Saturday, November 6, 2010

Marco Rubio speaks to the country and asks for a SECOND chance! LOL

Marco Rubio gave the GOP weekly address, some of what he said....

“This election the American people said enough is enough. That message was loud and clear. We Republicans would be mistaken if we misread these results as simply an embrace of the Republican party. This Election is a second chance. A second chance for Republicans to be what we said we were going to be.
 Okay Mr. Rubio, can't wait to see what that is...

“In the past two years, Republicans listened to the American people and what they said is that it was time for a course correction.
So Mr. Rubio, which course do you guys plan on taking, because you have been awfully vague on that issue.  Although some of you have admitted you want to go back to the Bush policies that drove the economy into a ditch...

 “The past two years provided a frightening glimpse at what could become of our great nation if we continue down the current path: wasteful spending, a growing debt and a government reaching ever further into our lives, even into our health care decisions. It is nothing short of a path to ruin, a path that threatens to diminish us as a nation and a people.
Actually Mr. Rubio things are beginning to turn around here since President Obama took the reigns from The Shrub. He saved us from a depression. The economy is growing, slowly yes but what do you expect in just 2 short years since we were on the brink of disaster. Oh and where is all this wasteful spending you all are referring to? You mean the spending a government has to do to stimulate the economy after a Republican president destroys it? We were on that path to ruin, it did threaten us as a nation and as a people, it was your party Mr. Rubio who had us on that path to ruin but now we are in a new land, a land of hope and change and promise because we have President Obama at the helm...

.“The challenges are too great, too generational in scope for us to be merely opponents of bad policies. Instead, we will put forward bold ideas and have the courage to fight for them. This means preventing a massive tax increase scheduled to hit every American taxpayer at the end of the year.
 So by bad policies you mean the tax cuts for the very wealthiest Americans which bloated our national debt like never before in our history? The tax cuts for the rich that your party wants to make permanent so assuring that the next generation, and so on and so forth, are paying off this debt so the wealthy Americans can get massive tax cuts, so they can sit on their billions while the middle class and working poor have to work til they are in their 70's, hard labor at that!? Wow Mr. Rubio, how American of you...

“For many of us coming to Washington for the first time and others returning to serve, it’s a long way from home. A long way from the people whose eyes we looked into at town halls, at diners or roundtables, and promised that this time it would be different.
 OMG, Sorry Mr. Rubio, excuse me while I LMFAO!!  This time will be different?? You really are wet behind the ears huh?

         “This is our second chance to get this right. To make the right decisions and the tough calls and to leave our children what they deserve – the freest and most exceptional society in all of human history.
Exactly how many chances you say?? This is your second?  What about all those other chances you blew, they don't count?
 The righties are thrilled with Rubios speech,  they think he is the best thing to come along since sliced bread. But really, what do the GOPers have to offer??

Here's a great post from Politicususa on the subject of republican- do- nothing isms...a bit of what it says...
They (GOP)voiced opposition in all sorts of ways (mostly hysterical) to all sorts of projects (mostly beneficial) that would have brought money and employment to their states. They especially voiced opposition to high speed rail, while in February 2009, as part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), the Democratically-controlled Congress allocated $8 billion to be granted to states for intercity rail projects, with “priority to projects that support the development of intercity high speed rail service.”.

In Wisconsin, incoming Republican Governor Scott Walker vowed on Wednesday to fulfill a pledge he made during his campaign to kill a high-speed rail project that would have linked Milwaukee and Madison, which itself was to be part of a larger project which would have created a high-speed rail corridor across the upper Midwest, spanning the scenic but rather long (about 6 hour) drive between Minneapolis and Chicago (see map above). The clincher: the project was going to cost Wisconsin NOTHING. The entire $810 million price tag was being covered by federal stimulus funds. Wisconsin could only profit from the plan, putting thousands to work, not to mention helping the environment. But Walker is a Republican.

Read the post, it shows how dedicated the Republican party is to putting Americans back to work and making our country prosperous once again....NOT!!!


The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Their two top priorities are extending the bush tax cuts and repealing the Health Care legislation. Both of which will add massively to the debt.

Sue said...

and besides that they spew the ridiculous talking points, less spending, smaller government, all the while destroying Americas chances to actually go back to work! They don't want you working because they think it will improve their chances for 2012! Isn't that pathetic? Do they not know the people see their job killing schemes?

