Friday, November 12, 2010

President Obama reads my blog....

SO, I blew a gasket on this tax cut issue. Seems the president read my blog and put out this statement while still in Seoul..... :-)

Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- President Barack Obama declared Friday that his "number one priority" is preserving tax cuts for the middle class, and sharply denied that comments by his senior adviser David Axelrod suggest that his administration is about to cave in to Republicans who also want to extend the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy.
"That is the wrong interpretation because I haven't had a conversation with Democratic and Republican leaders," Obama said of a Huffington Post article suggesting that in advance of negotiations with lawmakers next week, the White House has calculated that giving in on tax cuts for the rich is the only way to get the middle class cuts extended too.
"Here's the right interpretation -- I want to make sure that taxes don't go up for middle class families starting on January 1st," Obama said at a news conference at the conclusion of the G-20 Summit here. "That is my number one priority for those families and for our economy. I also believe that it would be fiscally irresponsible for us to permanently extend the high income tax cuts. I think that would be a mistake, particularly when we've got our Republican friends saying that their number 1 priority is making sure that we are dealing with our debt and our deficit."
Obama would not tip his hand on the discussions coming when Congress returns to work for a lame-duck session next week.

 I'm not apologizing just yet, I'll wait til President Obama gets home and has his meeting with the Democrats and the Republicans on these tax cuts.  I'm having a trust issue and still fear a caving is about to happen. What really upsets me more than the whole idea the Democrats will cave and extend the tax cuts for the rich, is the hypocrisy from the GOP and their hysteria about the national debt. How they can demand the tax cuts be permanent for wealthy Americans who don't need them, and then ask for cuts in middleclass programs because we can't afford all this spending, is unbelievable! It makes me crazy!


Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

If you really want to get a reaction from the Prez, say something nasty about his team, the Pittsburgh Steelers (I'm still trying to figure out how he first made it to the Senate without the support of Dah Bearsssss fans).

Mary said...

I am glad to hear you have Pres. O's ear, because last night I was at the end of my patience with him. I really think this would have been 'it' for me.

I love your line, "I'm having a trust issue". I think we all are right about now. I would rather see them all gone than give the rich their extra special tax cut.

ExpressoSelf said...

Sue- Keep writing! Love what you have to say, love what you stand for. : )

Sue said...

Hugh I have no idea about football likes and dislikes, that's your expertise! :-)

Sue said...

Mary I feel exactly the same as you do. Listen very carefully to the presidents choice of words, he used the word "permanently", which to me means he might agree to extend the tax cuts to the wealthy for a year or 2. If so then the republicans need to shut up about the debt and deficit problem and they need to shut up about cuts to entitlements because "we can't afford these programs anymore". In other words, we love our rich friends and need to pay them back for supporting us with their millions and fuck the rest of you "needy bastard Americans with their hands out"

Sue said...

Thanks Expresso, you are too kind! Sometimes I wonder why I am here, especially when things get so heated, but I need to do this. The only way I would stop would be if I turned apolitical and that ain't gonna happen anytime soon! :-)

Sue said...

BTW lisa, blame your rising co-pay costs on the greedy fucked up insurance companies, NOT OBAMA! How about we all stop buying insurance and let those companies go out of business?

B.J. said...

Makes me crazy, too, Sue. Keep the prez on his toes! BJ

Lisa said...

It's rising because the government is taxing them to pay for the health care bill and like everything else this admin is doing with slight of hand it will all be passed down to all of us. that they have no idea how to pay for after 10 years.Oh yeah I know tax increases on the middle class.
Take the blinders off you've been duped with hope and change.
You can't be in denial forever. One day you will be forced to face reality. Maybe when all the good doctors leave their practices.
I know it's difficult for you to deal with now because but there i nothing wrong with admitting this whole thing is a sham.

Sue said...

we all have to pay taxes, even the insurance companies as much as they hate it, BOO FUCKIN HOO!!!

Lisa said...

really we do? thank you for clearing that up for me Sue. You mean Obama did lie then when he said this bill will keep the cost down. That's okay we all know the truth. See above coment.

Dave Miller said...

Lisa, are you aware that over $245 billion of the Obama stimulus went to tax breaks and tax credits for the American people and businesses here?

Are you in favor of extending the Obama tax cuts too, or just the BusH tax cuts?

Can you give me one, just one reasonable answer as to why the GOP has not stood up for and fought to extend the Obama tax cuts too, along side the Bush tax cuts?

Dave Miller said...

Go ahead Lisa, I'll wait while you look it up...

Dave Miller said...

Linda, you can try it too...

Sue said...

Dave I guess lisa has no rebuttal, facts are not her strong suit! LOL

Dave Miller said...

Sue, nor Linda...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

Lisa is a typical selfish, deluded republican moron. In her case though, she is a composite of the typical selfish, deluded republican moron because she is not a real person.

Now that I am a Lord, raising Lisa's taxes would give me even more pleasure. Pissing her off and saving our Nation from the abyss of bankruptcy is a great two for one deal.

Sue said...

I like that idea Lord Truth, HIGH TAXES FOR THEM ALL DAMN IT!!

TomCat said...

Frankly, I think he will cave-in. His statement isn't that different from Axelrod's. However, I think it wise to defer convicting him until after the crime has been committed.

ExpressoSelf said...

Man! This group is too good... off for more caffeine!

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Any suggestion?

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