Saturday, September 19, 2009


First the "birthers," now the "czar-ers"?

Media conservatives, particularly the folks at Fox News, have been on a crusade of late to rid the Obama administration of czars. You know, because the term sounds foreign ... perhaps Russian ... definitely commie. Of course, in order to fall in line behind their logic, one has to ignore the fact that Republican and Democratic presidents have used the term to identify top advisers for decades. As we noted last week, "In fact, 'czars' were such a non-issue at Fox News during the Bush years that Bill O'Reilly called for the appointment of several new 'czars' to handle immigration, charities, and disaster relief, and not once was he denounced by his colleagues for advocating a 'shadow government' with 'unchecked power.' "

Well, this week was no different. The czar hysteria continued.

Fox News actually set out to explain to viewers why Obama's use of czars was so much worse than President Bush's. The conservative network falsely claimed that The Washington Post reported that Bush had 16 "czars" and that Obama has "twice as many." In fact, in the article Fox News cited, the Post reported, "By one count, Bush had 36 czar positions filled by 46 people during his eight years as president."

Taking a page from the Fox News book, Dobbs also downplayed Bush's use of czars, stating that prior to the Obama administration, "the highest number of czars that we were able to document in our own reporting ... was during the Clinton administration, and he had only 10 czars." I guess Dobbs and his researchers don't read The Washington Post.

Dobbs' report did net the conspiracy-minded CNN host a new nickname, however. MSNBC's Keith Olbermann dubbed Dobbs a "czar-er" in designating him the "Worst Person in the World" for downplaying Bush's use of czars.

Media Matters


Rita said...

I dunno...according to the links there are so many untruths in what the "czar-ers" are spouting, I can hardly imagine their crusade getting very far.

Infidel753 said...

Media conservatives, particularly the folks at Fox News, have been on a crusade of late to rid the Obama administration of czars.

A crusade to get rid of the czars? Isn't that how (shudder) Communism got started?

the term sounds foreign ... perhaps Russian...

Well, that's easy to explain. Obama is not only a Kenyan, a Muslim, an Indonesian, a Marxist, a Nazi, and a wise Latina woman, he's also a Russian.

Frodo, salutin' Sue said...

Is the President going to be on your blog tomorrow? If so, Frodo would like to call in and nominate Sue for the Meritorious Service Award (or something like that). You cover more ground than grass. Are you sure you didn't pot that plant).

You go girl!

TomCat said...

Repuglicans so love to stir up non issues. Czar is not is never a formal job title. It's just an easy way for the media to tell what area the person heads up.

The CDM said...

Speaking of czar's, anyone catch David Horowitz on glenn beck? I mean, seeing as how a person's past is a huge issue...

I'm just sayin'

Sue said...

Hi Rita!
Infidel you are hilarious!

Frodo wouldn't that be awesome?!! Frodo My favorite dude, thanks!!

Yes Tom, non issues cuz they ain't got nuttin' else to say!!

C you know I can't stomach Beck, I just can't watch the freak show!

The CDM said...

All the more reason to watch, Sue. You should always know what the opposition is doing. I do enjoy CNN amd MSNBC broadcasts, but a lot of the time, I'm just getting validation for what I already know.

beck has actually had Horowitz on many times before, I just think it's funny that he's getting validation from someone with a rather checkered past(if you want to really disect it). Just a little shit for me to throw for savage amusement.

Oh Infidel, you also forgot that Obama is a British National as well.

Sue said...

I will leave the watching to you Charles, I'll just read about what Becks doing so I don't have to hear his voice and look at his face.

Anonymous said...

You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot lift the wage earner up by pulling the wage payer down. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot build character and courage by taking away people's initiative and independence. You cannot help people permanently by doing for them, what they could and should do for themselves.

I know this will be over your liberal heads, so you won't see the wisdom of the words, but please try.


The CDM said...

Also, you cannot eat them with a fox.
You cannot eat them in a box.
You cannot eat them with a mouse
You cannot eat them in your house.
You cannot eat them here.
You cannot eat them there.
You cannot eat them with Bush
Because YOU anonymous are a DOUCHE!

How far did that go over your head? This little rhyme seems to be on your level. Boy did you show us.

The CDM said...

I just love the idiotic conjecture from anonymous posters along with the "profile not found" soldiers.

Take your meds people, seriously.

Sue said...

its the same old song and dance with neocons.. don't help the poor, let them learn how to help themselves, even tho that is not Jesus' teaching.

Don't put any restrictions on the rich(corporations)they MUST be left alone to make trillions, ya know that old saying-the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, thats how they like it.

liberals can't incite hatred for their fellow man but conservatives can.

hey, I'm thrifty, are you thrifty C??

The CDM said...

This whole proverb thing is a conversation killer...and a buzz kill to boot. I mean really. What's next? I suppose we'll hear some shit like "We need to fight for peace". Which is like fucking for chastity(by the way, the last 2 syllables of that word are my favorite).

Sue said...

you're making me bust out laughing and wake up the husband!!!

Anonymous said...

Words of wisdom are wasted on those ill equipped to comprehend them. You people are so shallow as to be completely boring. All of you pooled together could not produce one legitimate thought. You pride yourselves on being so caring of the poor, but you are too stupid to know how to really help someone. You want to feed them a fish sandwich when you would be wiser to teach them to fish for themselves. Ignorance is bondage...and believe me, you are all a bunch of slaves to it.


Sue said...

don't judge me anon. You don't know what kind of life I lead. You don't know if I help people fish or not! damn you are so ignorant..

The CDM said...

Dude, lithium. Ask your doctor if it's right for you. You emergency room christian attitude has touched me. It would be nice of you to come out of anon hiding to thank you properly. On second thought, nevermind, I'll just get your I.P. address from Sue's feedjit and find a way of thanking you more appropriately.

I'll be sure to alert the Dean at my school that I'm not worthy of his list and I should resign my title as President of the honor fraternity at my school.

Again, proverbs are a conversation killer. You are so enlightened yet you keep coming back. Are you seeing a pattern for yourself here or am I the only one?

Sue said...

I'm seein' the pattern Mr President!

Jerry Critter said...

Proverbs can be entertaining, but actions and results are more important. The bad actions and results of the previous administration has got us to where we are, all proverbs/slogans aside.

Infidel753 said...

The anonymous comments are (a) quotes, not actually written by the commenter, and (b) canned talking points rather than an actual response relevant to the specific topic of the posting. Typical troll tactics.

Sue, it's perfectly legitimate to delete such irrelevancies.

Sue said...

I know Infidel, I do delete most, but when we get criticized for calling these people morons then we need to leave up the comments so we have proof we are correct! :-))))

Lisa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa said...

awwww come on guys MSNBC is soooo credible I can't imagine that anyone wouldn't watch them.

and this here: