Monday, November 1, 2010

One World 2011

Tonight on MSNBC is the first time I heard of this ONE WORLD 2011. Have you heard of it? Google it, read about this, it is sure to scare the pants off the religious rightwing hate mongers...... The righties already think public schools indoctrinate our kids, what will they say about this?

 One World 2011 will gather together hundreds of youth, ages 14-19, from throughout the Muslim world and USA beginning in Seattle Washington June 2011 with a series of on-going landmark events seeking to create sustainable long-term partnership programs. Participants will gain skills in cross-cultural understanding, entrepreneurialism and leadership. Exchanges will continue throughout the year and include American teens visiting Muslim countries.

The righties are already scared Muslims are taking over our country, what will they say about this?

Musicians, vocalists, photographers, dancers and more will thrill audiences with performances and exhibitions reflecting their deep and vibrant cultures. The festival will be held at various venues around the Seattle area, showcasing the artistry of the Muslim civilization, past and present.

The young people in our country and around the globe are the movers and the shakers. They are the ones who will bring about a peaceful world through communication, information sharing, RESPECT.....

 Education and dialogue are the tools needed to create a more informed citizenry. This gathering will emphasize commonalities among Abrahamic faiths to foster an environment of respect and appreciation. We envision a more peaceful world if we can accept religious differences.

 Bob Walsh is currently at work organizing One World 2011, a reprise of the Goodwill Games designed to meet today's challenges toward world peace.
"The idea was born seven years ago, due to the climate created after the 9/11 attacks, but the conditions for the start of a real project, which will begin as an event that will last for just a few months, but intends constantly evolve, were set in place only after the election of President Obama," explained Bob Walsh, the creator and founder of One World 2011.

UT OH, President Obama is behind this peace initiative, the wingnuts are going berserk!!
Bob's persistence, courage, and empathy, expressed through a wide range of political and social efforts, have earned him the Martin Luther King, Jr. Award from Coretta King, the "Supreme Soviet Award" from President Gorbachev, the World Affairs Council Award, recognition as an Honorary Citizen of the Republic of Georgia, and special recognition from Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush.

 From Bob Walsh's website,
U.S. relations with nations and people of the Middle East could benefit greatly from this model of cooperation and dialogue.
Turbulent events post-9/11 inflated the gap between Arab/Muslim worlds and America. The word "terrorist" has become a political synonym among many populations for "Muslim" and "Arab." Xenophobic reactions in the U.S. and elsewhere have paralleled the "Red Scare" of the Cold War era-this time targeting Muslims, Arabs, and persons of Arab descent.
It is more urgent than ever for people worldwide to increase tolerance and understanding for other cultures, religions and ways of life-to break free of historical conflicts and ideological prejudices. American global credibility is vital, particularly in the Middle East and the Gulf. Likewise, MENA (Middle East and North Africa) and the Gulf regions' integrity is significant globally. The iron wall of negative stereotypes between both regions must be torn down in order to achieve global security and a sound economy.
In order to rebuild trust and partnerships worldwide, establish security, and stimulate a prosperous economy, courageous changes must be initiated. The vision of One World 2011 is to create an international and interfaith dialogue, building a lasting avenue of communication and world unity.
Thanks to the 1990 Games, we have a model of shared international effort that can achieve such an expansion of goodwill, openness, and connections between cultures, challenging and eradicating the "us" versus "them" mentality.

It's obvious by the comments I've been reading on rightwing sites about this, they are NOT HAPPY! Looks like we are gonna need a Democrat President and people around the country and the globe who believe in world peace and how we can achieve it. The rightwingers? Well they can continue to live in fear and hate for all who are different from themselves....


Leslie Parsley said...

Face it, right wingers aren't happy unless they are paranoid, hating, angry, screaming, stomping people on the head, misinterpreting the Bible and the Constitution, and in general, showing a great deal of ignorance and stupidity. They don't want to hear about another world that extends beyond their little self-imposed, insular backyards.

Oh, and about One World 2011. I think it's a grand idea.

B.J. said...

I want to place my name in consideration for 40 acresa and a mule on the first space colony. I don’t think we’ve even dreamed of how bad it’s going to get in this country – or in the world. What can we expect when a liberal education becomes the subject of derision and one-line Tweets are quickly becoming the extent of communication?

