Thursday, September 3, 2009


OK, the partisan hate is out of control!

President Obamas video address to the countrys school children is simply to inspire them, to challenge them to work hard, to value their education and stay in school. OH but NO, The right is calling this speech a political ploy! Some from the repub party are even calling for a national sick-out, they want parents to keep the kids home so they don't have to be exposed to "their evil president"!!
The fact that a standard issue speech by a president, with a good, common sense, even conservative message about education, school, hard work and perseverance, is being hit hard by the right tells us how dysfunctional our politics are, how shrill the discourse is getting from the president's foes, and how some people are blinded from common sense by their visceral hatred for Obama!

" I do not support using our children as tools to spread liberal propaganda," said Jim Greer, chairman of the Florida Republican Party. Liberal propaganda??? Telling kids to stay in school and work hard is propaganda??

The conservative radio host Dana Loesch urged parents to keep their children home on Tuesday, the day Mr. Obama's speech is schedule to air. Glenn Beck had to add his 2 cents and is calling for parents to keep their kids home too.

This is so sickening. Have you seen videos of President Obama and Michelle in schools, the children love them! Can you imagine these hateful parents trying to explain to their innocent children that they aren't allowed to hear the President speak to them? I guess those parents don't care about the consequences of their actions, how disturbing this whole thing really is deep down.

I'm friggin speechless.....


Anonymous said...

Sweet Sue,

You know what that whole "stay home" thing is all about!!!!!

Hell let them stay home for NO REASON AT ALL except for the fact that their parents hate our wonderful President.

How ridiculous!

Donna Marie

cakegirl said...

Our schools aren't even broadcasting it.

Anonymous said...


I feel sorry for your child's education.

Lisa said...

I think he wants to lower the voting age to 10,lol

Lisa said...

He wants to use kids to turn n their parents for not being green enough or for being against Universal Healthcare.

I like the way they took out those 2 questions to ask the kids:
How has the president inspired you? Alittle full of hinself wouldn;t you think?>
How can I help the president?
Help him with what? His Agenda?

who the hell is he Mao Tse Tung,Van Jones's idol?
I'm sorry but I don't think I am the crazy one.

cakegirl said...

Donna Marie,
I know it's sad isn't it?

My oldest will graduate high school at the age of 16. He gives hours of service to our church and community. He has a strong sense of pride for this country, especially after seeing his uncle give his life for it. He respects his parents and grandparents. He is an Eagle Scout.

Yeah, it's a shame his school won't broadcast it, but are leaving it up to the parents if they choose to do so.

Sue said...

just curious me, did your school broadcast Bushs inspiring message of hard work and perseverance for all the children to hear?

cakegirl said...

I don't remember a message from Bush (old age), so I just asked my oldest and he said no, they didn't broadcast that either.

The CDM said...


The only thing they would have learned from Bush was how to piss yourself in the face of adversity.

Sue said...

lisa can't you just respect the office of the Presidency?? Do you recall other presidents speaking to school children? Well they did and they were never asked to send the schools the draft before hand! This is racial and you all can deny it all you want, but its hateful and racial! And I will not tolerate comments that disrespect President Obama, I read enough of it on other blogs and will not have it on my blog! Thank you

Unknown said...

My fine school district saw the light of the oncoming train and decided to not televise the live address - it will be taped and placed in the library for anyone to check out and watch - you know, maybe with their parents, because as far as I'm concerned, if the President wants to speak to my child, he has to go through me first.

I'm overprotective like that.

And before you get all "you're such a redneck, racist, paranoid, wingnut of a Republican" - wrap your head around this one - how would you be reacting if ANY other President were to do this?

Any. other. President.

Community is important. Personal responsibility is important. But you know what is even more important? Teaching the parents to lead by example. Just because you have a captive audience doesn't mean you should exploit it - especially when they're innocent minors. Hey, maybe the prison system would be a more accurate fit?

Annette said...

You know.. I am older than all of you bunch of damn redneck racist assholes.. and my daughter isn't speaking to me, I don't get to see my granddaughters because of her feelings about our President... because I let her and them listen to Reagan, Nixon, Bush 41, Carter, Clinton, and Bush 43. Now I am paying for it. So don't sit and ask me what the hell I would do.. I am sick and damn tired of all your shit about what I would do.. I put up with Bush 43, his lying us into a war in Iraq.. his torturing people for no good reason other than he and Cheney thought it was what we needed to do.. and now you want to push your right wing nut job talk on me .. well fuck off... I put up with your shit for the last 30 years.. now it's time for you to put up with some good old fashion liberalism... learn to like it.. and if you can't get used to having a Black Man in the White House.. get the hell out of MY country..

