Learning from Antiquity 10 – Hephaestus
When I came across this information, I knew I needed to consult the gods on
how to do justice to it. Since it’s regarding incarcerated firefighters, I
1 hour ago
Woah... Good Morning.., OB said a mouthfull! :)
Donna Marie
I loved that one.. thanks for that referral.. as Donna said.. it was a mouthful...lol
Stopped at the first sentance.. I would have read it if it didn't have so much foul in it. Find me one that isn't so rotten, I will read it and give you my opionon.
Donna Marie, funny you got on my blog, cuz I don't have a blog. I am not a blogger, but I am a facebooker, and a twitter for my business. No blogs for me, but I love reading other peoples.. And yes, I do have a beautiful family.
complaint department. where'd you shop for me? funny thing is, we 4 kids, 5 and under,and live in Washington state..really- would I take them to the tea party. umm- wouldn't even go to the tea party.
So link up baby- show me that you shopped at the wrong store. Don't call out if you don't link.. I don't have to hide anything, I am proud of my family and what I stand for, just don't feel I need to share them with the world. thanks.
OB said a mouthfull!
A mouthful of what.....I'm almost afraid to wonder, after all that.....
He certainly doesn't hold back. Not a problem with me though. considering Baucus has enjoyed the fruits of over $4 million from the healthcare lobbyists - why would we think he could come up with a viable bill. At least they now have a starting point - they can build from the ground up now!
It's called the peoples english and I use it.
Smooches for the link love honey.
Chelsea - you are pathetic, really. You had 2 blogs of which you were connected with. I read your post rambling on about H.R. 3200 and on the other one, your last entry I saw was you discussing with another about your "vacation" to D.C. Sound familiar?
So between Donna Marie not being able to access you blog and now I see that there is "no profile" connected...
You shared enough.
Chelsea is full of crap! She had an active link to her blog! I read a little of it. I see she likes to play games. I have no time for it... especially on this blog! We have bigger fish to fry! :)
PS. I didn't see any brown babies.
Donna Marie
heres a good one for you Chelsea, zirgar.blogspot.com
let me know if you liked it
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