Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Dylan Ratigan...Keepin' It Real.

Seems every time I see this guy interview someone, I find myself liking this guy more and more. From this clip, you can see exactly how lobbyists from the health insurance industry prove my point about them.

My point? That Insurance is just a greedy middleman industry. Insurance is not about making you healthier. It's about making someone like this douchebag, that Dylan Ratigan is attempting to interview, rich and in places of power that would make you cringe should you know the full extent of their reach. These assholes DELIBERATELY impose their will on you and place themselves between YOU AND YOUR DOCTOR. They are going to tell you what you can and can not do. What you can and can not make, and so fourth. I've said this many time before. I just love it when someone from the media helps me prove my point.

This douchebag Dylan outed here before your eyes goes to show that all they want is for us to keep fighting amongst ourselves with ridiculous rhetoric and inane squabbling about how we are turning into a communist or socialist country. Unfortunately, there are MANY who seem to buy into this. Why? Mainly because they are too stupid, scared and paranoid. They get this way because it's just easier to listen to someone they can identify with such as the likes of rush limbaugh or glenn beck. They also conveniently forget that there are websites out there(politifact, snopes, factcheck) that will help alleviate their fears, but then all the excitement would be gone and we can't have that now can we? After all, the cross is ready, gasoline jug is full, matches...check, LET'S PARTY!

I am the Complaint Department Manager and I approve the public option. DEAL!


Sue said...

Dylan took that guy down didn't he? LOL! He was totally embarrassed, I imagine him getting up and throwing his chair against the wall after that interview!

susan said...

Sue, don't get me wrong, I love your background music; but it is so difficult to hear the video while it is playing. Youtube videos are okay, cuz I can click myway over to the youtube site....and maybe it is just me and my mac, but tonight's video isn't view-able except here. ;-(

Sue said...

Susan just click the middle larger circle in the middle of the playlist and it will shut off the music.

susan said...

I'm thinking that if congress does not pass a public option they will pay for it at polls at midterm. Even the latest polls show repugs have shifted to favorable support for the public option. Talk about taxation with out representation ...It is ridiculously obvious what's going on!

themom said...

After yesterday's "shoot down" of the public option, I was ready to blow up. The damn insurance lobbyists have so many reps in their pockets - this is the MAJOR stumbling block. I am no fan of lobbyists whatsoever, they need to be abolished.

Annette said...

Sue, You are doing some great work and I linked back to you.. you must come see the video I just posted.. I got it from Matt, but I want you to either come get it from me or I want you to link to it, it is going to make Lisa's head explode...lol Since everyone seems to think worshiping the President is bad.. come see the video..

Lisa said...

What's the problem? They have the votes let them reform it. No but they want no type of reform . They want the governemnt to be the only one with the say so over us.
They want to control everything. Some of us can see what's coming.
Own the money,own the people.

Lisa said...

Annette I don't agree with that video either but then again Jesus Camp isn't a government funded institution.