Sorry Sue.. If you want you may delete my comment.. but I am pissed today.

The Wool Cupboard said...

I believe the fears that parents have are due to the far left agenda that President Obama has tried at breakneck speed to rush through Congress.

The President Bush who spoke to school children was the elder Bush - not the younger. His speech to them contained no political content at all.

We do still have some freedoms left (for now), so please do not disparage parents who disagree with President Obama and deny them the right to decide whether or not they wish to allow their own children to listen. I'm sure you would have done the same had President Bush (the younger) addressed all children in this manner.

Complaint Department Manager: Can you make a point without being so base? Vile references do little to encourage civil debate.

Sue: The "F" word adds nothing to your fact, it tends to reveal a definite lack of ammunition in your vocabulary.

I may disagree with you on every point, but I support your right to free speech. Please demonstrate the same courtesy to those with whom you disagree.

Anonymous said...

Me, Lisa and Cupcake,

What is the difference in our President making a speech or a Principal at a school making a speech? None! They are both going to talk about how important education is ect... it's called positive reinforcement!

Me, I am happy for your son's achievements. Now I just feel sorry for you... you come off very pompous. (Not nice at all.)

Lisa, I don't care for your humor. You are just not funny.

Cupcake, I too am very protective of my children. I completely understand.

Donna Marie

Anonymous said...

Sue... I hope your evening is going well. I have been insanely busy at work for the past few days at work.

I see you have a few "visitors". I bet I can guess who they are... :)

Donna Marie

Sue said...

You speak up all you want on my blog Annette! little miss cupcake, please reread what you wrote here. Its a sad day in this country when you can't trust the President to say a few words of encouragement to school children! Many presidents before Obama did it and I'm POSITIVE you had no fuckin fear then so as my friend Annette stated so eloquently, Fuck off!!!

Sue said...

Linda, please, the speech by President Obama is a speech to say good luck in the coming year, work hard and stay in school! This talk of him putting politics in the speech is right-wing lies! Why would he talk about politics to elementary kids?? Getta grip people!! W went to schools and read books to the kids, remember? No, I gave it no thought at all, its just something presidents do. But God forbid this president wants to do something nice, Oh No there must be something evil behind it! And I like the F word and its my blog!!

Anonymous said...


When did schools start shielding students from history, politics and culture?

Obama is scheduled to give his speech on Tuesday of next week. There is a lot of speculation going on as to what Obama is going to speak about... most conservatives have their panties in a bunch in fear that he is going to poison their children minds. Who's to even say he will talk politics.

If parents are leading by example their should be no fear in their children watching Obama's speech. His speech can be used as a means to teach our children one way or the other.

Donna Marie

Annette said...

I love how Conservatives and Republicans and so called Christians like to rewrite History so well.. yes 41 spoke to the schools like I said.. but so did 43.. remember he was sitting at a school reading a damn book when the Twin Towers and the Pentagon was attacked... that was on SEpt 11...remember.. give me a fucking break... that was his first year in office and it was his attempt to address the nations schools and tell them his story... and it got interrupted... so don't tell me he didn't address the danm schools.. then after that he addressed them and yes he brought politics into it because he asked them for donations to send stuff to the kids in Afghanistan and Iraq to fund the schools and the children there so they could buy school supplies...

Now do you want to go there with me... like I said... I am way older and I can back up anything I say... You people always want to rewrite history and never have facts on your side... so give it a rest.

Anonymous said...

Kudo's to Annette! Back them facts up girl!!!!

Donna Marie

Sue said...

Donna!!! lol,

thanks for reminding us Annette, yes past presidents have talked to school children, oh how soon the right forgets...

Annette said...

Far Left Agenda... that's a big joke too... Oh I better stop... good grief.. the President is getting yelled at all over the place for not being Liberal enough... and these idiots are saying he is pushing a far left agenda... I think I better go to bed...I have been on enough of a rant already

The Wool Cupboard said...

Annette, I'm sorry for the ill will in your family and I hope your relationship with your daughter and grandchildren is restored. Family is everything.

I'm hearing a lot of hatred and anger toward those with a conservative viewpoint. That's too bad because we really do need two viewpoints for the checks and balances so wisely set up by the Founding Fathers in our Constitution to work properly. While you may feel that unchecked liberalism is utopia, to me it is a road straight to socialism and the end to our way of life. Your accusation that conservatives don't like President Obama because he is black is, frankly, disgusting. Why are conservatives not allowed to disagree with the President because he is black? Why does that automatically "prove" that we are racists? I didn't like President Clinton's policies either, nor Jimmy Carter's, nor Lyndon Johnson's. They happen to be white. Your supposition that those who disagree with Mr. Obama do so because of his skin color is wrong on so many levels. I did not vote for Obama because he had the single most liberal record of any Senator in recent history. His radical relationships with former domestic terrorists didn't sit well, either. I am from Illinois, where we have seen how liberal Mr. Obama is with regard to abortion. I believe abortion is murder, so I cannot support his view.

