Thursday, November 4, 2010

Stay calm, stay calm, stay calm.......

Americans want the parties to work together. Now is the time to show the voters exactly what the GOP is made of. This will prove to those out of work, suffering, homeless and desperate, which party has their best interests at heart. President Obama said in his speech yesterday that he wants to compromise, Mitch McConnell said in his speech the GOP will NOT compromise. There you have it folks, good luck to ya!

Think Progress:
Last night on Fox News, Newt Gingrich tried to advance the illusion that the world has reacted similarly to the GOP’s strong showing in Tuesday’s midterms as they did to Barack Obamas election in '08
GINGRICH: I mean, imagine if you were in China as a dictatorship and you watched the American people cheerfully firing people, and you thought to yourself, Wow, that’s a pretty cool idea. Or imagine you were an Iranian student thinking, you know, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to fire Ahmadinejad, the way Americans go about their politics? So I think it actually strengthens us.
The other is, I think this was a real signal to the world not to assume that the United States is a weak, timid country, not to assume that we’re going to tolerate bad economic policies and not to assume that we’re a country you’re going to be able to push around or run over because I think the American people are exhibiting a robust willingness to change the entire game. And that’s a pretty good historic reminder to other countries that we are a remarkably powerful, and if necessary, remarkably dangerous country when people try to behave in a predatory way towards us.

 Wow the guy is a delusional wackjob! My God how can he say such absurd things with a straight face??
I hope you lefties will come to your senses quick, our party needs all the support and backing it can get. Look at the alternative!
“The rest of the world, including Asia, is looking at the United States and seeing no real effective policy measures in bringing the economy back on track,” said Bart van Ark, the chief economist at the Conference Board, which measures American economic indicators. “That is making the U.S. lose its legitimacy in the global economic community as a leader in terms of providing solutions.” [...]
“Republican claims to fiscal probity are a little difficult to buy into,” said Simon Tilford, the chief economist at the Center for European Reform in London. “What they’re advocating would probably increase the deficit rather than effect the dramatic reduction which they claim they want to bring about.”
Benedict Brogan, deputy editor of the right of center Daily Telegraph in London said “you will find folk in Downing Street who fear mainstream Republicans are on the wrong economic path.”

Once again the Republican party has brought embarrassment to the United States of America. The world looks at us as a bunch of dingbats who can't even get an election right. We just voted to give power back to the thugs who drove our economy into a ditch! With all our problems that stretch across the country and even around the globe we better get out act together and quick! 
Come on Mr. President..... we are counting on YOU!!


One Fly said...

Being nice just isn't going to work. I wish he would become a hard liner for us but I don't see it happening. This is not going to be good.

Sue said...

One Fly I do feel your frustration, I really do, especially on things like the wars. But we must stand behind the democrats, they are not like the GOP if you look at the 2 parties throughout history. I know alot of people are saying fuck both parties they are the same so they don't vote at all or they vote for a third party which is just throwing away your vote. Look what kinds of things the right says, they don't care one bit about Americans and their struggles, so I know in my heart I need to support the party who can make the changes. They have to have us to vote in the good strong democrats, it's our own fault if we don't.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Okay, we'll stay calm. But I think we need to come together and focus on something really important; and that is that we should do all we can to encourage and support Sarah Palin's presidential ambitions.

Go to all the blogs that advance this idea and be positive about making her the GOP candidate in 2012.

I mean this.

Can we get a liberal grass roots surge to push for this?

Go, Sarah, Go! Palin for President 2012!

Shaw Kenawe said...

Here's a link for Sarah for Preznit.

Sue said...

great idea Shaw! Nothing would thrill me more then to see that hideous smartmouthed holier than thou woman run. The Republicans are scared shitless!

Sue said...

The late Burt Blumert predicted that the media and the Democrats would keep attacking Palin after the election, and even step it up as they got more worried that the Blessed One might be a one-termer, and saw her as his biggest threat. Burt made this prediction, btw, before BO’s inauguration. This was not an endorsement of the ex-gov, who looks to Bill Kristol, of all creeps, for political guidance, but he found the whole situation fascinating and funny. He also said that, issues aside, “the rich NY and LA liberal women” who dominate the Democratic party “hate Palin most of all for being beautiful.”

