Friday, September 11, 2009

9/12 angry man march, LOL!!

Have you heard, there's going to be an angry man march tomorrow!! It'll be on Fox news of course with Beck!! Yea should be a fun day....

Organizers Predict Thousands of Tea Party Activists Will Attend Saturday’s March on Washington

By Pete Winn, Senior Writer/Editor

( - Hell hath no fury like an angry taxpayer ignored – and thousands of angry taxpayers are expected to come to the nation’s capital Saturday, Sept. 12, to march on the National Mall.

They are the same Americans who staged “tea parties” this Spring to protest the $700 billion mortgage bailout and passage of the $787 billion economic stimulus bill -- and the same people who turned out in droves over the August congressional break at town hall meetings around the country to express their outrage over a proposed trillion dollar health-care “reform.”

This time, however, thousands upon thousands of them are expected to descend on "one place" -- D.C. -- at "one time" -- over the next three days, culminating in a 1 p.m. march on Saturday, according to march organizers.

“I believe there is a new center in American politics around the idea of what we call ‘pocketbook conservatism,’ ” said Matt Kibbe, president and CEO of FreedomWorks, one of more than a dozen conservative organizations sponsoring the march.

Americans from all walks of life have already pledged to show up, Kibbe said, with virtually every one of them telling organizers the same story: “ ‘I’ve never shown up at a Town hall meeting, I’ve never shown up at a protest, I’ve never even talked to my congressman, but I have to show up now because things (in Washington) are out of control,’ ” Kibbe said.

This will likely be the largest gathering of fiscal conservatives ever, according to Adam Brandon of Freedom Works.

“It’s hard to think of a time when you had more than a couple of thousand people get together on strictly fiscally conservative issues,” Brandon said. “You get large abortion rallies, and large gun rallies, but this event is the first time fiscal conservative are coming together.”

In fact, the movement and the energy are brand new -- even if the issues are not, Kibbe said. But the disparate protesters will nevertheless bring "one message" to politicians.

“They think the government is spending money it doesn’t have, and they think that generally that government is spending too much, the debt is too big, the deficit – which is $1.5 trillion -- is out of control, and anger over the government health-care proposal, the cap-and-trade tax, the bailouts and excessive taxes and spending, is all around the basic concept that we can’t spend money that we don’t have.”

As reported this week, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) who returned to Capitol Hill Tuesday, dismissed the town hall protesters and went so far as to accuse the media of creating false impressions about the extent of the protests.

“The (media), particularly the television media, misrepresented the story in terms of the context of what happened” at the town halls. By focusing on the rowdy few, the television cameras prevented the public from seeing the majority of people who are either open to reform or support health care reform,” Hoyer said.

Earlier in August, Hoyer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif,), writing together in USA Today, called the town-hall protesters “unAmerican” and accused them of “ginning up” their opposition:

“It is now evident that an ugly campaign is underway not merely to misrepresent the health insurance reform legislation, but to disrupt public meetings and prevent members of Congress and constituents from conducting a civil dialogue,” they wrote.

'Rant Heard 'Round the World'

Organizers of Saturday’s march, however, said the movement is real – and self-organized.

“People have been 'ginning' themselves up,” Moylan told “These are activists who are coming out of the woodwork, who we have never talked to before – never been on our radar, and are active and engaged in a way that they have never been before.”

In fact, Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots, another organizer, also dismissed the criticism from Democratic leaders in Congress, saying that tea parties and town hall attendance are the products of 21st century social media -- namely Facebook and Twitter.

“This movement started after (CNBC business analyst) Rick Santelli gave his 'rant' in February and the things that he was saying spoke to so many people across this country They don’t want to pay for their neighbor’s houses if they can’t afford them anymore. They don’t want to bailout things and organizations and individuals who haven’t been fiscally responsible, she said.

Santelli’s Feb. 19 on-air outbirst has been referred to as the "rant heard ‘round the world."

“I have an idea,” the angry financial analyst said, “the new administration is big on computers and technology – how about this, president and new administration? Why don’t you put up a Web site to have people vote on the Internet as a referendum to see if we really want to subsidize the losers’ mortgages, or whether we would at least like to buy cars and buy houses in foreclosure and give them to people that might have a chance to actually prosper down the road and reward people that could carry the water instead of drink the water.”

Martin said, from that, the movement sprang up in an instant – tapping deep roots of anger.

“It was very spontaneous, we 'tweeted' about it,” she said. “Then we had a nationwide conference call with 22 people on Feb. 20. On February 27th we had 50 events across this country with over 30,000 people in attendance – with planning in a week’s time, five business days.”

People are just “very passionate about this,” Martin added. “Honestly, if we cancelled this right now, people would still show up because they want their voices heard.”