This country had an opportunity to more forward, but that chance might soon fade.

“The iron wall of negative stereotypes between both regions must be torn down in order to achieve global security and a sound economy.”

Why should we sit down and get to know each other one-on-one and develop a better understanding of each other as inhabitants of this small planet when we can hate and maim and kill each other? Do you really think a xenophobic right-wing or any group of religious fanatics hellbent on killing really want world peace?

“Let me see what life is like on Jupiter or Mars …”


Sue said...

Leslie and BJ I hope common sense and open-minded intelligent people will trump the ignorant, bigoted, close-minded backwards thinking, small minded non-thinkers in this country. Hope is all we have left.

This One World 2011 will go forward no matter how much the insaniacs protest it. Good will prevail..

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

This does get me thinking about a Palin presidency. This woman is nuts. HOw is her religious nuttery any different from the guys running Iran?

They can say she won't murder anyone. Bush's invasions and occupations are responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people. Who by an accident of birth live there instead of here. Bush/Cheney okayed torture.

The thought of this woman having the nuclear codes scares the hell out of me and it should scare the hell out of the world.

Allow me to bloviate on the One World young people. Fuck em.
You want to change America? Take over the Democrat and Republican parties you naive fools. Vote in the damn prmaries for candidates that represent your values. Don't sit on your assess waiting for Obama to make a goddamn speech to fire you up.

The same six people write all the letters to the editor in my hometown. Write some damn letters so others know they're not alone.

I could go on Sue but apathy is destroying our process and ultimately democracy. It's beginning to consume me as well.

Sue said...

Ideologues will never be able to rid the world of Muslims, just like Hitler could not rid the world of Jews. Same thing...

So what next? Maybe trying to understand, and how about some mutual respect? Even after the Holocaust we are living in peace with Germany, after Hiroshima we are living in peace with Japan, when will we live in peace with Islam?

Sue said...

Truth stop listening to what the MSM tells us about the Democratic party being unenthusiastic. It's not true. The rallys the past few months should tell you that. The young people in this country are not getting the credit they deserve.

You are right about Palin, Bush, and their religious fanatic following. But don't fear,they are not the majority and never will be. Palin will Never be president, NEVER. Even the republican party will see to that! The country has evolved and become much more aware since Bush/Cheney reign of horror, it's just not sexy to talk about the positive side of things.

Shaw Kenawe said...

I agree Sue. Palin will NEVER be president.

But the fact that there are millions of Americans who believe she can be is sickening.

It's the glorification of ignorance over enlightenment. Palin is too stupid to understand she is not qualified to be a half-term governor, let alone the leader of the free world.

There is one thing that Palin can take credit for--the only thing, IMHO:

Palin has made Americans take a second look at almost 50-year old menopausal grandmothers.


Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

I must again invoke the words of the immortal George Carlin.....

"Life is a freak show, and in America you have a ticket for the front row".

And after today it looks like it will be center stage as well.

Last night I saw a final desperate attack ad on my congressman, Rush Holt, by his opponent GOP'er Scott Sipprelle....Holt is "ant-Israel" and supports HAMAS. Two smears in one ad, one inferring Holt is an anti-Semite, and also a play to the Islamaphobia that fuels the GOP of the 21st century.

Oh well...time to do my civic duty and vote, even though the pollsters say it's rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

Do you think we can tread water for a couple of years?

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Forgive my cynicism Sue. By all accounts republicans will gain a majority in the House and pick up a few seats in the Senate. Sharon Angle may beat Harry Reid. The kook O"Donnell will lose but even her poll numbers are gaining.

Ignorance and apathy are republican's best friends.

I've made tens of thousands of phone calls. Donated God knows how much money. Knocked on tens of thousands of doors. I've done my part. I've had my fill of people that like a Jesse Jackson or Barack Obama speech but int he end do nothing.

It's not republican dirty tricks and lies that turn me off. It's apathetic clowns who say somebody ought to do something while they watch television and complain.

Jerry Critter said...