How funny is that??! WRONG!!!!

Democrats like their candidates to have brains, to be able to read a newspaper, to know the difference between a country and a continent, to know the names of world leaders and be able to pronounce their names, to be able to govern without first having to check with God.
Please feel free to add to the list...

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Sue- the title of your post reminded me of a classic movie scene.

Remain calm! All is well!

Well...maybe not classic. but damned funny!

Infidel753 said...

Shaw: we should do all we can to encourage and support Sarah Palin's presidential ambitions.

Please don't. You're presumably assuming that Palin couldn't win and that her nomination would therefore guarantee Obama a second term.

That's not reality. Look what just happened. Rand Paul won. Angle came close. Buck came closer.

There's no such thing as a candidate too crazy to win, given the right circumstances.

If Palin gets the Republican nomination, there will be a small but real risk of her becoming President.

Better for the Republican nominee to be someone like Romney or Daniels. More risk of him winning, but less of a disaster for the country and the planet if he does.

Sue said...

Hugh that was funny!! Do ya think this blog is sorta like Animal House at times?? :-)

Sue said...

Infidel I saw something in passing today, I think it was an exit polling, it showed Huckabee, Romney, and Palins numbers if they were to run against Obama. Huckabee and Romney beat Obama but Palin was 44% to Obamas 52%. This I presumed was righties being polled. Anyway, I do agree with you, I was just playing around with Shaws comment. Nothing would be scarier than a President Sarah and even the sane Republicans know that. And as my previous comment said, we do not hate Palin because she is pretty, we fear her because she is a wingnut religious fanatic who believes she can bring on the rapture, and her and Beck will do everything in their powers to TRY! Did you all hear Beck talking about Obamas trip to India? Go to my bloglist and read.....

Sue said...

Glenn Beck Fantasizes About Obama Being Assassinated In India - On his radio show today Glenn Beck fantasized that Muslim extremists could assassinate President Obama while he visits India because, “If anybody thinks he...

JoBama "Truth 101" Kelly said...

I'm an American and am just as proud of it as Newt Gingrich. But even my flag draped ego is laced with reality. Just how many fucking Iranians and Chinese does Newt think have any idea wtf John Boehner is?

How many Iranians and Chinese get FOX News?

What a shithead.

Sue said...

Wingnuts, and this includes Michelle Bachmann, believe EVERYTHING that is on the internet as fact! (Obamas trip to India and what it will cost taxpayers) What the hell has our country come to?? MORONS ARE IN LEADERSHIP POSITIONS. And I mean The Republican Party. You can not name me one single Democrat who speaks such stupidity as the wingnuts do...

Sue said...

Truth how are you? I hope you are feeling a little better..((((HUG))))

Just think about the wingnutfucks and the stupid outrageous things they say and smile instead of getting furiously helps alot

Mauigirl said...

I hope that the president manages to advance his agenda without the GOP because he sure as heck isn't going to get any compromise from them; all he'll get is flack. They've come out and said it, that they want him to be a one-term president.

I agree with Infidel we should be careful what we wish for - Sarah could indeed win and that would be a total disaster for the country.

Dave Miller said...

Off topic Sue, but it appears Lisa, maven of "false facts" has taken her blog down.

Another small victory for reasonableness...

ExpressoSelf said...

Sue- Your blog ROCKS! You have great posts, a wonderful following, I learn so much from ALL of you. I wish I had more time to read more of all these great writers and all their blogs. But I've noticed they congregate here, so I get to read everyones thought and do it with one click. I may not post often, but I get updated with my current events here. Thanks Sue and thanks to all of the followers that leave intelligent comments, a round of blogger caffeine... on me!

Flying Junior said...

Hey Mauigirl!

Don't think that just because the republicans picked up 50 races for the realtively small position of member, U.S. House of Representatives that Palin could somehow become president! It's still more or less a 50/50 split. they don't have the majority we had. You're getting scared for no reason. It is a frightening thought, granted.


Hell yeah. Sue is the heart blogger. We love it over here.

Sue said...