Tao Dao Man said...

Rubio won big in Florida. Do not blame the winner. Blame the loser.

He just might be on the repub ticket in 2012.

Here is the Floridian Governor.

Yes, the Floridians elected him.

Unfortunately the pendulum never went to the sane or the left.

Now it might be stuck in the insanity mode for decades to come.

Or at least until the total collapse is upon us.

Sue said...

No RZ, it'll swing back in 2012. Total collapse is not upon us, stop trying to scare me....

Tao Dao Man said...

I have to come over and give a little poke every once in a while.

Fasten your seat belts.
This is gonna be one hell of a ride.

A Fascist form of Austerity is coming to America.

Sue said...


Wow that Rick Scott is a real scumbag! Stupid seniors....

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

The Not Quite Sworn In As Junior Senator From Florida gave the counter to the President of the United States' weekly address.

Gee....that's mighty impressive.

I guess Bobby Jindal was busy taking down Halloween decorations and Sister Sarah was doin' that Momma Grizzly thing.

Sue said...

they gotta bring out the young guns Hugh, it's all they got! LOL

Mary said...

Hey Sue, came over to your house...thanks for inviting me.
Thanks too for including the HSR in WI in your blog. The new Gov.-elect of WI is my current County Executive, who has spent the last 8 years cutting buses, parks and unfortunately the safety of our Mental Health Complex. The County Board tried to clean up his mess as best they can, if they can get the votes to override his veto pen.
I don't believe he would have killed the Rail project, but he would have screamed bloody murder about it,and lied about it, and then finally took credit for it. So Gov. Doyle just kind of gave him a 'put up or shut up' moment. He is not faring well, but I am sure he will find someone else to blame for it.

I am so sorry about Alan Grayson...his 1) Don't get sick 2)If you get sick die quickly, was HISTORIC! He was our Progressive hero!

Infidel753 said...

Rubio talks a good line. He sounds more rational than most on the right, and may well actually be more rational. He sounds more like someone we can do business with than Angle or Palin or even Boehner. But his dissertation is dishonest at crucial points.

This means preventing a massive tax increase scheduled to hit every American taxpayer at the end of the year.

The Democrats' proposal was to let the Bush tax cuts expire only for the highest income levels, while they would continue for everyone else. So the tax "increase" would not have "hit every American taxpayer". It was Republicans who insisted the cuts must continue for everyone or no one.

Deficit spending to stimulate the economy and rescue the financial sector was essential to avoid a collapse. These policies began under Bush and continued under Obama. No sane politician, Democrat or Republican, could have done otherwise. It was Bush who failed to follow the other half of the Keynesian rule, by failing to run a surplus during better economic times, as Clinton did.

Rubio claims the Republicans have become more responsible and deserve a second chance. Evidence of that would have been specific proposals for how to handle the deficit they are so concerned about, rather than vague rhetoric. I have not seen any such specific proposals, nor does Rubio offer them here. Until the Republicans put them forward, they do not deserve the car keys back.

From Sue's comment:

No RZ, it'll swing back in 2012.

This election did not even represent a pendulum swing to the right, as the MSM are portraying it. It merely represented a collapse of voter participation. 38.2% of eligible voters actually voted, compared with 62.2% in 2008. There probably hasn't been a substantial change in the distribution of attitudes and values in the population; it's just that a smaller and less-representative sample of the population voted this time. The reasons for that have to do with liberal dissatisfaction at the Democrats' accomplishments, and failure of the Obama administration and its supporters to effectively counter the Republicans' propaganda. Those, not some mystical pendulum swing, are the problems that must be solved to bring a better result in 2012.

Sue said...

Thanks Mary, Glad to have your voice here! Sorry about your mess in Wisconsin, well all over the country actually! It's that dumbing down of America, sad, very sad...

Grayson was our hero, as was Feingold. I believe this country will be wide awake for 2012, and we will be just fine!

Come by often, thanks for following me!

Sue said...

you make good points Infidel. But the usual republican dishonesty is in play here with Rubio. Some may be better at speaking and doing business with but they are all the same with the same lame ideas that do not work. There was not one thing he said that was different from any other GOPer.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Just for the record, Mr. Obama wants to extend 3/3.7 of the Bush tax cuts, too. And neither has he explained precisely how in the hell he's going to pay for that. Does that make Mr. Obama only 3/3.7 as dishonest as the Republicans? Again, I'm just asking.

