Would any conservatives like to comment after they read this? Go ahead don't be embarrassed!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
thats bullshit lisa! Its the speech parents are in an uproar over! What does that youtube video have to do with the speech to the kids???
Now that the SPEECH (What they complained about initially) is clearly not an issue, they MUST jump on something else! Now it's the Video. How funny!
Donna M
LISA, this video was created LONG before this speech. Those Hollywood Stars willingly pledged to be of service to Obama and his promise to CHANGE. Obama can not make USA a better place by himself. Each star (person) vowed to do something positive towards the betterment of our country. And you are worried about them using the words SERVANT and SERVICE????
Let me ask you this Ms. Lisa... have you ever been a servant to anyone? Well my GG grandfather (Guy Brodie) was born in 1862 on Oakgrove Plantation. He was a born a SLAVE as was his father (Alfred Brodie) before him. (born in 1830) on that same plantation in Aiken County SC. They SERVED their Master John Wardlaw Brodie. They had no choice! Oh they made John Wardlaw's life a better place by picking cotton and God knows what else.
They were not considered people, they were considered Chattle. They were purchased, owned and some even sold. They were kept in bondage against their will. They had NO RIGHTS... NONE.
Lisa, do you have rights? Are you free? Have you ever been purchased, owned and then sold? Have you been beat? Have you been violated in any way? Now that we have a BLACK President you mean to tell me that you feel you and your children are in jeopardy of loosing your rights or your freedom? Are you KIDDING ME????
My GGGG Grandmother Violet Kitchings Brodie was RAPED and BEATEN by Thomas Little Brodie. The Slave Masters 21 year old alcholic younger Brother. Do you think she wanted to bear his child? She was a 16 year old child herself. She was VIOLATED, BEATEN and RAPED. SHE had no rights. She gave birth to Alfred Brodie (my GGG Grandfather) and guess what... he too was born with NO RIGHTS. A SLAVE... born to serve his Master!!!!! But I guess that was okay... because they were black... they were slaves. Right? No threat there...
You have the NERVE to complain about a video that others WILLINGLY put together to show their support for OUR President and his Pledge for CHANGE??? You are grasping for straws!!!! This video had NOTHING to do with your initial complaint! (His speech) You just don't want a BLACK MAN with that kind of POWER speaking to your children... ADMIT IT!!!!!
Do you know anyone in the military??? You know, they SERVE the Government. They serve our country. They don't serve the Lord. They PLEDGE to SERVE our Country! Is that a threat? They Pledge to Protect and Serve our Country. They willingly make a pledge.... Is that okay? Yes it is... it's their CHOICE. Just as it is every persons choice in that video that willingly made a choice to be of service not only to Obama (who just so happens to be our ELECTED President of the USA) but themselves and our Country!
You should be embarrassed that in this day and age you are still biased. People like you make me SICK. You compare Obama to Hitler and Mao Tse Tung... How do you figure? Have you EVER lived life with no rights???? I dont think so, but my family has. My parents could not eat in restaurants where whites ate. They could not use the same bathrooms just because of the color of their skin! Make sense of that for me... will you please?
Now that we have a BLACK President YOU FEEL THREATENED????? Tell me why? Please, I urge you.. (and make sense of it.) Don't speculate, give me FACTS with SOLID PROOF to back up your allegations. Please.... make me understand.
Donna Marie
PS If the Grammer Police are out.. arrest me!!!!
What is wrong with inspiration? Obama is the USA's leader. He is our President. He should inspire all of us, young and old!
Bush Jr, Bush Sr, Bill Clinton, Ron Reagan and all Presidents before him inspired us all in one way or the other. Obama has every right to be concerned about how he is inspiring our youth. I am impressed that he even cares... most Presidents were to busy to even notice.
You are taking the phrase "Serving our President" way out of context. Serving is the same as supporting... We all need to support/serve our President for the betterment of our country.
What do you think... he is trying to bring back slavery, reverse it and take away your rights? Are you afraid that you will be picking cotton or working in the feilds?
Gosh I feel sorry for you!