OMG!! I am so flattered and humbly thank you for the compliments Expresso And FJ!! I love and appreciate all my friends who take the time to visit and comment!

Maui we soon shall see, Pres. Obama is willing to meet in the middle for compromise but the GOP seems not to want that. That's pretty sad for the voters who expect it from them so looks like they will be ousted in 2012 if they don't man up!

Palin scares me and I take her and her followers seriously, they are one in the same...RADICAL, FANATICAL, WINGNUTS!

Great news Dave! I still say she is Mal.

The CDM said...


Again, keep calm and carry on. This is a temporary setback. newt is a propoganda machine that isn't liked by his own party. Oh sure, they like the crowd he may draw with radical hard righters, but they still don't like him.

Just like what the hard right was saying 2 years ago, "Give it 2 years, things will change."

Overall, you're right, he's delusional.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ Quote ~ "Glenn Beck Fantasizes About Obama Being Assassinated In India - On his radio show today Glenn Beck fantasized that Muslim extremists could assassinate President Obama while he visits India because, “If anybody thinks he..."

This is off-the-chart disgusting lunacy...even for you, Sue. Keep setting your standards for integrity lower and lower and pretty soon you will be blogging from your toilet bowl...In fact, you are sitting on the seat right now.

Sue said...

Linda I was showing a blog post from my bloglist. The truth IS Glenn Beck hates President Obama with a passion and wishes him dead, why else would he even bring the trip up??????????

The Wool Cupboard said...

He is bringing it up for several reasons...there doesn't seem to be a real reason for the trip, and the trip has been reported to be costing a boatload, planeload and large hotel load of taxpayer dollars. What is to be gained from this trip...I have yet to hear an explanation of any logical reason for spending this huge number of tax dollars. Everything Obama does is in the superlative...why?

Glenn Beck does NOT want President Obama to be assassinated....sheeeesh!!!

Sue said...

Linda take off your rosecolored glasses and see your party for the evil-doers they are! They all hate the president, wishing him dead may be a little overblown but they have expressed their hatred and wishes for his failure before he was even sworn into office!

PLEASE BE INFORMED before you come here with idiotic statements like what is being said about the Obama India trip! The wingnuts are LYING about the numbers!

Sue said...

A guest post is in the works with the TRUTH about the presidents India trip, stay tuned!

Sue said...

Every single thing our president does is scrutinized by the rightwing. They don't think he is a legitimate president who takes legitimate trips around the globe AS ALL PAST PRESIDENTS DID AS PART OF THEIR JOB!! DO not analyze what our president can and can't do with your wingnut hysteria on my blog!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ People are estimating by the number of people going to India, as well as the number of planes, vehicles, the entire hotel (over 500 rooms) that they are reserving. People are not stupid...they can estimate pretty closely what the cost will be. President Obama, of course, in the effort to be completely transparent, is not reporting the costs that they will incur.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Oh well, I guess my hope of seeing Palin win the GOP nomination is going nowhere. Today, Peggy Noonan in the Wall Street Journal, called her a nincompoop. LOL! And President Bush said she unqualified to run as president and cause McCain to lose the presidency.

As for Linda's concern about the cost of Obama's trip--were you so bothered when Bush or Clinton or any of our other president made trips to foreign countries to solidify our relations and agreements with them?

All presidents have to travel to foreign countries. And it is expensive.

But the numbers that the liars of the rightwing have been promoting are false and made-up, and the people who listen to FAUX NOOZ, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, and the crazy woman from Minnesota are fools easily duped by lies.

I've been to rightwing blogs and read the commenters repeating the lies, not bothering to discover if there is any truth to the rumors.

All they did was repeat something they read.

IOW, these people are unenlightened and easily fooled.

Shaw Kenawe said...

You also, Linda, have a problem with reality.

Glenn Beck DID fantasize about Obama being assassinated in India:

"On his radio show today Glenn Beck fantasized that Muslim extremists could assassinate President Obama while he visits India because, 'If anybody thinks he was a Muslim over here, well God forbid, they think he was a Muslim over there because he left his religion for Christianity, death sentence, behead him.'”

Here's the audio courtesty of Media Matters.

