Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is She or Isn't She??

In a just-released New York Times Magazine cover story, Sarah Palin responds "I am" when asked if she is considering a run for president.
"I'm engaged in the internal deliberations candidly, and having that discussion with my family, because my family is the most important consideration here," Palin is quoted as saying.
She goes on to argue that the major potential Republican candidates are largely alike when it comes to policy - "but in fact there's more to the presidency than that."
Should she run, Palin tells author Robert Draper, "I'd have to bring in more people -- more people who are trustworthy" into her inner circle. Palin has only about ten advisers (most of whom did not know her before two years ago) and has built up little in the way of infrastructure for a run, unlike likely GOP candidates Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty. (Here, via Politico, is the cover image for the story, which shows her advisers.)
A number of top Republicans are reportedly discussing how to stop a Palin presidential run for fear that the polarizing former Alaska governor will lose badly against President Obama in a general election should she secure the nomination.
Palin acknowledges in the story that unlike some other candidates, she would have to prove her record "right out of the chute."
"That's the most frustrating thing for me - the warped and perverted description of my record and what I've accomplished over the last two decades," she tells Draper. "It's been much more perplexing to me than where the lamestream media has wanted to go about my personal life. And other candidates haven't faced these criticisms the way I have."
Because of the unfairness of the media toward her, she adds, "I fear for our democracy."
In the story, a Palin friend suggests that she could improve public perceptions of her if "when she starts doing the debates during the primaries, she knocks it out of the park."
"That would cause an entirely different view of things, wouldn't it?," he says. 

Holy fuckin shit, I guess we should NOT be surprised.

CNN Poll: Most Americans say Palin not qualified to serve as President.
CNN Poll: Most Americans say Palin not qualified to serve as President.
WASHINGTON (CNN) – Fewer than three in 10 Americans think Sarah Palin's qualified to be president, according to a new national poll - the least of any of the five potential candidates included in the survey.
But another woman tops that list in the CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey released Monday: two-thirds of the public thinks that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's qualified for the Oval Office. That's more than Vice President Joe Biden, who's currently next in line for the presidency.
According to the poll, 28 percent of Americans say Palin is qualified to run the White House, with seven in 10 saying the former Alaska governor and 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee is not qualified.
The survey indicates that a majority of Republicans, 54 percent, feel Palin is qualified, with 44 percent indicating she isn't. But only 29 percent of independent voters questioned feel she is qualified to serve as president, with 68 percent disagreeing. According to the poll, nine in 10 Democrats feel Palin is not qualified.

You think the turn out for Barack Obama in '08 was HUGE, wait til the republicans nominate Sarah Palin in 2012. The country will see a tsunami at the polls, 100% of registered voters coming out to vote against Palin! Well okay, 90%!
That woman caused the republican ticket to lose in '08 for fear old man McCain would kick the bucket which would then place her in the Oval Office. The country was afraid of such a scenario then, so what makes her think they will embrace her now??


Shaw Kenawe said...

We all know she's going to run. All of her actions since the 2008 election point to that inevitability.

She won't get the nomination.

We've read what many conservatives really think of her from David Brooks, "She's a joke," to David Frum, "...more money than education...," Peggy Noonan, "Nincompoop." And then, of course, the latest from her colleagues at FAUX NOOZ who laugh behind her twittering little tush.

She appeals to a rabid group of extreme righties, that's all. You can't be elected president with just a small percentage of the country's population.

But she's not smart enough to understand that, so she'll throw her moose antlers into the presidential ring.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I forgot to link to David Frum.

Here it is.

Jerry Critter said...

She did know what the Vice President did when she ran in 2008. I wonder if she knows what the President does? I wonder if anyone will have the nerve to ask her?

The CDM said...

Let the deluded bitch run. What's the worst that can happen, she gets elected then quits not even halfway through? When the going gets tough, she gets to running and does so as fast as she can from anything difficult.

In reality though, she'll never win.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Why run for president when she has found her true calling- reality TV star?

It's what she's most qualified for....and I don't begrudge her huge ratings on TLC for a second.

It's the place where she can do the least amount of damage.

Heck, I hope she stars in "Sarah Palin's Alaska" for the next twenty years.......and then when the show goes in hiatus between seasons, Mama Grizzly can hibernate for six months at a time.

Leslie Parsley said...

Not only is she delusional, she's paranoid - as her comments demonstrate all too well.

