Tuesday, September 1, 2009

definitly NO panic on our side!

khalid sheik mohammed, the self-described architect of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, was subjected to numerous waterboarding, mock killings in an adjacent room, sleep deprivation and threats on his family.
SO WHAT! BIG DEAL!!! this administration is clearly in a panic, yet, so out of touch they are the greatest factor in their own demise!

This is from the mouth of a neocon blogger. You know the type, she refers to President Obama as BarackO, she hates liberals because she loves the status quo, she thinks Obama is destroying our country and the constitution. She thinks health INSURANCE coverage for you and your family is a privilege NOT a RIGHT.

Obviously she thinks torture is a great idea even though its illegal. Dick the Cheney says even though what he authorized was illegal he did the right thing to stop further attacks, yea right Dick...She loves Dick, She loves Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, AND Sarah Palin. She went teabagging with handmade signs! Oh my..... I just might throw-up....

Should we tell her she's clueless, or do we ignore and let her live in her own little dream world?

Obama administration in a panic?? YOU WISH!!!


Anonymous said...

No panic here.... (Nnnooott ONE bit!)

Who is this blogger? Whoever it is, is a total idiot! :)

Donna Marie

marieDee said...

I'm so glad to have found your blog! Thanks for coming by to comment on mine so I could link back to you. I like what I've read so far, and I plan to take some time to go back to your earlier posts AND keep up with your new ones.


Sue said...

welcome marie, thanks and yes, stay and look around! Sue

The CDM said...

"yea right Dick...She loves Dick"

Makes the whole blog worth reading. My inner child salutes you.

Soloman said...

Sue, Sue, Sue...

First of all, let's be clear about the fact that the Bush Administration did not torture anyone. What they did was use techniques that were defined as enhanced interrogation. The idea of waterboarding being torture did not come into play until close to election time, when the left needed some kind of scare tactic to make the right look sinister. Waterboarding is only considered illegal now because Barack Obama made it that way, which is his right as the president, but what he really did with that was appease you, his base.

Now Obama doesn't know what to do about Gitmo even though he said he would close it. He has the issue of this little disagreement between Pelosi and the CIA, and he's got to be smart enough to know that going up against the CIA will backfire against him personally as well as against the nation, so he's told Nancy to shut the piehole and take a nice quiet vacation. Notice we didn't hear her name once this August recess?

So let's see.. this murderer KSM was responsible for the deaths of 3000 Americans, and you are worried about him having a drill run next to his ear, or the fact that he heard somebody in the next room screaming in fake agony?? Get real,

Sue... I hear louder and scarier noises when there are two cats fighting outside my window, and in that case a living being might actually be hurt. KSM deserved to have his fingernails pulled off one by one if that's what it took to get information from him. He is lucky he didn't get shot in the field. That's the lesson you peacenik libs have taught the men and women who protect us - don't bring 'em in, shoot 'em where they stand.

We have an admitted Communist "advising" the president. He has made statements such as "The white polluters and the white environmentals are essentially steering poison into the people of colored communities." Who does that sound like?? Perhaps Rev. Wright when he said "The government lied about the Tuskegee experiment. They purposely infected African American men with syphilis."

We were told to excuse off Wright as a "crazy uncle type" who said these things "years ago". Van Jones said his words in MARCH 2009!!

We have a man who believes in and supports Marxist policy running the broadcast media policy in this nation, and his plan is to censor - as in take away freedom of the press. He's written more than once how he wishes to force certain parts of the media out of business. Just this week a bill was introduced that would give the president complete control of the internet - are you kidding?? What would you have said if that were a bill being introduced by Repubs while Bush was in office?

We have Congresspeople on tape talking about how great Castro is and how Che was a great man. Is that what you believe??

Mark my words - Now that DC is back, Obama is going to start a marketing campaign, trying to tell us all how great the economy is doing and how if we just have that health care bill pass it will get so much better.

This is really simple - a right is something that can not be taken away from you - your right to life, to speak freely, to attempt to gain all the fruits possible from your hard labor, to protect yourself. Everything else - things that can be given and taken - those are PRIVILEGES.

If you were all alone on an island, you could live as long as you could find food and water. You could talk to the sky and the birds until you turn blue. You would have the right to protect yourself from anything that threatened you, using any means available. However, if you fell and broke your arm or God forbid you got cancer - where is the fulfillment of your "right" to health care?

