I'm a little disappointed more conservatives didn't comment on the speech. I guess I wanted to hear how much you liked it, you thought it was inspirational and not a bit scary.
Even this morning I'm hearing on Morning Joe more schools opting out from airing this innocent harmless and very inspirational speech. How sad for those kids. I wonder if the older kids will question their parents point of view, I wonder if they will break lose from the stepford child syndrome and form their own opinion. Before you get yourselves in an uproar, I'm talking about JR and High school age kids. Yes they are old enough to frankly discuss this subject with their parents and hopefully the kids can voice THEIR opinions.
I don't know....I think your hearts are so hard that even if you did like the speech you wouldn't admit it. It's a pity...
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
Good Morning Sue, Good Morning Lisa!
Nothing surprises me anymore. :)
Donna Marie
you are right Donna thats why you are a great person who we all love!! Good afternoon girls!! xo
Thanks for the visit to my site. I vent quite often it seems, but today got my Irish up and running. I shall return here also. Thanx again.
Sue, you could never cross the line.. not at my place nor anywhere I don't believe...so you don't worry. The only comment I have ever deleted was one that contained a virus.. even wing nuts are allowed to freely express their opinions .. of course that means I am free to unload on their ass as I will...lol
I didn't get to hear the President this morning, nor have I read it..because it was such a stupid, idiotic argument from these wing nuts in the first place.. still is.. now they are trying to justify keeping their kids home, not showing the speech and looking like the fools they all are.
I want a bucket to catch all the egg off their faces...lol then I can use it to throw back at them again and again.
Annette at least they aren't going to hold hearings like the dems did and do for every little thing.
I just recall how mean they were to General Patreus,Condeleeza Rice,Clearence Thomas and Sam Alito. Just to name a few.
thanks Annette.
Lisa what we are saying is how the PARENTS acted to ignorantly, thats much different then some elected officials having their usual arguments. I don't ever recall parents act the way they did with this speech, just because they hate Obama shouldn't mean they want their hate to rub off on the innocent kids. Poor kids, its a shame because the ones who saw the President talk were so excited!
I love conservatives. They truly emmulate themselves after the good book. They start off by going Old Testament on everyone thinking that it be in the best interests and they're doing right, but then realize that they may have been a bit harsh. So, now they try going New Testament because surely it will sell more copies and be more exceptable.
Either way, I ain'y buyin'.
Call it the shit disturber in me. Plus, I'm cynical.
Well, since Bush 41's speech was political and out of line.. there was a reason for the hearings.. and that's why they were held. That's just a bit of a false equivalency.
Here is the proof...
Democrats' complaints in 1991 were justified False Equivalency
Hope you enjoy this... Here is the reason for your hearings Ms Lisa...because they were needed. You know when you tell a story you really should know all the facts and tell the entire story.. I told you the other day.. if you are going to come better have all the facts.. I am older and wiser than you.. See I paid attention in school like the President told the kids to today... Not like they did back when Bush was talking to the kids and telling them to and using it as a campaign speech.. it was called America 2000. He was running for reelection.. that's why there were hearings.. geeze lady get the facts straight. They were investigating to see if he used federal funds to make a campaign tape...
Sue, if you haven't check out that blog.. it is Matt Osborne's.. He is wonderful.. good friend of mine.. and very good blogger..
Lisa's very first comment inspired me to get off and write the SECOND post on my blog today! I wish she could read it, but I don't want her monopolizing my comments zone. LOL.
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