You make no sense whatsoever! NONE!
Last time I checked, YES, slavery was over.
I am not angry, I just so happen to know what you and many others are afraid of. You are afraid of the big black guy that resides in the white house.
You are racist... it's as simple as that. People like you prove my point for me. First you are angry about the Presidents speech, then you have a problem with an old video, now you are bringing up Van Jones and other radicals.... (??) Seriously... this post is about the President's Pep talk to Students.
Obama took the Presidential Oath of Office in front of this entire county... surely he serves the people and our nation. Would it be better for you if he were serving tables? (LOL) Obama has a responsibility, but so do we...
People like you.. bring out the radical in people like me. Enough is enough...
Get over it Ms. Lisa. We have a Black President... and he will not be serving dinner.. he will be serving our country and tons of us (Black, White, Hispanic etc...) will be supporting his office!
The video is FANTASTIC and Inspirational! After watching it, I wanted to Pledge something for the betterment of our country!
I don't usually say much... but this time.. I could not help myself.
Go to my blog... (You too Ms. Lisa) and read... Please clink on the link.
Sue, they claim we pull the race card when we have nothing else substantial to say... the truth is... we see clearly through all of their psych babble... it's a race issue, nothing more, nothing less.
anyway I think ObamA is very smart. He knows exactly what he is doing.
for instance here is an outline to remind you where we are headed:
Cash for Clunkers -Obama forgot he’s supposed to pay the dealers, which he has not. It’s a total mess and he thinks he can run all of health care…What a joke!"
Send the people in the CIA who’ve protected us from terrorists to jail…that’s a great Obama idea.
Take over one-seventh of the economy and make it a clunkers medical care plan like Britain’s or Canada’s.
Take over the internet and spy on those who use it.
Make ACORN the poster child for collecting the census numbers when they’re being sued left and right for vote registration fraud. That’s a really good idea.
Don’t allow regular Americans to express their opinions at town hall meetings if they don’t agree with Obama.
Tarp funds do nothing to turn the economy around.
The Stock Market is going nowhere but on a bumpy ride to the bottom
Banks are going under left and right.despite pouring in huge sums of taxpayer money.
Foreclosures and bankruptcies are increasing.
Unemployment is still growing.
Inflation looms like a vulture. on the horizon
In conclusion-If you can't get a loaf of bread from the government where will you get it form?
We can't allow the President (a government official) to give this speech, as written. Part of this speech would be very harmful to children at their impressionable ages. We cannot allow even a President as beloved as Barack Obama to commit such a crime as to promote Christianity to the children of America...why, it could destroy their little phyches. Some of the children will be offended and some will feel pressured to accept Christianity as the only religion, or will feel left out because their Mommy and Daddy told them that they didn't believe in God. How confusing!!!! Why the President would be PROMOTING Christianity, and he said himself that America is not a Christian nation. Someone needs to tell the President that he cannot say "God bless you, and God bless America" to all these innocent children who adoringly believe every word that he reads from the teleprompter!! This breach of the separation of Church and State needs to be stopped!
(For those liberals who follow this blog regularly, I'm speaking tongue-in-cheek! I thought it best to spell it out for you.)
You may be interested in reading this:
What President Obama Can Teach America's Kids
The article, published just a month ago, was written by that old commie, Bill O'Reilly, who says there, among other things:
(...) our modern age presents vast challenges to children, and they need to learn lessons quickly in order to prosper. And who better to teach them than the President of the United States?
I'm not the grammer police, but I will place Donna into custody.(Sorry, but you left that door WIDE open)
Conservatives = Fear. Rise to a higher level of thinking.
Linda of course I welcome your responce but I wish it was a real representation of how you really feel about the speech. Try again.
I remember that E, I think O'Reilly really likes Obama.
Manager, you are tooooo funny!!
BTW Linda, do me a favor and reread Obamas speech where you conservatives feel the need to point out and LEAVE out the end of his sentence where he says we are not just a Christian nation BUT a nation of MANY different religions. You all make yourselves sound so partisan when you do that!!
lisa do the same I asked Linda to do. Go back and read the speech where Obama DID NOT say we aren't a Christian nation, PLEASE!
well he did say we weren't a Christian Nation during the Easter Week. You don't find that insulting if you are a Christian that he had to say it at all especially during the holiest week of Christianity?