AP just called Murkowski the winner in Alaska which I interpret as a small but good sign that Palin's support for a candidate can actually be poisoness.

One Fly said...

Our side just cannot grasp what has happened. It doesn't make squat bit of difference who it is. Palmer or any other. The right already knows who it will be. Whoever it is will win it's that simple. They will have the senate as well. This battle has been lost for some time and it ain't coming back. Very dark days are ahead. We haven't seen anything yet. And if it is Palmer she'll win going away!

The CDM said...

Patience, Onefly. I still think this situation will resolve itself in the next 2 years. The people that actually came out and voted for these dipshits will come to realize that they didn't get what they wanted.

Sue said...

OneFly you do need to calm down, I said the country was dumb in the last election but the majority of Americans are NOT that dumb as to elect Palin. In 2 years we are gonna be in much better shape then we are now and the voters won't take us backwards. keep believing! :-)

Shaw I saw those news people making fun of her, it was good! Thanks for the link.

Jerry you betcha she'll be asked the HARD questions, and the lamestreammedia will be blasted for it too! LOL

The debates will be fabulous C, I can hardly wait! No she won't make it to the White House inorder to quit, it won't happen.

Hugh she can stay on as TLC queen, it's where she belongs. And yes Leslie she is a delusional dimwitted twit!

One Fly said...

CDManager- first I am and have been completely calm and my patience has been over for some time and I am one of the most patient of anyone. Waited for Gore to fight in 2000 and was still waiting for someone to fight for us in 04. Finally that paid off a bit in 08 only to get shit canned early on when the dims once again showed their true colors.

You say they will realize their mistake and you may be correct. For instance Fox Whore News and the rest of Big Whore Media has the ability to change public opinion at will and they do that and fairly quickly. No way will the issues we face be framed in such a way that the right will vote any other way except for more of the same. In 2000 they voted for a known failure and then put the killer bastard back in office. Absolutely no way will the dims be allowed to win in 012. Bama could be the difference but if he goes where we need him to go to get what we need as a country they will kill him and besides he has no plans to do so because he was told not to.

Yarrl of Alexandria said...

Following the example of Christine (I am not a witch) O'Donnell and Sharron (you look more Asian to me) Angle; I think the Democrats should be working hard for Sarah to ensure that she is the Republican nominee for president in 2012.

What better way is there to ensure that the next president in 2012 is a Democrat and, hopefully, Obama?

Sue said...

welcome in Yarrl! Yes, some might say Obama is a shoe in if Palin wins the nomination and then some are scared shitless that she'll beat him. I don't see how the majority of Americans could put that woman in the WHITE HOUSE, CAN YOU IMAGINE??? The world would disown us on the grounds of insanity!

Frodo, Alaska, but she's not running said...

If Frodo were Sarah Palin (please pause while he retreats from the commode), he would threaten and threaten again to run. What better way to win concessions, publicity, money or anything else that fear can produce? Murkowski (sp?) is absolutely dead on, Palin doesn't want to work for a living. She wants someone to peel her a grape.

Jerry Critter said...

And so far Teabaggers have not only been peeling her grapes, they have been washing her undies -- and eating her shit!

Sue said...

Frodo I do find it amazing this hated woman truly believes she could be president, it's mind boggling! Jesus is coming on May 27th 2012 anyway so we don't need her to save us.

Jerry that's gross! LOL!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Andrew Sullivan nails it:

"When you have as many lies to defend against as Palin does, when your entire public persona is a fiction, when you have nary a clue about the issues of the day ... of course, you have to have protectors rather than advisers. No one advises Palin, except Todd and God. She has the glib cruelty of George W and the character of Richard Nixon. But Nixon, for all his faults, was authentic. Nothing about Palin is authentic. She knows nothing but appearance and the constant deception and seclusion necessary to maintain it."

Leslie Parsley said...

Well, I'm not sure how authentic Nixon was but he was certainly more intelligent and worldly than this numb-skull.

B.J. said...

I think the Fox News “hot mike” transcript just about summed up her chances of gettign the GOP nomination. The question is: are any of the other Republican hopefuls any better? My guess is, as things stand right now, the nominee will be Mitt Romney, who, I must say, can tell a good joke. I’ll never forget what he told Don Imus on MSNBC: “I asked my wife, ‘did you ever in your wildest dreams think I’d be running for president?’ She replied, ‘Mitt, you’re not in my wildest dreams.’ “ I just wish we had had a 15-minute break between Election Day 2010 and Election 2012. BJ