I am sure that anything like One World 2011 will set off the rightwingers. Anything to do with world peace that might upset their fear, hate, and warmongering money machine is to be denigrated.

Sue said...

we shall see Truth. Maybe all this loser talk is premature. Anyway, it's to be expected because the lost seats are in rethug districts. We just have to face facts, some in this country love republican "values" and that's just the way it is...

It is sickening Shaw. The hate for liberals and democrat politicians is unfounded but also fueled by hate radio and TV. What can we expect from people who love blowhards like Limpy and Palin.

Hugh it's a big mistake to take the words of pollsters as gospel before the big vote. VOTE even if it hurts, it really does make a difference. 2008 should be proof of that!

You said it all in a nutshell Jerry. What will the wingnut warmongers do when we finally achieve world peace??

Jerry Critter said...

What will they do? They will blow someone up, and start another war.

Unknown said...

The folks from Nutter U will get violent is my guess as Glen Becky and The white trash c*nt from Wasilla will demand it.

Sue said...

Jerry I sure hope not...

Thanks for following me Dusty!

Unknown said...

Hell, I thought I followed you ages ago...apparently I was under the influence. ;p

It pisses me off that the nutters are controlling the conversation. The Corporate Media likes it that way..fuckers.

Sue said...

that's what I'm hearing too so I'm not gonna listen til tonight......yea right! LOL! Fuckers.....

Unknown said...

I adore your header photo btw!!!!

The CDM said...

I'm hoping for gridlock. Force those bastards to work with each other. Let's see who gets to call who "obstructionist" first.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

CDM- the problem is it will be a return to 1994.....that worked out well for all parties concerned, didn't it, LOL!

As Yogi sez...."It's deja vous all over again".

But then again...."It ain't over 'til it's over".

Sue said...

my fingers and toes are crossed! BELIEVE PEOPLE!!

Sue said...

OH FUCK, Rand Paul winner....

OH FUCK, DeMint winner....

Unknown said...

Yes, I friggin saw those results already too.

I have a fine chardonnay that was cheap but still does the soothe my wounds.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Don't despair, Sue. We've had asshats beat really good guys before.

And tomorrow all of us liberal blogger need to reinforce that BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA IS STILL THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA!

Reagan lost many seats to the Dems in the mid-first term elections, and it didn't stop his presidency.

No despair allowed!

Sue said...

No despair here, just like saying oh fuck....

Don't get smashed then pass out Dusty, it's gonna be a long night!

Unknown said...

No I spend a lot of time going back and forth to the front of the house where the ball n' chain hangs out.

I am in the back of a quarter block long house with a shit-load of cats and three dogs. They love when mommie gets a buzz, they get lots of treats.

The CDM said...

Hugh - I agree, but that's the whole point. Right now, we are in a world of shit and it will take a cooperative effort on both parts to get shit done.

Like it or not, there will always be republicans in office. What I would hope to accomplish is to shame and force them into making the right decisions or else face dire conscequences whether it be at the polls, or worse, with the country falling into a deeper hole.

Infidel753 said...

It looks like the results are going to be pretty much as expected. It's predictable, really.

The party in power always loses seats at mid-terms. Unemployment is still high. Mid-terms mean a lower turn-out than in a Presidential-election year, and that means a more conservative electorate.

Based on that, bad news is to be expected. As I say, predictable.

Don't forget that what swung one way between 2008 and 2010 can swing the other way between 2010 and 2012.

Sue said...

Infidel, BJ was saying she was looking forward to your comment on this One World 2011 story. Care to share?

Unknown said...

Thanks Infidel, that makes me feel so much better! JK...

It's going to be a do-nothing Congress with the Rethugs blaming Obama. He better get his act together cuz it's gonna get uglier than we could ever imagine...and I thought the last one was rough.

Infidel753 said...

I gather from your header that O'Donnell lost, as was expected. Thank the teabaggers for throwing away one Republican win, at least.

As for Rubio, the only way he could possibly have been stopped was if either Crist or Meek had put aside personal ambition for the good of the country and dropped out. Unfortunately, neither of them did.

Infidel, BJ was saying she was looking forward to your comment on this One World 2011 story.

I think I've already had plenty to say about this general kind of issue on my own blog.