Of course he has to say it now because he goes by polls you know.
Democrats always do that. It's always about their popularity..
I wonder if the White House will celebrate Christmas this year like they celebrated the end of Ramadan. And while we are at it let's be like England and not be able to serve Hot Cross Buns in Hospital as to not insult atheists.
I absolutely ADORE phony outrage.
and we adore you manager...
Sue, Yes I have read his speech, and no, there is nothing earthshakingly wrong with the delivered content. As I said before, the problem that many parents had with the idea of President Obama speaking to the school children was the content of the package of materials sent out to schools prior to the speech. It suggested several exercises for the children to do that many felt were over the line and bordering on enlisting allegiance of impressionable children behind their parents' backs.
My response to the speech was that he was saying things that conservatives would say and that he didn't mean any of it. If he actually meant it when he told children to stay in school so that they could take care of themselves, he would not be promoting government bailouts of everything from banking institutions to car dealers to people who don't want to pay their mortgages. If you want children to grow up to take care of themselves and to not rely upon government to take care of their every need, then why try to set up a complete "nanny state" where everything is provided courtesy of Uncle Sam. If he really wants people to be able to take care of themselves, then he would not raise taxes every chance he gets (yes he IS raising taxes on every American, I don't care what his propagandists say. Cap and Trade is a TAX...universal health care is a he wants to tax your soda pop and next will be junk foods.
Barack Obama is all about control. He wants to control your life and you love him for it. Why are you so eager to turn over huge areas of your privacy and freedom to someone who surrounds himself with Socialists and Marxists? Do you really want someone to tell you what to eat and how much you must weigh (for your own good, of course) and what you can eat because you're too plump? Do you want someone to tell you how many children you may have, or whether or not you will be "allowed" to have that needed medical procedure? I know these statements will bring about a storm of name calling and hateful comments, but I believe them to be very likely to happen under President Obama. His policies spell disaster for the country, in my opinion.
You asked my opinion, and now you have it.
President Obama did say that we are not a Christian nation. He tried to soften the comment by saying that we are a nation of many religions. That was an attempt to try to make his pronouncement more palatable to the masses. It didn't work. America was founded upon Judeo/Christian beliefs - that is an indisputable fact. I know that some are trying to re-write history to brand all the founding fathers as racist athiests, but it won't work. Most of the founders were Christian, and there are libraries full of their writings corroborating that fact. There are other religions practiced in the United States, but by and large, we are Christian.
Donna Marie, Your comments in response to Lisa are unbelievable. I'm sure that everyone abhors the fact that slavery was part of America's history. No one today supports the concept of slavery, and we really need to try to move past the past in order to move forward.
What does your tale about your ancestors who were slaves have to do with the fact that some people disagree with Barack Obama's idealogy and political ambitions for our country? The way you turned the whole story around and used it to accuse Lisa of being against Obama because of his race is blatantly racist on your part. Just for example, I'm sure that you disagreed with just about every word that G.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan uttered. They were both white. If an African American disagreed with Bush and Reagan, did that automatically make them racist? Can't you see the double standard that you are placing on whites with regard to Obama? I'm sorry for all the abuses that your ancestors may have endured, but my disagreement with liberal policies has NOTHING to do with your ancestors who were enslaved, nor with the color of Barack Obama's skin. It has EVERYTHING to do with his attempt to change America into a totally different country...a socialistic utopia.
Yes Linda I asked...
I saw the speech live , not just read the pundits, he said without pause and without a break in the sentence... "we are not just a Christian nation but a nation of many different religions...
President Obama is a Christian..
Hi Linda-Thank you for your well thought out responses.
I agree with 100% regarding how Obama wants to control us and have us become a welfare state.