Kibbe, meanwhile, said activist training session will be held in DC on Thursday and Friday -- and thousands are expected to lobby their congressmen. Physicians will hold their own protest of looming government health care on Thursday evening.

“All we’ve done is create the space for these guys to show up. They are paying their own way, chartering their own buses and booking their own hotels," Kibbe said. " All we are doing is creating the space. We’ve got the permits, we put the Web site together, we’ve got the coalition – but ultimately, if people aren’t angry enough to pay their own way to come, if they don’t care enough about freedom, they aren’t going to be there,” he said.

Glenn Beck has been talking about this as if it's his march, I wasn't able to find anything on it except this lonely article.
BTW, When President Obama was preparing to give his speech to the school kids, conservative bloggers said he was so disrespectful for speaking so close to the 9/11 anniversary! OH MY!! But here we have this march on Washington to protest the Presidents policies and it's 0ne day after 9/11!!!

Have fun little soldiers!


Annette said...

Beck has been pushing this on his program for He, who is so disrespectful of the 9-11 victims and actually says he hates them, is now using them and their memory to bring people together to protest.

It just amazes me, no one was protesting or paying any attention to the deficit until Jan. 20, 2009 and then they became deficit hawks extraordinaire. lol Seems Bush's spending didn't matter, and most of the overage we are seeing is still his but try telling them It became Pres. Obama's as of Jan. 20th even though his budget doesn't even go into effect until

Sue said...

Annette you know I could never stomach watching Beck so I just heard about this on MSNBC the other day. It is amazing how hypocritical conservatives are. Surely the wingnuts NEVER opposed anything Bush did. OH now I'll get a few remarks telling me that is false. Steny Hoyer is so right, the media concentrated on the negative protestors and didn't show the hundreds of thousands who come out to say they are for reform! And the cons say the MSM is liberal, yea right!! So, I hope they show the thousand who are FOR the presidents policies and not just the few loonies who are against!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Annette ~ Quite honestly, you never get anything right on this blog. Give me an actual verifiable quote by Glenn Beck that he hates the 9-11 victims! That is an out and out lie. The few times that I have been able to watch his show proved to me that he is a patriot and supports the victims. You, quite frankly, make things up to support your blatant untruths. Have you no conscience at all?

Sue said...

Linda are you kidding?? If you are a Beck fan then surely you know damn well he said it! I am not totally sure but I think it was on his radio show. Just last night someone played a soundbite, he said "I hate the 9/11 victims families, well I hate 10 of them!" Its when the families were on TV all the time, he was SICK OF HEARING THEM!!!! Google it, you will find it I'm sure!

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue, As I have stated previously, there were many conservatives who did not like the spending during the Bush administration, but for someone who is blaming Republicans for spending too much, the biggest spender of all time is in the Oval Office right now. He has literally spent more than all previous presidents combined. That IS a verifiable fact.

Did you complain when Louis, the "Mother Ship", Farakahn held his big march? Why can't you just recognize that there are conservative people (MILLIONS of them) who honestly disagree with Barack Obama's liberal agenda and SURPRISE, they have every right under the Constitution to protest the President (not King)? Did you protest any gay/lesbian march? Did you protest illegal alien marches?

This blog is nothing but a liberal hate propaganda site. Pathetic!

And by the way, Sue, that's big of you to allow only those who agree with you to post. Typical liberal - you claim you love free speech, but your actions prove just the opposite. You are the facists!

Sue said...

HOLY SHIT!! I did it for you Linda. I googled 'Beck and his hate for 9/11 victims families'

a whole crop of his hateful famous quotes came up, read and enjoy this nazi!!!

Sue said...

Linda Linda Linda, do I publish your comments?? YES I do! Who do you know besides the evil jane have I turned away?? Thats what I thought, now go read all about Glenny boy

Rita said...

Empowering idiots...what a concept
Maybe, they should call it a Zombie march.

The CDM said...

What these idiots don't realize is that they are being used. Used by the same people who want to see the healthcare bill defeated. Who are they? The insurance companies.

I'll elaborate.

They keep people stirred up and pitted against one another so that this "heathcare reform" won't pass.

Here's the problem. This shouldn't be "healthcare reform" it should be "insurance reform". People often overlook the obvious fact that insurance is nothing more than a middleman leeching. They force themselves between YOU and your DOCTOR. In doing so, they're pretty much telling you what you can and cannot do.

The question is, who's really in charge here? Clearly they are. Insurance is not about making you healthy.They obviously don't give a crap...check that, they don't give 2 craps about "you the person" let alone making you healthy(if memory serves correctly, this was made evident in congressional hearings). All they are interseted in is keeping us all fighting amongst ourselves while they get more money and power.

