50K you pay X more and so on. I do taxes for a living so I know.
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