Saturday, September 19, 2009

Orly Taitz Client Lays Pimp Hand Down On....Orly Taitz???

SAY IT AIN'T SO!!! But, here it is in black and white(and here's the actual story to read in all its glory). Here's the actual complaint filed against Orly Taitz BY HER OWN CLIENT, Captain Connie Rhodes(hater Esquire):
RHODES v MacDONALD - 18 - Letter regarding from plaintiff regarding withdrawal of motion to stay - Gov.usco...

Sucks to be a birther at this very moment, damn. One step back for birthers one GIANT LEAP for common sense. Evidently, Capt. Connie Rhodes got the message(I'm speaking of the reality check she got slapped with) and wanted to just drop the whole damn thing. But OH NO, Orly ain't done makin' a damn fool of herself just yet as she has not yet begun to fight for her right to birther party.

But this isn't the best part. The best part comes from the presiding judge Clay Land. Here's EXACTLY what he wrote, I shit you not:

NOW, to ALL you birther wanna-be's(Orly is O.G, she's hardcore) and all-around haters, surely by now you have seen the err of your ways. Your patron saint of ding bats has been toppled. The instigator has given up and seen the light. It's time time move on and find some other bullshit nonsense you'll enjoy shoveling, that will ultimately be defeated as well. Thanks for playing, better luck next ti-...nah, that won't work either.

I am the Complaint Department Manager and I approve this dismissal.

EDIT:To address the fans/commenters of Orly Taitz: Keep fucking that chicken!


Anonymous said...

We at AXJ would like to see the agreement she signed with Orly to represent her? It probably says Orly doesn't have to wait for her approval to appeal...

willis said...

She is rather tenacious about all this as she keeps spewing the lies even after being exposed. She could be a Fox News host with those credentials.

Anonymous said...

More to come ...

TomCat said...

The wing nuts have to make thing up. They don't haqve anything true to use against him.

Sue said...

you would Think this puts an end to it, BUT....

The CDM said...

This would be hysterical if it weren't so pathetic. This is going to end bad for your trolls, seriously.

The CDM said...

I was hoping to get another "anonymous" ranter preaching more of Larry Sinclair and his "truth". Interesting, seems that the accusation of forgery is coming from a known forger himself.

Larry Sinclair, the forger

What's the next defense? Larry mad 'cause some does better work than he does? Cracker, please.

To the second anon poster, THAT is how you hyperlink properly.

Sue said...

we have an anonymous commentor on this blog who believes Larry Sinclair??? Should we be scared??

Rita said...

That's the best thing that could of happened to finally loosen any last shred of credibility those idiots were trying to claim they had.

Unfortunately, nothing works with hardcore conspiracy theorists. It is the nature of the beast. The more you expose it the more they believe it, until the whole world is involved in one big conspiracy against them.

I guess that's one way to be special. ;)

Infidel753 said...

We at AXJ

Let me guess.....Anonymous Xenophobic Jackasses?

we have an anonymous commentor on this blog who believes Larry Sinclair??? Should we be scared??

Well, at least he/she/it has enough sense to stay anonymous.....

Sue said...

I was being sarcastic Infidel, but yes they should stay anonymous for their own safety! We're gonna get you anon, Be afraid, be very afraid!! Booooooooooo