This is why we NEED a public option. In doing so, it will FORCE insurance companies to compete rather than control.

All I see now, when I look and see all those people in D.C. is that there are villages all over the U.S. abandoned by their idiots.

I said this once and now I'll say it again: Rise to a higher level of thinking.(To the dear conservatives that care about us so much)

Sue said...

CDM they don't care about anybody but themselves and their precious pocketbook. Theres a blogger on my sidebar, Elizabeth, she has a post up of a sign made by a wingnut and it says` GIVE ME FREEDOM NOT HEALTHCARE

WTF!!!??? You can not break down the brickwall surrounding a wingnutfuck.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Annette and Sue: More of the same word games from you. I googled G. Beck's comments and you once again have misrepresented what he actually said. He was talking about the 9-11 victims' families who had filed a lawsuit blaming the government for the attack, and also they wanted more money than the $2,000,000. that was given them as compensation for their loss. Beck was accusing them of complaining to milk the situation in order to get more money from basically, the taxpayers. Others have said the same thing. A handfull of the 9-11 families were constantly asking for more, and that is what he hated - the 10 complaining families whom he felt were using the memory of their husbands to profit and protest the Bush administration. THAT is the truth. When you make a blanket statement that "Glenn Beck hates 9-11 victims," you MISLEAD people without explaining it. How about being at least honest???

The Wool Cupboard said...

CDM ~ Do you suggest that the government ban insurance companies? You have an obvious misunderstanding of capitalism--or you HATE it. Do you lean a little socialistic?

Who takes the risk when you take out an insurance policy? Do your premiums ever amount to enough to pay for that liver transplant you get? Insurance companies have to pay employees, build buildings, pay for benefits for their own employees, purchase supplies, take care of payments on all the claims they get from their customers, all called overhead. Are you saying that insurance companies should not be allowed to make a profit...or not that much profit, or what? Do you want Obama to tell them exactly how much profit they can make? Do you want government telling you how much profit you can make in your business?

I believe that there should be some regulations and reform in the health insurance industry. They should not be able to cancel your insurance if you get sick, nor should they be able to raise your rate or lower your coverage once you are ill. I do feel that there should be some regulation regarding pre-existing conditions that allows people to get coverage at affordable rates...perhaps an aid or benefit from the government. You all are going to be very angry some day when you finally get "Obamacare" and realize that you are not going to get "free" anything. What are you going to say when Obama tells you that you can't have that pacemaker at age 65 because it will be too expensive for the number of years that you will statistically live. Rationing is definitely coming if we are unfortunate enough to see Obamacare enacted during our lifetime. Wise up, people!

Sue said...

thats nice Linda, did you also see where he called katrina victims scumbags? Oh well, good ole boy Beck, keep on keepin on...

Sue said...

Linda why do you all keep saying we want free insurance? That is a LIE!! And as far as rationing goes, thats another LIE. But you wingnuts will just have to see for YOURSELVES I guess.

The Wool Cupboard said...

Yes, Sue, and it was the same situation. He was referring to the few people who chose to stay and then blamed the government for their own stupidity. I saw coverage of the Katrina victims, too, and quite frankly, some of them were total morons. They disregarded warning after warning, and then when things got frightening, they were shown on television yelling for someone to come get them out of there. I know people who went down to help right away and the Katrina victims were complaining that they didn't get anything but water to drink and they didn't want the prepared meals that our soldiers eat everyday, they wanted "real" food. So, sorry!! Maybe next time you will heed the warnings and get yourselves and your loved ones out of harm's way! They didn't even appreciate that volunteers had taken their own time and expense to help them. Some of them were loud, angry ingrates...period. Those are the "victims" that Glenn Beck "hated."

The Wool Cupboard said...

Sue ~ Rationing of care is a common result of nationalized health care. Look at Canada, look at the UK. Rationing happens all the time. Many Canadians come here for surgery because it is either not allowed at all or it will be 6 years before they can get the surgery scheduled. Investigate with open eyes and see the reality of government controlled health care. It is NOT what we want or need. There are better ways to take care of the problems with our system...none of which will be improved by government takeover. Wake up and see the truth of Obama's world, if you care enough to do so.

The CDM said...

Now look who's skimming.

I clearly stated they need to compete. Are you suggesting that there is no interference on behalf of the insurance industry? Or is that your version of capitalism. If that makes me a socialist for wanting insurance companies to be forced into cheaper health care, then yes, I'm socialist. Stop watching Faux News. At least channel surf. In fact, turn off the news and read more. I don't even watch the local news anymore, I just sooner read more out of the local paper(which has a tendency to lean to the right) and the N.Y. Times as they are available free on campus. Come to think of it, perhaps my campus is socialist.

