Sunday, September 20, 2009

More of the same..

Todays talk show round was just more of the same. Now I'm not saying I was bored, but I heard it all before. Here's just a bit of Meet the Press interview...

David Gregory asked the president if he said the public option was dead,

Obama: "Well what I — no, no, that's not true. What I — what I've said is the public option, I think, should be a part of this but we shouldn't think that, somehow, that's the silver bullet that solves health care. What I've said, for example, on — what's called an individual mandate. During the campaign I said, Look, if — health care is affordable, then I think people will buy it. So we don't have to say to — to folks, You know what? You have to buy health care. And when I talked to health care experts on both the left and the right what they tell me is that, even after you make health care affordable, there's still gonna be some folks out there who — whether out of inertia, or they just don't want to but — spend the money — would rather take their chances. Unfortunately, what that means, is then you and I and every American out there who has health insurance, and are paying their premiums responsibly every month, they've gotta pick up the cost for— emergency room care when one of those people gets sick. So what we've said as long as we're making this genuinely affordable to families then you've got an obligation to get health care just like you have an obligation to get auto insurance in every state."

So, did he say the public option will stay in the final bill? I dunno..

Obama: "I laid down some pretty clear parameters. And what I said was we're gonna take ideas from both sides."

Inject John Boehners remarks.. , "there has been NO bi-partisan talk over healthcare reform on Capital Hill" Really??

Obama: "The bottom line is that the American people can't afford to stay on the current path. We know that. And that both sides are gonna have to give some. Everybody's gonna have to give some in order to get something done. We wouldn't have gotten this far if, you know, we hadn't been pretty insistent, including to folks in my own party, that we've gotta get past some of these ideological arguments to actually make something happen."

Inject Lindsey Grahams remarks, and say it in a southern drawl: He's(Obama) been on everything but the food channel!"

OK, so what did we learn today? Boehners crying because his voice and the voices of all repugs are not being heard by our president, AND Lindsey Graham watches the Food Network!


The CDM said...

I watch Food Network.

What??? Sunny Anderson is cute.

TomCat said...

I watched Obama on Face the Nation and Meet the Press. I learned nothing new, but felt somewhat inspired. Then came Repuglican views. I learned nothing new, but felt the need to shower.

Sue said...

C who is Sunny Anderson?, I must be missing out, been a long time since I watched Food Network. Are you a good cook??

Tom, doesn't Graham and Boner make you feel all queezy and icky??

TomCat said...

Sue, that's an understatement.