Friday, September 18, 2009

Dylan Ratigan Lays Pimp Hand Down on Orly Taitz

Clearly, this woman has lost her DAMN MIND! After going through court ruling after court ruling, Orly Taitz wants to keep fucking this chicken(Ernie Anastos fans will dig that one). This thing with the birthers is BEYOND old. It has already been proven false, but this ding bat wants to keep this shit going. Funny and sad thing is, SHE'S STILL MOVING FORWARD with this crock of shit. Un-fucking-believable.

Normally, I hate it when reporters interview people and they cut them off right in the middle of a thought. In this case, there is no thought and thus, he is in the right. My favorite quote from this...interview(?) is where Dylan lays this on her:

"The genius thing about people like you is that you like to accuse others of lying as a way to cut a boulevard so you can just blather on a bunch of lies."

To Orly Taitz, I invoke one more quote to address her constant filing that is clearly a waste of court time and resources:(In my best Boris voice) This is good plan Natasha, but I still don't see how this will get rid of Moose and Squirrel.

I am the Complaint Department Manager and I approve this pimp hand.


themom said...

I have to take exception to your first would have to presuppose that this fucking idiot had a mind to begin with!!! It is quite evident, no one has ever accused her of having one.

Finally, the director of the law school at Case Western Reserve University (my sons alma mater), has filed a complaint with the California Bar - over Taitz. If you check out TPM - she apparently referred to the judge who berated her as a nzi and a few other choice demeaning words.

I should hope that the Bar will revoke her license - if not for the fact that she received it via an unaccredited online school - Taft! I totally despise this woman, who has no shame, and has produced not one BUT two forged birth certificates. OMFG!! I have stateds before, NOT all states even put the hospital on a valid birth certificate. She is one fucking lunatic! I refuse to blog about her anymore and give her a minute more of my time.

Have a great weekend.

The CDM said...

"I have to take exception to your first would have to presuppose that this fucking idiot had a mind to begin with!!! "

To that I say...........

I got nothin'. I stand corrected.

Sue said...

I second that!! This moron is unfuckingbelievable!!

I like Dylan, smart AND cute...

Anonymous said...

She is a fucking dipstick!!!! If I didn't know any better I would think this video was a skit from Saturday Night Live. She sounds like she was mimicking, Roseanne, Rosanna, Danna. (LOL) Only Roseanne was a whole lot smarter!

Geez.. where do they find these people!

Donna M

Border Raven's Blog said...

If you put your faith in FactCheck, on the BHO birth certificate then you are more ignorant than you claim about Orly Taitz. She is more intelligent, than you assume.
Check the dates and certificate numbers on these three LONG FORM COLB.

The CDM said...

Let's see, politifact debunked it aannnnddd snopes did as well. I'll take my Pulitzer Prize winner over your resources ANY DAY.

Are any of your sources that prestigious? That would be a, NO!

Nice try birther retard.

Sue said...

yea birther retard, get a life..

they try and they try, but they can't out smart the COMPLAINT DEPARTMENT MANAGER!!

Anonymous said...

Taitz is no fool, Obama is ADMITTEDLY NOT Constitutionally legal to hold office and he's going to prison for FRAUD. "Obama republished – at his web official site, – only that part of the analysis which stated that the President was a British citizen at birth. Obama republished this word for word thereby admitting the truth of the following assertion:
"When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.’s children…" There it is, a CONFESSION that came straight from Obama. How much more proof do you folks require?!

Unknown said...

Taitz is no fool, Obama is ADMITTEDLY NOT Constitutionally legal to hold office and he's going to prison for FRAUD. "Obama republished – at his web official site, – only that part of the analysis which stated that the President was a British citizen at birth. Obama republished this word for word thereby admitting the truth of the following assertion:
"When Barack Obama Jr. was born on Aug. 4,1961, in Honolulu, Kenya was a British colony, still part of the United Kingdom’s dwindling empire. As a Kenyan native, Barack Obama Sr. was a British subject whose citizenship status was governed by The British Nationality Act of 1948. That same act governed the status of Obama Sr.’s children…" There it is, a CONFESSION that came straight from Obama. How much more proof do you folks need?!

Border Raven's Blog said...

FactCheck only confuses.

RE: Born in the U.S.A.?

Yes, so what if you can get a US State Department passport, good for international travel, using the Hawaii COLB? But, the passport only identifies the bearer as a US citizen, subject to the US Constitution, and all laws and treaties there under.

However, neither the Hawaii COLB, nor a passport based on it, can be used to differentiate between a native citizen, a natural born citizen, or a naturalized citizen.

Only on examination of the vital statistic record(s), and/or a certified copy of the vital statistic record(s), can a determination of the category of citizenship be ascertained.

But, the question remains, what vital statistic records or certified documents were used by the Democratic National Committee to vet Barack Obama for the office of POTUS?