Saturday, November 13, 2010

Please leave us your thoughts...

 My new friend Mary posted this last week and I asked her if she wanted to cross-post it to my blog since I tend to get some interesting conservative comments.  

 Mary and I would love to hear from you, please enlighten us and we promise not to be judgemental :-)

Some Conservatives say... Barack Obama is the Worst President In History

In honor of the "Worst President in History" George W. Bush's visit to Milwaukee I thought I would ask a question of the "Conservatives" that come by and tell me in the comments that Pres. Obama is "doing far more damage" than Bush ever did.  All the "Conservatives" that came on over to find out where they could get Ron Johnson's yard signs can answer my question.  Dan Quayle's son who made the commercial calling Pres. O "the worst president EVER!" could pop in and answer my question.     

How has President Barack Obama ruined your country?

I want an honest answer.  I want to know what you are thinking when you say this.  I want to understand how you could totally block out what President Bush did, yet accuse President Obama of ruining the country.  I really want to know.

To anyone answering this question please be honest and very specific, as many reasons as you can enumerate.  I will not attack you or even contradict you, I will just listen.  I want to know were all of this is coming from, where do you get your news from?  Who do you rely on, who do you trust in this world to give you good sound "Political Information".

I want to be schooled here.  I want to be shown why I should stop drinking the Obama Kool-Aid.  Please do not call me an idiot or a moron, just teach me. I want to understand why...


Mary said...

In this country people are being paid MILLIONS to keep us from talking to each other. I think that if we could just listen, than maybe take these opinions and investigate them (not just with Wikipedia & Media Matters or Drudge and Red State) maybe we can get to the truth.

Sue said...

I don't know Mary, I think the Obama haters are afraid of us. Or maybe they are embarrassed to admit their hate?
I changed the title, maybe they thought we were saying Obama is the worst president ever. No, it's not us saying it, it's the conservatives saying it.

Mary said...

I used that title intentionally thinking that I would get more hits from conservatives. I did get quite a few hits, but no comments. :( I guess they just want to call me a Moron and move

Sue said...

yea, but I thought my regular liberals would read the title and say "she's really gone off the deep end this time, she's a moron!!" LOL.

I even invited my wingnut brother to comment, maybe he'll be by later..

If not we'll just have to talk amongst ourselves :-)

TomCat said...

Since you seem to lack a real conservative, I'll play one.

He hates freedom, because he wants to get government involved in my medicare.

I've seen that one over and over again.

ExpressoSelf said...

LOL! This too funny! I'll join in with TomCat...

First of all, he's not a U.S. citizen. Secondly, he got us in this mess, what, with all the debt and spending money we don't have. This economy is his fault AND he's not creating jobs! Plus he wants to kill off my grammy with this stupid health care! LOL

Sue said...

of all days not to hear from our favorite teabaggers...Oh well I guess they fear us Mary.

Now as for our faux conservatives TC and Expresso, We appreciate your comments and will do as promised, we will not be judgemental. You are obviously delusional in your beliefs Obama is destroying the country, but that is your opinion and we respect it. Don't know what we learned tho, you didn't say where you get your info from! :-)))))

Leslie Parsley said...

Playing the Loon: He's a commie socialist fascist. He's arrogant. He raised my taxes. He spent $200 million a day on his trip to Asia. He's a Muslim. I want my country back. I want to go back to the Constitution as it was written. This is a Christian nation. I want to go back, back, back. Oops! I just fell over a cliff.

ExpressoSelf said...

I get my facts on Faux News with Beck and Hannity, of course!!!!

Sue said...

Aha leslie you know her well, you sound just like her1 wonder where she is today..

Expresso I shoulda known, of course Faux news, the source wingnuts count on for facts the truth and accurate reporting!

Lisa said...

Sue if you can't figure it out by now there's no point.
My problem with Obama isn't his presidency,it was before it.That's just how I feel.
As far as asking someone why you shouldn't during the Obama Koolaid,.
I really don't think anything would make you stop drinking.
Things you should be mad at him for is not closing Gitmo,sending drones and not trying Khalid Sheik Mohammad in NY.

Sue said...

try again lisa, you are mumbling and did not answer the question. What has the president done in the past 2 years that you would consider ruining the country? Not what he promised and didn't do, WHAT DID HE DO TO YOUR COUNTRY?

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

How about....."Barack Obama is the worst president in history because.....Dan Quayle's kid said so".?

And if there's somebody who's been close to mediocrity most of his life and knows it when he sees it, it's brand spankin' new Republican Congressman from Arizona (where else?) Ben Quayle.

Lisa said...

