Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Shocking poll

this is from the Huffington Post today,

Congress Republicans Boehner
The polling firm Rasmussen is out with a relatively shocking poll given the results of yesterday's election. Here's the gist:
Hold the celebration. Most voters expected Republicans to win control of the House of Representatives on Election Day, but nearly as many expect to be disappointed with how they perform by the time the 2012 elections roll around.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds, in fact, that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters think it is at least somewhat likely that most voters will be disappointed with Republicans in Congress before the next national elections. That includes 38% who say it is Very Likely.
More details here. And before you question whether Rasmussen has a Democratic bias, note Nate Silver's observation about their election polls last night:

How do you explain this?? Does this not prove Americans vote against their own best interests? So we have to persevere through 2 years of GOPers acting like they rule the world and all have to kiss their teabagging asses... for what?? To come away no better off then we are today? What exactly did the voters think they were doing putting Republicans back in power in the House? Do they believe the GOP can create jobs, but didn't really care one way or the other? Did they believe the thugs would try and impeach President Obama, but don't really care about that either... What did the voters care about when they voted for the R's and not the D's? They just wanted some fresh faces? Oh yea, that makes sense, fresh faces always make a difference in how a party governs....

This poll says Americans don't like Republicans, they don't trust them to govern, they don't believe their agenda will help the country, and by 2012 they'll have had enough of their stupidity and vote them out, once more. Is this just a power play?  Stupid wingnuts...this is what happens when you listen to conservatives telling you to trust them. You listen and you obey like good little sheeple, but you regret it every time. Well too late, the damage is done. And to the stupid lefties who could not muster enough faith in their Democratic Party and president  before getting all beside yourselves with impatience and anger in the slow recovery. Even though you see for yourselves it is a real recovery with charts and facts and GROWTH. The charts are going UP not down, remember the bikini chart? Remember when you got all excited about that bikini chart?

(I just added the stupid lefty part because the poll says likely voters, not republican voters, and I want to be fair because democrats did take part in this election :-) Do I think democrats voted against democrats? Yes, I'm sure some did.)

This is not a doom and gloom post, this is a perspective on the lameass stupid wingnuts and the impatient scared lefties....


Leslie Parsley said...

Rasmussen is a lot of things, but liberally inclined they ain't. This is why this poll is even more interesting. But you're right, voters need to think before they speak - or pull the lever.

Unknown said...

tnlib is right about Rasmussen, so that begs the were all those voters thinking about because it sure as hell wasn't their own self-interests. Perhaps they were all bitten by that elusive creature...the Rethug bug.

Sue said...

I know girls, that's why the poll from them is shocking, as the article says. Don't ya think voters feel a sense of power when they vote and if they want to turn someones life upside down then vote for the other guy. This country has been through enough years of rethug rule to see they don't know how to govern, but it doesn't seem it matters all that much. Those staunch conservatives will vote the R's in every election then sit back and bite their fingernails I guess. This is what FOX is doing to it's hypnotized followers. They say how important it is to get the thugs back in power but they don't say why. Even the thugs don't say why and share how they will fix their disaterous mess...

Jolly Roger said...

What you saw coming out this election are the voters who always turn out-the Chimpy constituency, who vote Rushpubliscum 'cuz Jesus said to.

What you didn't see coming out were the ones who must come out in order to let anyone to the left of Mussolini win an election. They are disillusioned, cynical-and dead wrong in how they express their frustrations.

The CDM said...

Sue, you know my strong dislike for polls. This is nothing more than professional guesswork. Firms like Rasmussen shift things in their methods to suit their purpose. For example, margin of error, level of confidence and not to mention selection bias errors. I'd also like to see where they sampled.

Bottom line, polls are for people who like guess work...PROFESSIONAL guesswork.

Jerry Critter said...

One thing I don't fully understand. Yes, the republicans took control of the House, but Democrats still control the Senate and the Presidency. That seems like a 2 out of 3 majority.

Where is this big GOP takeover? The Democrats can prevent the republicans from doing anything.

Hugh Jee From Jersey said...

Breaking it down briefly (for me, anyway)....

The GOP was energized while the Dems saw their base fracture. 10 million young people who voted for Obama didn't vote in the midterms, and the Rust Belt Reagan Democrats are desperate because they've been in a depression preceding 2008. Senior citizens voted in higher numbers because they drank the "no Obamacare, don't touch my Medicare" Kool-Aide.

The elections of 2006, '08, and '10 were a call for change and bipartisanship, and each election resulted (or will result) in more gridlock. Already we're seeing the GOP leadership saying one thing about bi-partisanship, and then telling their backers that their #1 priority is to beat Barack Obama.

The bottomline is we have voters who want simple solutions for complex problems,and most people don't have patience or have run out of it.

So they vote for change...any change, as long as the message is simple, concise, and can fit on a bumpersticker.

Unknown said...

The Grand Old Pedophile party is just as fractured as the Democraps (no typo btw)as the extremists/teabaggers are trying to force out the moderates and control the party platform. They keep the message simple for the base which is lucky to have a high school education according to many studies.

As Hugh says: So they vote for change...any change, as long as the message is simple, concise, and can fit on a bumpersticker.

Sue said...

yes the dems have the Senate and the White House, so why is McFuckinConnell saying the president better listen to THEM and follow THEIR lead and agenda?? The fuckers believe they deserve the power no matter what they do to us!! They are the most obnoxious, self-centered pigs, they are demanding respect and demanding all of Congress to follow lock-step or be voted out!! Someone(Obama) needs to punch them down a notch!! The people spoke in '08 and they wanted a democrat in the White House, the GOP does not get it!!

The CDM said...


Don't sweat it. Traditionally and currently, this country is right of center(moderate). The fringe elements(tea party) that were just elected are going to push those people who hold true to that mindset away and will be ousted by next election because they are trying to force this country to go hard right.

There are more right of center(moderates) than there are hard righties. I'd like to see exactly how many people came out and voted this time around as opposed to 2 years ago. I think a HUGE number of moderates just got disinterested this time around. We'll probably see those people 2 years from now moving in(yet again) another direction.

B.J. said...

Sue: The GOP win in South Carolina was predictable and inevitable. Everywhere I turn people are making false statements about Obama, and I am making a real nuisance of myself trying to defend him. South Carolina gave the U.S. Senate Jim DeMint. Need I say more? So, no surprise here. So, come on Repugs, show us what you’ve got! You’vre got two years to turn this country into the Utopia voters want. BTW, I read something a couple of days ago that indicated the Rasmussen poll folks are conservative, and that surprised me.

Sue said...

yes Rasmussen is biased towards the right, even tho righties will deny that. That's why the article says what is does about democratic bias.

I think we have time to watch and listen to what the president and the GOP do for us in the next 2 years before we start making predictions. But if the GOP fails it will hurt them for a good long time, I hope!

The Prophet Dervish Z Sanders said...

Jolly Roger said... They are disillusioned, cynical-and dead wrong in how they express their frustrations.

I agree with that. I was watching "The Last Word" with Lawrence O'Donnell last night, and his guest was Michael Moore. Michael pointed out that 14 million young people who turned out for Barack Obama in 2008 stayed home this time... and the difference between Republican votes cast and Democratic ones was 5 million. In other words... November 2nd could have been (and should have been) a big night for Democrats.

Sue said...

W, democrats are consistent aren't they? That is pitiful, PITIFUL news, but sadly not surprising...