Don't tell me for one second that the insurance industry would be hurt by this, you're not that naive. I know what overhead is, I took accounting, thanks for the refresher. Your Obamacare claim sounds a lot like Roy Blunt's argument, which is a bold faced lie.

Read my comments carefully, both the first and this one. Whether you realize it or not, it does answer yours. And you tell us to wise up?

Again *heavy sigh*

The CDM said...


It is quite clear where Linda gets her info. To argue with her is folly. You'd be better off settling disputes between tea party goers and brick walls.

The CDM said...

I can also alreadt tell how my comments will be spun, which will make uncle bill o'reilly very angry.

There is a fundamental flaw in someone's logic. The kind of regulations that Linda calls for requires oversight. Which means committee meeting. Which means what? Bigger government.

Anybody lost so far?

I'll give you a prime example: Homeland Security. Thanks to the patron saint of paranoid idiots, G.W. we now have a VERY big government watch going on. Government during the G.W. regime increased to sizes even his own party flipped out over, but they turned a blind eye and mute mouth due to the fact that it was needed...allegedly.

So, what do you think will happen if "regulations" and "Tort(not the right word, by the way) Reform" get happen? Bigger government, it's inevitable. More over sight and more government employees and more government control.

Folks like Linda are their own worst enemy and don't realize it.

You can't have your cake and eat it too.

The Wool Cupboard said...

DCM ~ The insurance companies won't be allowed to compete with the government. Don't you think that having the government as the overseer of all insurance companies as well as the provider in competition with the insurance companies which they oversee a slight (wink!) risk of conflict of interest? I'm just telling you that I believe that if the government puts out the public option, eventually all insurance providers will be forced out of business, and then there will be NO freedom of choice.

Also, you keep saying that insurance companies don't care about you as an individual. You've really been smoking something funky if you think that the government beaurocrats are going to care about you. Obama doesn't even send his own brother in Kenya money (he only makes $12.00 a month), and his aunt who is an illegal here in the United States hasn't heard from Obama either. He claimed he didn't know she was here (snort!) Yeah, they all care about you, and your whole family. Why, they will probably call you by name instead of a number when you go in to beg them to please let you get that pacemaker. Tell me, have you ever gone to a government office for help or to obtain something (like a license, etc.?) I'm sure they fell all over themselves trying to make you feel like a real person and not just some impersonal number, didn't they? Yeah, I'm SURE they did.

Heavier, big sigh....

The Wool Cupboard said...

Oh, I just realized I made an error in my last comment. Obama's brother, the one in Kenya--he only makes $12.00 A YEAR. Obama could send him a ten dollar bill a year and nearly double his income!!

Sue said...

Linda who gives you these personal accounts about Obamas family?

The CDM said...

Uh, yes...they will. You just choose not to "believe". What have YOU been smoking? Or a better and more poinient question would be, who's got you so afraid, I mean really.

By the way, your skimming again. Did I say bureaucrats would care? Did I say anything that underlined that? I'm simply explaining your own philosophy to you and hit back with insuation and conjecture. Kind of like how I called you names.(wink back at ya)

You pretty much said all you needed to by starting off with some of your explanations with, "I believe". It really makes me wonder where you get your info that has you SO riddled with fear.

Eventually you'll see that forest. You'll just have to weed through that thicket of trees first.

The CDM said...


As far as her shots at Obama, have you heard of a movie called "Death Hunt" with Lee Marvin and Charles Bronson? There's a scene in that movie where Lee Marvin looks at one of his mounties and says, "Look who just got uncivilized".

To those who have seen the movie, you see EXACTLY what I'm talkin' 'bout here.

Who says TV rots your brain?

The Wool Cupboard said...

Happy reading, Sue!

Sue said...

Linda don't be so naive. these reports don't say anything about how his relatives are treated by Barack Obama, nor should you believe it if they did, duh

Sue said...

funny how some would believe this stuff but not his birth certificate, just sayin...
( I don't mean you Linda)

The CDM said...

Happy reading, Linda. Nice try, by the way. Again, STOP WATCHING FAUX NEWS!

Honestly...You are deliberately trying to get me to bang my head on the keyboard aren't you?

Sue said...

Charles I actually had a thought today, do ya think Linda will start to believe US?? Maybe be a convert when its all over??

The CDM said...

Alas, nay. She's too smart for that.

With this little shot at Obama, she's lost all credibility. She brought this demise upon herself.

The United Negro College fund had a saying: "The mind is a terrible thing to waste".

Other than the obvious point made there, I'd like to rearrange it a bit to address Linda's hype and for the rest who enjoy fearmongering. So, when it comes to them and their tactics, they are a waste that is a terrible thing to mind.

Linda, I'll pray for you.