It's too bad that people are so mezmerized by a speech that it cancels out everything else. Like the record high unemployment,the cap and trade coming down the pike that will virtually cripple families and businesses and they hide behind their ridiculous claims of saving the environment. And now the cost of Universal Health care is going to really put the icing on their cake. All these policies are modeled after not European Socialism but South American Socialism. They owe it to Obama to give him a pass on every policy they put forth because it's their job for him to succeed(and by succeed I mean turning us into a socialist nation)
Pelosi is so stimulated because she knows how much money is to be made off all these policies for the unions, Goldman Sachs and GE.
It's baffles me how none of this matters all of a sudden.
They really think they have our best interests at heart yet all they are concerned about is lining their own pockets and giving their cronies in the union control of the entire Health care system.
Talk about putting more Hospitals and doctors out of business you know like GM and Chrysler.
I wonder how long it will be before we start outsourcing our health care system like they are with the auto industry and the cap and trade debacle.
I do think though they will be their own demise like they were the last time they almost destroyed the country when they had all the control during the Carter years.
I have to wonder if most people actually really know where we are headed or they really want this.
I dn't see the need to "remake" the country. Just fix the thing that don't work . I man hell no country is perfect especailly whn you have so many people you can't have a one size fits all.
We are too big for policies like that.
Everyone thinks that the economy is going to just turn right around. It won't. It probably will last longer than this president will in 2 terms. This is a different kind of mess added to it, a GREATLY higher population, thanks to the birthers.
Having said that, Michelle Duggar's uterus must be labeled a weapon of mass destruction. More population means more jobs needed.
I'm starting to buy into agent Smith's("The Matrix" reference) synopsis of humans being a virus on the planet.
This will be the first generation in a very long time that will go through life with the highly likely chance that they will not do nearly as good as their parents.
Obama is no miracle worker, no president is. The one thing that seems to be slowing him up is him constantly trying to apease conservatives in an attempt to get them to help the reconstruction. You can only get your had slapped away so many times before finally saying, "Fuck it, we'll do it without you." I seem to recall a socialist movement called social security that got pushed through without the help of republicans.
A lot of the old folks love to forget what they have held on to so dear, for which they'd be up shit creek if they didn't have it even currently. Those ungreatful socialists. How about Medicare?
As for the phony outrage, I resented the fact that we had a president that got into office via a Supreme Court justice the first time and fear being the focal point in the second. And what got accomplished? Certainly the Mission in Iraq wasn't as he stood boldly in front of. But that did outrage me, it was the simple fact that he took a small minded Texan approach to handling the world. Our image hit the toilet. A president that ran EVERYTHING he was in charge of into the ground INCLUDING an oil company...and how do you do that??? I could go on forever on the ever vacationing, 2.0 Yale grad(thus, an elitist) that got us in the mess we are in now. He broke it, but it's us that are going to have to buy it.
*DISCLAIMER: No bloggers were called names in this post, or ever have been in ANY post, by the Complaint Department Manager time and time again with NO evidence
manager we are 7 months into a 2 year stimulus. I guess thats just not good enough, oh well, I'm not even gonna say BE PATIENT PEOPLE, I'm so sick of listening to the crying, whining wingnuts I have a severe headache. Maybe comment moderation is in my future...
"Sue Obama said the stimulus would keep unemployment below 8% by June."
How about we just shoot the bastard and be done with it, would that be fine?
Sue, don't moderate the comments. Let them run their heads for all to see, trust me, it's all good.
What good is all this fear doing? I mean really? What CONSTRUCTIVE things have been done by the right to try to help? Right now, the right wingers are acting like the fat ugly chick that forced her way into a night of clubbing with the girls and is doing nothing but bitch, piss and moan on how she thinks everyone should go home.
If you want to help, OFFER ANSWERS!
Again, rise to a higher level of thinking and stop letting fear run your life. I speak from experience.
I lived in Arkansas for a good chunk of my life and was bombarded with conservative garbage and I actually bought into it. I'm cured now. I'm in school and I keep an open mind to ideas no matter where they come from. I am so sick of small town, simple-minded piss and moaners, I could hurl.
CDM don't say shoot, hell these stupid wackos just might take you up on it!
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