I guess it is difficult even for you to imagine that an asshat like Beck would actually say something as disgustingly treasonous as that on the public airwaves. And yet he did.

Sue said...

Linda is a delusional Limpy and Beck follower. We give her the links to debunk rightwing lies but she chooses to believe them with no follow up of her own. She truly is a lost cause

The CDM said...

"Linda is a delusional Limpy and Beck follower."

What was your first clue?

People like her have a huge cognitive bias. People hear what they want, see what they want. For example, roy blunt got elected to the senate. If people held true to their beliefs around here about "Washington insiders", "corrupt lobbyist lapdogs" and especially "porkbarrell/earmark lovers" ol' roy would not have even got a fraction of the votes he did. Yet, look at what happened. They don't call 'em Missouri mules for nothing.

Cognitive bias, plain and simple. I'd be even willing to throw in sensationalism and dashes of cultural bias as well.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

While I agree that Mr. Beck IS a flat-out numbnuts, and that he probably DOES hate President Obama, to say that he is fantasizing (implying that's what the idiot truly wants) about Mr. Obama's demise is a major stretch at best....It's also an indication that the left can be just as deceptive and mean-spirited as the right can be - unfortunately.

The Wool Cupboard said...

It is obvious that very few of you actually LISTEN to Glenn Beck's program. If you did actually listen, you would hear him repeatedly - REPEATEDLY plead with people to not be violent in any way. He pleads with people to pray for President Obama's safety around the world as well as for wisdom for him as President. If you say that Glenn Beck "fantasizes" about the President being assassinated, then you are frankly, lying about him.

Shaw ~ I listened to your Media Matters audio of the program in question, and there is no way that anyone with an ounce of intelligence can mistake what Glenn Beck was saying as "fantasizing" about the President being assassinated. He was WARNING that this trip is dangerous for the President, no matter how much security is provided. Please don't hype what he was saying...listen to it honestly.

Sue said...


The Wool Cupboard said...

More of the same drivel.....yawn.

The CDM said...

glenn beck = WWE for politics. He's an irresponsible fraud bilking his audience for entertainment and attention.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Sue, do you have any tangible proof that Mr. Beck wants the president dead? Like I said earlier, this man IS buffoonish. He IS counterproductive....Isn't that enough for you? Why do you also have to attribute such sinister intent?

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

I thought the voters said they liked bad economic policies. Why else return to power those who's bad economic policies caused the current recession? I think what the last election said to the rest of the world is that our elections are for sale. Those on the Republican side spent the most... and won.

Sue said...

Calm down Will, all I did was put up a link to another blogger who posted on the subject. When I read the post it was clear to me Beck was inciting violence towards the president in his round about sinister evil way...

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

The "tangible proof", Will, is that Beck has been successful inciting violence in the past. Remember what the "Progressive hunter" Bryon Williams said...

"And it was the things that he did, it was the things he exposed that blew my mind. Beck would never say anything about a conspiracy, would never advocate violence, he'll never do anything like, of this nature, but he'll give you every ounce of evidence that you could possibly need".

That is what he's doing with this "suggestion" (or "warning, as Linda calls it) that Obama may be assassinated in India. He's letting our enemies know that this would be a good time to strike. I suspect Beck would be very pleased if what he says he fears actually happened.

The man believes he has a direct line to God... no doubt he thinks he can let it be know what he wants... and his wish will be granted.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

I'm sure that you do "suspect" that, wd.

Sue said...

w is right on this. The evil ones don't come right out and say the words, they are sneaky little devils who hypnotize their sheeple. Beck and his chalkboard, it's all so ingenious

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Glen Beck has never said that he thinks the world would be better if President Obama were dead. He's never said anything even remotely resembling that. Now, if you wish to infer (from his rampant/generalized idiocy) that this is what he thinks, that's fine. But, please, remember, that is all it is - an inference.

Will "take no prisoners" Hart said...

Back in May, 3 Minutemen were beaten by radical leftists with mace and brass knuckles. If it can be proven that these leftists were viewers of Keith Olbermann, can we then blame Mr. Olbermann for this act of violence? I'm just asking.