Monday, September 21, 2009

Roy Blunt to Introduce Joke Wilson in Springfield Speaking Event

You know, I TRIED to choose my words VERY carefully when addressing this issue earlier on Sue's lovely little blog here. I was trying to emphasize that there was a difference between the Republican "Party" vs. "Assembly". Well, Apparently, there isn't as Roy Blunt plans to introduce the Douchebag-of-the-Month Joke Wilson on October 3 in Springfield, Mo. Campaign fund contributions Ticket prices are going to be starting at $75 and go up to the brown-nose special package $150 for non party wanna-be-hater couples. For those of you that would like to show your disapproval of this sham of an event, I think it is safe to say that the "Party" is now fair game. You may contact the Missouri Republican "Party" chapter at 573-636-3146. Hey, I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt, but I guess they decided it's best NOT to distance themselves from these jokers. By the way, when I called last week to get the number for the Assembly, the "allegedly" didn't have it, but said they'd call me back with the number. Well, they didn't, hmmmmm.

OH, speaking of "Jokers", now it's time for some childish hooligan antics. I've seen the Pelosi "Joker" likenesses around them thar internets or "series of tubes" that connect us all. But, I think a better likeness for the Joker, would be Blunt himself(concept shamelessly ripped off from fellow Springfield blogger Busplunge)
See for yourself:

And now, Roy Blunt:

Look, I'm just sayin'...

EDIT: In full disclosure, it needs to be repeated that Roy Blunt married a lobbyist and his son, Andrew is also a lobbyist. I guess that makes them monkeys by marriage?

I am the Complaint Department Manager and I approve this Joker "Party".


TomCat said...

Sue, I gotta come there. We could make a fortune selling barf bags. ;-)

Sue said...

Tom thats CDM who lives in Springfield, he's my new co-author. BTW, doing a great job huh!

Love the pictures C, great likeness!

Infidel753 said...

Gah, Dr. Moreau is back and he's working on chipmunks this time.....

The CDM said...

Thanks, Sue. TomCat, Don't EVEN get me started on that shitbag Kit Bond. I have a friend VERY immersed in the political scene and have had some suspicions that were confimed verbally about that prick. Missouri's got some fucked up republicans representing them and no mistake.

TomCat said...

Yeah he is!! You poor guy. We've pretty much run the GOP out of Western Oregon.