Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rachel Maddow

The Rachel Maddow show
is celebrating its 1 year anniversary tonight.

Congrats Rachel and heres to many, many more!


Lisa said...

awww good for her and her GE owned MSNBC. I wonder if the employees get bonuses off the healthcare system and the green movement like their bosses will.

Anonymous said...

Lisa... you are funny.

Hey Sue Sue.. (Glass raised...) What's new?

Donna Marie

ZIRGAR said...

The thing about Rachel Maddow that endears her to me personally is that of all the political pundits on TV she's really the one who most seems like a regular person, one who just happens to be super smart, well researched and a really decent person. I think she'd be someone I'd thoroughly enjoy having a beer with while picking her brain for facts and persectives. She's simply the best.

Oh, and thanks for the link to my blog. I just thought you were going to link to it in a post. lol. I feel truly honored.

The CDM said...


You are a morally deprived heathen shrouded in a cloak of communism.

I'll drink to that!

ZIRGAR said...

Perspectives, I mean. Not persectives. Persectives sounds kind of nasty and vile. lol

Sue said...

Zirgar you're welcome, and I agree about Rachel. I love her and her show, she's a great journalist and gets those investigative juices flowing and brings us exactly what we want to hear!

manager stop being so fuckin funny on my oh so serious blog!!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sue!!!! I hope you have a wonderful day! I am excited about Obama's speech tonight!!!! :)

Donna M

Sue said...

mornin Donna, I can't wait for tonight, crossing my fingers for a great speech we can be proud of. I sure hope he stays STRONG!! xo

The CDM said...

Personally speaking, I never liked Clinton, even after I met him at the Little Rock Hilton the night after he won the first election. However, he was what the country needed. I think he did VERY well there. The rumors of his affairs are mostly true, but who the hell cares, other than the moralals police that want the good president AND good husband. Mad Jack McCain is just like Clinton, on the personal level, can't keep it in his pants. Unfortunately, the man that ran against GW in 2000 is dead and gone. It's too bad, I actually liked that guy. He's now only a shell of his former self. Nothing more than a gelded maverick. Oh well, that's what you get when you sell your soul to the people who screwed you over on your first real presidential run.

Sue said...

I love Bill and Hill. What the repubs did to Clinton after the affair was finally admitted to was unforgivable to me. The dirty rotten cheating repubs coming out this year, how dare they! Self-righteous pigs!

Please don't get off course and start talking Clinton!

Papamoka said...

I love having Rachel as a neighbor! Well, almost a neighbor, oh hell she lives sixty miles from me. But if this state were the size of Texas that would be your next door neighbor! Right?

Infidel753 said...

I saw Rachel Maddow's report on Republicans "teabagging" when the tea party thing got started. A classic.

Annette said...

I know this is about Rachel.. and all I can say there is I think she is great.. she does her research and is usually spot on.. however if she does make a mistake in something, she doesn't hesitate to say so...that's why I like her..not many of the pundits on teevee do that.

Now..Lisa said this.. about Bush:

When he did an interview with Oprah I tuned in as much as I didn't want to and was quite impressed with how genuine he was

Genuine?? Then man who bought a ranch and pretended to live on it so he could qualify more as a Texan and a good old boy, as opposed to a rich guy from Maine.. Who has a fake Texas accent, Who uses his "ranch" as a prop, and is selling it as soon as he can and moving into a neighborhood in Dallas now because Laura hated that ranch she had to stay on...lol.. while they were running for the White House and while they were in the White House because it was in the middle of nowhere and it was hot and dusty..

But yeah...he was genuine... Give Me A Break..

Sue said...

I know Annette, I just gagged and kept silent LOL!

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