I found this on a conservative blog. Go figure...
From IhatetheMedia.com
It’s been a good week for Glenn Beck. A very good week.
First Van Jones “resigned” as Green Jobs Czar. Then Yosi Sergant was “reassigned” at the National Endowment for the Arts when down. Now the Census Bureau has fired ACORN.
Take the rest of the weekend off, Glenn.
After that 9/12 event, that is.
Love or hate him, Glenn Beck has turned out to be a force to be reckoned with. How has this happened? His ratings are off the hook, he has organized a march in Washington D.C. that was historic, and his exposes are starting to make him one of the last of investigative journalists out there. Oh, he would tell you that he isn't a journalist, but exposing corruption is what journalists are supposed to do. So in my book, that makes him one. And one of the only ones as well.
He is emotional and passionate. His ratings are high for one reason and one reason only. People know sincerity when they see it. And he is sincere. He is also fearless. He said the other day that they can't bring you down when you have nothing to lose. He says if he lost his job tomorrow, it wouldn't matter because the money has never been important to him and I believe that. He said he would simply get in line with the rest of us at the protests to take back our country, and I believe he would. That is why his show resonates with the American people.
But I hope he is ready for the onslaught of the hate/smear crowd of the left. I think what they are about to do to Glenn Beck is what we should now refer to as being "Palinized." They will go after his family, his friends, his background, and his children. Just as they did with Palin. They will lie and smear just like they did with Palin.
I hope Beck can take it. Because he is one of the few voices out there in TV land that is speaking for the people. He is educating people that would never otherwise even know what organizations like ACORN are, or that we even had a Green Czar. He's fighting the good fight, and whether we on the right like him or not, we need to support him, because not only is he right, he is making a difference. The proof is in the pudding.
We don't have the votes to defeat this health care bill I'm afraid. But what has happened is we have woken the people up to make sure that we NEVER give Democrats the majority again. Because now, and because of people like Glenn Beck, we understand how much we have to lose.
I'm afraid after reading this THEY REALLY ARE CRAZY!!!! Thank God they are only a tiny itty bitty minority!!! Frightening shit!!!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Yes, they are crazy, and so is he.. he is either going to have himself taken off the air or something and use that to make himself a martyr to make him a hero to people on the right again.
He has enough money to live on forever. I have read several reviews of his books, I don't know why people buy them, the writing they say is terrible, and the premise is stupid.. but he is a number 1 seller..just for his name I guess...lol
Because he can get his freak on and act all stupid on the TeeVee Machine and on the Radio he garners big ratings.. of course he has people convinced he is telling them the truth..when 99% of what he says is a lie. Just like the Van Jones stuff.. there was just enough truth in it to make it believable, but not enough to make it truth. But no one in the so called MSM bothered to check it out.. they just did like always and were lazy with the reporting.
I shudder at the thought this country has so many stupid people so blinded by idiots like Beck and others on the right fringe.
I have really enjoyed reading some of your posts, along with the posts of others on your blog roll. I have but one problem and that are the conservative contributors to your comments section. I still think you should let the comments go without moderating as this will let a lot of these crackpots show their true colors and out themselves for the ignorant fear mongers and haters that they truly are.
Having said that, I would also like to extend a tongue-in-cheek “thanks a lot, fuckers” to your fellow Liberal commenters in your circle for not giving me the heads up on these misguided individuals. I now know why none of them engage these misguided folks in debate as it is a futile effort in getting someone so closed-minded to see reason, while being forced to bear witness to such mindless drivel and cheap shots. These individuals will never ever rise to a higher level of thinking as they are so convinced by the talking heads of conservative broadcast. The least they could do is admit they are just plain scared and are acting out of primitive instinct.
Yes, it will be difficult to function in an era where the last 8years they were so used to being ruled over by someone who is as dense and ignorant as they are. Too bad, the era of being out-dumbed is over, the thinkers want their country back.