Infidel753 said...

Does that make Mr. Obama only 3/3.7 as dishonest as the Republicans?

No, it means he is aware that raising taxes on middle- and lower-income people in the middle of a fragile recovery would reduce economic demand to an extent that the country can't afford, whereas in the case of high-income people, marginal differences in tax levels have little impact on spending and it's more important to have the additional revenue to reduce the deficit.

Rubio is not dishonest for wanting to keep the tax cuts for all income levels (though such a course would be unwise). He is dishonest for misrepresenting the Democrats' position on the matter.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

My essential point remains. Mr. Obama hasn't explained how he's going to pay for the 3 trillion dollar budget shortfall that this extension is going to create....Well, that, of course, and he's pandering.

Lisa G. said...

And then we have Cantor who has said he'll work with the President only if he agrees with him 100%. That's gonna work out well. I think Obama will do and end around and let the tax cuts for the wealthy expire and let middle class cuts (what's left of the middle class) stay. And I do hope he gets some balls.

Harry has to go. He's beyond worthless and we'll get nothing out of him. Make Franken the Majority Leader and he'll spank those Repubs back where they belong. I see nothing getting done these next 2 years except the government getting shut down (how'd that work out, Newt?). Then maybe we'll get some sanity back in this country or I'm moving to Canada.

Sue said...

Hey Lisa,

Cantor is a jerk, can't stand him!

The president is talking right now on 60 Minutes, I think he will fight for the tax cuts to expire on the rich unless the rethugs can come up with some miracle on how to pay for them. As for Reid, do ya think he learned from the last 2 years how the liberals want him to man up?! :-)

Malcolm said...

I recently came across a 200 page book called "The GOP Game Plan". It was a quick read... all the pages were blank!

The story about the Governor-elect of WI killing a railroad project makes no sense. His excuse that he wants to use the funds to fix the roads is lame, considering the terms of the grant prohibit the funds from being used on roads.

Sue said...

Malcolm remember the GOP coming out with their "playbook" of plans? What happened with those plans never telling the whole story? Now they have the majority in the House and still no talk about the change a comin'! They don't have a friggin clue what they are doing, but it isn't that obvious to the masses that gave them the keys back is it. Dimwits...

TomCat said...

The election was not decided by who voted. It was decided by the 62% who didn't vote. Theirs is the shame.

Sue, off topic, the online petition I promised to replace Harry Reid is now up.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Quote ~ "Make Franken the Majority Leader and he'll spank those Repubs back where they belong."

I hope libs do put the incompetent Franken in the leadership post. We need a clueless clown in there for comedy relief.

Sue said...

Thanks TC, I'll be by.

Aaaah Linda, Al Franken may be funny but he has brains, something the GOP is sorely lacking...

Tiny said...

Bear in mind that both Rubio and Scott were way behind until the big corporate money flowed into FL to drown out the voices of the people.

For Rubio's pack in the FL house, they passed a law that everyone has to have their septic tanks tested every five years. Any repairs that need to be done will be penalized $100 per day the work is not done. Most housing developments are on septic tanks. So guess who is getting hit with this new expense? The elderly on fixed incomes and the poor.

Three who voted for this had their pictures in the local paper swearing they were duped into voting for this insane idea by the one house member who timed out on term limits. Interesting their votes just dawned on them at election time. They vowed to repeal that bill come January. (They didn't have time to read the bill and took the writer's word for what was in the bill. "You betcha!") If serious about a repeal, why wait until January to do it? They should have proved it before the election. "Liar, Liar- Pants on Fire!"

As for Scott, he evoked the 5th amendment over 70 times during his "Medicare Fraud" hearing. Another fox to protect the hen house. Nothing like selling your soul for $30 million feathers (dollars).

Corporations bought their own politicians and damn the needs of the masses of the people. The people will have to ban together on the blade of the swinging pendulum if they hope to cut the legs off the pimping corporations and their hookers who prostitute our laws.

Sue said...

thank you Tiny for that insight into the corrupt Rubio and Scott. I do feel bad for the seniors who got duped into voting for the fuckwads, they need to pay attention, they need to talk to their children and grandchildren. unfuckinbelievable...