I deleted this disgusting comment from jane the troll when I woke this morning. It made me sick with its underlying hatred so I quickly got rid of it. BUT... as I continue to be blasted from her and her friends I thought I would call her out on this, just this one time! Because I have feedjit I know this person is one of the Mormons (I have encounteed her in the past) If you are a Mormon and don't want to be identified with the likes of this person and would rather not read what I say to her then please leave now. I do not lump all Mormons into a group of hateful bigots but I do put this person and her friends into such a group. This her comment:
I remember you...
you were that girl who never got noticed, of average intelligence, less than average looks,
no money, no love, never really rated with the guys, never stood out, and to this day, you have not recovered.
The hate and disdain you have for the beauties, the slim girls and handsome men (though, the men don't bother you AS much) is so transparent! The jealousy has overtaken you, it's eating you alive. You poor thing! But your blessed president, he's going to make it all better, he's going to save you, YOU ARE ENTITLED, right? It's time you get yours and here is the man who gets your plight! NO MORE COCKROACHES!!
HIP HIP HOORAY for the underdog!
Its about time all those cheerleaders and jocks got theirs taken away- Its time for you to shine Suey! Shine, shine shine!
(Oh how disappointed you are going to be, ONCE AGAIN, when you realize that the man you laid all your bets on, just didn't come through for you; just like everyone else in your poor pathetic life!
Don't say I didn't tell you so.
wow, now keep in mind this person is a complete stranger. She doesn't know me from Adam but she feels the need to come here and degrade herself for all to see! Isn't she a shining example of Gods love?
She seems to think I am beneath her, I am not worthy of anyones love, good God I am so horrible how can I even get out of bed every day! Oh my God, she is prettier, richer, smarter, wow, how lucky is she!! OH wait! Shes Godly right? Could she have made a mistake with her hateful words? I think not, this is how evil their hearts really are. They can hide their hate from their family and friends but not from God. You better say your prayers jane, God hears you!!
Why am I posting this you say? Because I am friggin sick of holier than thou christians who think they are better than others who are not of their religion!! If these people want to come here and comment on my posts that is one thing, but to put personal attacks in their remarks is beyond ignorant!
So to you smartass jane and your smartass friends, you are not welcome here.
* Donald Trump Posts 'Anti-LGBTQ' Pink Triangle: What It Means *
*"President Donald Trump posted an article on Truth Social featuring a
troubling image...
1 hour ago
I remember you...[blah blah blah]
Holy $#!T, this person has got problems.
comment moderation is on while I am away from the computer!
I read that woman's post this morning before you deleted it... that is how the republicans work. When they have nothing else they make shit up and be mean and nasty......remember Kerry and the swift boaters? Here was a war hero and the republicans turned him into a coward and the right wingnuts believed them. I was worried that you would take that to heart.........That woman is a fucking cunt............and I don't use that word very often. It is an ugly word and she is an ugly person. Once again I say.....
this is from a friend, she doesn't blog but reads my blog every day. Thanks Toni! xo
I'm sorry you don't have friendships like I do jane.
Good for you Sue, You did the proper thing by posting her comment for everyone to see.. That's what you need to do instead of hiding it..
Hang tough girl..
thanks Annette!
and yes Infidel, she has and her groupies too!
Why am I not surprised??? Back when Obama won the election and I posted about how proud I was etc... I was attacked or no reason at all. I was called a few choice words.. I erased the comment, I wish I had of posted it for all to see.
I know who this "jane" person is.. (i am so sure.) This jane person left a very similar comment about you on another bloggers post and I called her out on it.
Her comment made no sense at all. She had nothing substantial to say, all she wanted to do was to insult you! (Freak!) Funny thing is... she doesn't even know you. (LOL)
I cordially invite that BITCH to my blog! I will rip her a new one!!!!
Donna (Royally Pissed!!!)
* film at 11.
Donna, you are woman hear you roar!!!
CDM you are to fuckin funny!!!
I have the best friends, thanks guys!! xo
I thought I would take a moment after letting this marinade a bit and say this in all seriousness:
It's one thing to make comments that are inflammatory or maybe even childish, but this was heinous. Most of the exchanges between the conservative set and Liberals on this blog at least had a point to them. You Jane, had no point at all. Those remarks were CLEARLY meant to damage Sue in some sinister and perverse way. I have NEVER called any of the bloggers here any names, but that is about to change.
You, Jane, are a coward, plain and simple. But, I have been known to sink to another person's level just to get a point across and now I have lowered myself to your level, Jane. I suppose you feel really good about yourself, seeing as how you showed your blogger toughness in such bold bravado under the cover of night, which was when you posted that senseless garbage. Wow, you're a brave one.
I have a saying that I use all the time and this fits perfectly here as you clearly wanted to start a confrontation like I've seen turbo nerds do time and time again. So, I offer you this saying:
"Picking a fight on an internet forum is like running in the Special Olympics,win or lose,you're still retarded."
Correction: You, Jane, are a coward AND a retard. Thanks for dragging me down to your level, at least I didn't allow you to beat me with your experience.
thanks Charles! It woulda been better if you added a few choice words in there like Toni did! LOL
Too bad jane won't show back up and apologize, Hmmmmm maybe she will if her God tells her to!
Complaint Department is, "THE MAN". (LOL) I am over hear LMAO!!!!
I am so bothered that this Jane person decided to leave you a completely unrelated nasty message on your blog! How mature and godly of her...
Donna M
mornin Donna! Are you feeling better? Don't forget to watch Fox and the angry man march today, but have a bucket by your chair incase of vomiting from the sight of the wingnutfucks!!! xoxoxo
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