Sorry to be so long-winded, but I can't sit by idly and watch as you spin information and tell untruths. BTW - the "teabagging" joke you leftists love - it's rude crude, and inconsiderate, and decent people wouldn't say such things about their fellow Americans.

Have a great night!

Sue said...

soloman with all that said I will reply with one comment, I didn't say teabagging as a nasty comment, I'm one of those who didn't know the real definition before all these tea parties started. So, no, I was not being rude on purpose.

Leslie Parsley said...

Sol: Go be with your own myth makers. I used to live in your area and couldn't wait to get away from so many mean and ignorant folks.

Sue, ignore him. He ain't worth your breath.

The CDM said...

As an experiment, a couple of my friends tried lying flat with a rag shoved in their mouth while someone poured water over their face. Mind you, they were accounting nerds, so I already knew what the outcome would be.(That's what us crazy college kids do when we're bored, it was either that or go to a statistics lecture)

Either way, it's just spliting hairs waiting for someone to call it torture and make it illegal.

Although, I sure would love for Sean Hannity to put up or shut up on seeing him get waterboarded. Might make a great stimulus pay-per-view.

Annette said...

I love how after all this time.. all these years.. since Bush and Cheney got into office and had some memos written by their pet attorneys Waterboarding is now not a crime. Wow.. we just wiped away hundreds of years of history. Clear back to the Spanish Inquisition... Khmer Rhouge, WWII and many more years of History, just gone.. all because of some memos.. and a whitewashing of minds..

Sorry, but the Geneva Convention and even.. Sir Ronnie.. the patron saint of the right wingers says that Waterboarding is torture.. Oh how we forget.. But then when we want to.. We being the RWNJ (Right Wing Nut Jobs) we forget that Sir Ronnie exists don't we..

Solomon.. you are an idiot and a fool.. Just because we change the name from Torture to "enhanced interrogation" doesn't make it correct.. and doesn't make them legal. It is still TORTURE.

Soloman said...

Annette - you are working within the liberal fallacy that world laws are American laws, and that The Geneva Conventions apply in the ongoing battle against Al Quaeda and Jihadists.

This is simply just not true. America has her own laws, and we also operated completely within the confines of The Geneva Conventions.

The instances you mentioned are all terrible times, to be sure, but the bottom line is that per The Geneva Conventions, enemy combatants are an entity of their own, distinct and separate from soldiers of war.

Furthermore, the laws inside America, as well as the Geneva Convention, were not changed to accommodate the Bush administration. Only in the minds of the left did such events take place.

I don't know where you get your ideas, but there's a huge difference between an American who has rights under our Constitution as compared to a radical with no concern for life, especially one who masterminded the killing of 3000 Americans, some of whom had to jump nearly 100 stories to their deaths for fear of burning alive.

I am no fool. Call me an idiot, call me a nut job all you want. Mock the name of a great president - yet you'll cry if someone disagrees ON POLICY with this president and call us racists.

Notice, meanwhile, that I have been NOTHING but COURTEOUS in all of my discussions here. I debate agressively, but I've called nobody a name, yet look through the thread.

You've mocked me, Sue calls people with a differing opinion "teabaggers," Leslie speaks of "myth makers," and insinuates that I'm one of the "mean and ignorant folks" she couldn't wait to get away from, and says I'm not worth the breath of another.

It is well known that those who can not debate with fact and reason will soon resort to mockery and the effort to discredit by any means possible.

Well done.

Sue said...

nice job friends! Solomans comment made me gasp, but alas it was bedtime and knew you all would be by to set him on the straight and narrow. The Bush administration didn't torture but used "enhanced interrogation techniques" Come sweet Soloman, you know better than that...Obama made torture illegal??? WTF! Soloman you shock me, Annette you did good!!

Lisa said...

If we are a nation of laws what happened to the laws that apply to tax cheats? They work in the administration. Geitner,Rangel and I hear Daschel is secretly advising on healthcare again. And we all know his feelings about the elderly and health care.
The CIA is Holder's Haliburton. You do know the law firm he "no longer" works for is defending the Gitmo detainees.
Maybe we should make it a law enforcement issue. I heard of cops beating the crap out of a minor drug offender.
Hi Sue!

Lisa said...

lol Jane.
I guess I slept through that part.