Friday, September 4, 2009

When Nancy speaks do we all listen??

From the AFL-CIO to Health Care for America Now to,
President Obama is coming under more and more pressure from progressives on the issue of health-care reform.

You can now add House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Congressional Black Caucus to that list.

Here is the latest from ABC News colleague Teddy Davis:

As the White House continues to look for ways to win over a handful of moderate Senate Democrats, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and members of the Congressional Black Caucus are urging President Obama not to go soft on health-care reform.

In a written statement, Pelosi says that "it would be a major victory for the health insurance industry" if a "vigorous public option" is not included in health legislation.

She also reiterates her view that a bill without a public option will not pass the House.

In a separate letter to President Obama, members of the Congressional Black Caucus say that they are "deeply concerned" "about "the current discussions surrounding health care reform and the possibility that current components of the bill -- such as a robust public option and myriad health disparity elimination provisions -- may be stricken in order to lower its cost to about $500 billion."

Read the Pelosi statement here

Read the letter from the CBC's Health and Wellness Taskforce here

- George Stephanopoulos

I am going to try and not listen to the pundits on both sides until President Obama speaks on Wednesday night. ( NOT) !!

UPDATE: yes I am watching MSNBC, Keith has new polls up, Survey USA ,CNN, CBS, and a few others: as many as 77% of those polled and this includes independants, progressives AND republicans want reform with the public option. Mr. President are you listening??? You campaigned on healthcare reform, those who elected you WANT you to listen to them, we want the public option!


susan said...

great post. The votes are there and It's going to pass.

Sue said...

I agree Susan! I'm not one bit nervous, and anxious for Wednesday night!

Annette said...

Sue, I think you misunderstood my post this morning.. I wsan't listening to anyone.. I am saying they are all wrong... I think the president is still supporting the Public Option and they are all wrong. That was my point.. Like I said, almost all reporting was that he was dropping it and they were all upset with him, yet I wasn't seeing that in the letter to him.

Even Keith has been saying for 3 days now the President has given up on the Public Option, but I just won't believe it until I hear him say it, and I don't think we will hear that from him.. I think he is still waiting on Congress to pass the bills then he will sign what they give him.

We have to stay after the members of Congress to pass a good bill.. That's what we need to concentrate on.. they are writing the laws.. the President just signs it.

The CDM said...

I know Obama wants to make a plan that involves both parties, but you can only get your hand slapped in defiance for so long.

Piss on 'em.

Anonymous said...

Sue Sue,

Good Morning Sweet Cheeks! I hope you have a great holiday weekend!

I am with you Sue, anxiously awaiting Wednesday night. :) Oh and Monday, Obama is releasing his speech for all parents to read prior to his delivery on Tuesday. I sure hope they feel stupid as hell once they realize he just wanted to encourage students for the upcoming school year! How many Presidents ever cared to do that?

Donna M