P.S. Donna Marie is still a smokin’ hot babe…and I’m not sorry for beating that dead horse and never will be.
Beck is P.T. Barnum and knows there's a sucker born every minute.
Sue, thanks for "Sunday Morning Coming Down." This is not the good version of the song, so change it. I'm not crazy about most country music, either, but I like what I call "outlaw" music (Willie, Waylon and the boys). The words to this song are great. Just wish you had the good version! But, listen to the words. Thanks for playing it for me!
OK BJ I'll put Willie's version on. let me know if you like it!
CDM I hope someone gets here and debates you, you are a great debater and I enjoy your visits!! :-)
Does that make me a master debater?
Uh...wait a minute....
It took me just a second to get that then I laughed so loud the neighbors heard me!!!
wow sounds like the left campaigning for Obama.
See what it feels like?
Just to clarify you can call it itty bitty all you want but it's millions all over the counry.
Denial doesn't make it so.
I think you should be thanking all those people standing up for freedom instead of settling for the status quo.
No Lisa, it sounds more like I'm calling you guys on your bullshit.
Is this your weak attempt at trying to fill the Linda void?
The majority of Beck's advertisers have deserted him, due to his racism and attempts to incite violence.
Oh yes there were hundreds of thousands of violent people at DC.
Don't you wish the left were as civil when they spewed their venom against every republican president?
ooooh CD is calling bullshit. Wow you really put me in my place.
you should take up Obama's advice and stop bickering.
Lisa, you have no place. You're throwing random shit against the wall hoping that something will stick.
Side note:Funny how conservatives made fun of protesters during the Bush regime. So, I guess now, it's acceptable.
But seriously, look back on all your comments and answers made to your comments. Seems like you are just all over the place. I hate to admit this, but I miss Linda. At least she kept focus, allbeit confused and gravely mistaken. In the end though, she started the whole "throw shit" thing as well and it was called.
Honestly woman, do you expect anyone here to start taking you seriously?
well we ca be as focused as you being you get all your infornmation from all your reliable sources.
Anyway I hear there the area was left virtually spotless whereas inauguration day there was like 2 tons of garbage left behind.
And we should take you seriously when you don't even know the meaning of racism?
lisa you are babbling again..
yes I saw those photos on the most nuttiest of wingnuts rightwingsparkles blog.
you and sparkle should realize not just liberals were at the inauguration, there were people of ALL parties there welcoming our wonderful new President Obama. And further more its immature to put 2 photos up against each other with no proof of WHAT THEY ARE! Sperkle should be ashamed of her idiot self, she is a moron!!
sparkle is a moron not sperkle...
Yes, Lisa...
I suppose a few thousand people(as opposed to the MILLIONS first and quickly claimed) wouldn't leave that much of a mess. NOW, that's just for buying into your theory(see, at least I'M willing to be "open-minded" here). But, in reality, I'm sure you got that little tid bit from Rightwingsparkle as Sue suggested as she beat me to that punch. I just love how you swithed this whole thing to a rant about littering now, nice distraction there, but I caught it.
Look, I'm going to say this ONE last time and it's not that my fact gathering(thanks for the compliment,by the way) is such a big secret. RISE TO A HIGHER LEVEL OF THINKING!
Now, I'm going to address your comment about my fascination with "racism", as once again you're off on YET another tangent and throwing more shit against the wall in the hopes that something will stick. Proving my point that you are just all over the place. Do you have A.D.H.D.? I mean that seriously.
I used racism a few times, but I also used "hater" a whole hell of a lot more. Perhaps YOU are the one that is confused. Like Linda, you're skimming. I'm going to do you a solid by not continuing from here as this going to end badly for you. Again, nice distraction
I'm surprised you didn't call bullshit on the trash statemnt winds up it was over 100 tons of trash.
I guess they were waiting for government to clean up the mess.
apparently you don't read my comments lisa, and the states pay for clean-up, not the gov.
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