Stimulus Bill, , the Global Poverty Bill, , the Climate Change Bill, and Health Reform Bill. All bills that are adding strain to an already bankrupt America including interest on the debt and the devaluation of the dollar.
Sorry you can't see what is right in front of you.

Mary said...

Wow Lisa thank you, I have never heard of the Global Poverty Bill. I will look that one up.
When you say you aren't mad at his presidency, "it was before it"...can I ask what that means? When he was a Senator? Or are you speaking about the country before President Obama?

Lisa said...

Let's put it this way Mary. f the public wasn't so dumbed down they would have known what Obama stands for.
If you want a list I have to get back to you because it's quite long.

Lisa said...

Here's the before list :

mentored by Frank Marshall Davis

Enrolled in an Islamic school no doubt with the highest Anti American sentiments

He admitted choosing Marxist friends an professors

He sought endorsement from the Marxist party in 1996

20 years in a church that spewed hatred for America

Palenstians/Hamas set up a fund raising telethon for his campaign in 2008

He refused to disclose who donated money to his campaign

He had no experience

he was friends with domestic terrorists

That's just the before,the after is alot longer

Mary said...

This is great Lisa. I had no idea about much of this.

If you don't mind me asking, where did you hear all of this. Did you read President Obama's books? Do you have a TV News show or web page you rely on for information or did you do all this research yourself.

Now, could you please tell me one thing specifically that the President has done in the last two years that you would consider "ruining the country". I would really like something that affected YOU.

Lisa, I really appreciate you letting me pick your brain, so to speak. We are so divided that it seems we can't even listen to each other anymore.

Sue said...

Mary you are patient as a saint.....

Sue said...

I can't find anything new on this global poverty act, give me a reliable link lisa.
This is from wiki...

The Global Poverty Act was a bill in the U.S. Congress co-sponsored by 84 Representatives and 30 Senators.

The Global Poverty Act would require the U.S. President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day. This would require the United States to add 0.7 percent of the U.S. gross national product (23 billion to 98 billion a year) to its overall spending on Humanitarian Aid. This bill has been endorsed by The Borgen Project, Habitat for Humanity, Bread for the World, RESULTS and CARE.

The bill passed the Foreign Affairs Committee in July 2008. It was never scheduled for a vote on the Senate floor, however, and died at the end of the session.

Lisa said...

This is a list of companies/unions who got a waiver on the health care bill while many of us are dealing with the burden of increased costs.

Mary said...

I am not quite sure what you are saying about this list of companies. I have read all the attached .pdf's and it seems that they get waived from the requirement if they can show that meeting those requirements would either increase their premiums substantially or would cut their services. Are you saying that them being able to essentially opt out of the Affordable Care Act is giving rise to our higher premiums? This just seems to exemplify the statement that "you can keep your current health insurance" meme we heard during the Health Care debate. Do you agree?

I will not assume anything here, so I will ask, are you in favor of Single Payer Health Care or opposed?

You know Lisa you are being so good to help me out here. I may be too old to go to school (my son actually has a couple of "50 somethings" in some of his classes ;) ), but I will never be too old to learn something new!

Lisa said...

Well being it was promised that this bill would bring down costs I find it rather odd that companies would have to "opt out" if was supposed to help them and the fact that biggest groups to "opt out" are unions who were the ones pushing the hardest for this.
No I am not in favor of single payer. Not the way they want to do it. We are already seeing health care workers getting let go and we will also see many specialists far and few between.
Not to mention once they do a sweeping amnesty bill we will be adding an additional 20 million people to the system or maybe Australia would be willing to accommodate them.

Anonymous said...

Just a few conservative blogs that may give insight to some of your questions.

Mary said...

Hey Lisa, I saw this this morning and thought of you:

Here we are, you and I, struggling to pay for or in my case 'get' Health Insurance and this guy who ran on repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act wants to know 'where his free Government run health care is?'...OH the hypocrisy of the thing! Good luck with your side of politics Lisa, I hope you fair better with your people than we did with ours!

Thanks for the links Anon, I especially like the Fuzzy Logic Blog. She called up sprogs (social-progressives), I love that! When I just say the word it sounds like something that would be soft and pudgy and furry...and except for the furry part, it kinda sounds like me. So hence forth I am now going to be known as marysprog1161 ;)

Lisa said...

I heard about that Mary. Why shouldn't he get it? All the rest of the politicians get free health care,free pensions and high salaries all paid for through the tax payer while voting to give us rationed care at a higher cost.
Don't you find that ironic?
Always coming to our "rescue" and making it worse.

Mary said...

So Lisa if I could snap my fingers and make you in charge of everything, what would be your solution to the Health Care issue? I personally think that some form of Single Payer is the only way to solve this growing problem, how about you? What is your solution?