I have no objection to Mr. Obama speaking to school children about staying in school and working hard and staying off drugs, etc. Most Presidents have given those words of advice to students. The worry with President Obama was the material that was sent out to the schools ahead of time. Those materials seemed to focus upon his presidency and how the kids could "help" him. THAT tends to make parents uneasy. Would you have agreed to GW Bush speaking to your children with the same materials going out first? I think not. The distrust of President Obama can be laid at his own feet and at those of his czars. Several of the people surrounding President Obama are admitted socialists and marxists. They have been recorded admitting it. Why are you not worried about that? We could lose our country. Thank you for the opportunity to speak my mind, but I will leave you to your progressive arguments. I will never agree with your philosophy, nor will I give up trying to expose what I consider dangerous ideas. Socialism and Marxism and Communism are ENEMIES of America. If those mindsets take control here, there will be no more America. Surely, you don't support that?

Annette said...

What about the czars of Bush 43? Were those ok with you? What about the policies of his that were much more progressive than anything that Pres. Obama has done.. Good grief what has he done in the 7 months he has been in office... Bush was in office for 8 years and he destroyed Habeus Corpus...

Bush's Suspension of Habeas Corpus
President Bush suspended writs of habeas corpus through his support and signing into law of the Military Commissions Act of 2006.

Now you want to talk Communism... that's Communism my dear... suspending laws and making them to fit what you see as anything you want...that's Communism.. yet no one said a damn word.. They let him get by with it.. because he was a Republican and a so called Conservative... Don't tell me what a Communist is.. I told you come armed with facts if you want to battle with me.. cause I can back up my talk.

I don't hate you, I don't hate Republicans.. I just can't stand stupid people who think they are better than others... and yes I think we need two parties in this country.. but when you allow yourself to think you are better and smarter than the other party.. and just by the way you talk that is exactly the way you think.. then you have lost the battle.. you just sited the opinion you had that you couldn't stand anything or anyone Democratic..yet you tell me I am not allowed to not like anyone Republican.. What a hypocrite you are...

You don't know me and you have no idea whether I vote for or care for Republicans or not... but you outed yourself really quickly when you listed them all... and said you would and did never like any Democratic President.

I happen to have supported every president we have had.. just because they were the President, because that's the way I was raised... You respect the office of the President... You may not always agree with the policies and the person.. but you still respect the office. You don't even respect the office.

Then we have this...

President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the United States to search for evidence of terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying, according to government officials.

The White House asked The New York Times not to publish this article, arguing that it could jeopardize continuing investigations and alert would-be terrorists that they might be under scrutiny. After meeting with senior administration officials to hear their concerns, the newspaper delayed publication for a year to conduct additional reporting. Some information that administration officials argued could be useful to terrorists has been omitted.

Under a presidential order signed in 2002, the intelligence agency has monitored the international telephone calls and international e-mail messages of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of people inside the United States without warrants over the past three years in an effort to track possible "dirty numbers" linked to Al Qaeda, the officials said. The agency, they said, still seeks warrants to monitor entirely domestic communications.

Again... what would you call this.. hmmm wasn't it the Communists in Russia who did so much wiretapping and eavesdropping on their own people...Why yes.. I believe it was..But you go ahead.. try to deny that Bush 43, whose Granddaddy Prescott was good buddies with Mr. Adolph Hitler and a known sympathizer.. and Bush 41 who helped put Bin Laden in power in Afghanistan.. go ahead.. accuse away.

As far as the domestic terrorist that Pres. Obama palled around with... tell me who it might have been... please.. I would really like you to name names.. because just throwing an accusation out there is worthless.. you have to back it up with facts.

The CDM said...

Linda, it was a joke, DEAL! You obviously missed the sarcasm. Plus, I'll make a point any damn way I feel. Funny, now the right wingers want a civil tone, sheesh.

I have engaged MANY on other forums and in-class civilized and it's the conservatives that get beligerant first. My IQ drops 20 points when fear mongering conservatives try making points all their own. Even with that loss, I still manage to maintain a 3.5 GPA. I find my tone/humor most amusing and theraputic.


P.P.S. Tell your idiot bretheren that it's not "Healthcare reform" it's "Insurance reform". Any more talk of this socialist bullshit is dropping my IQ even further. By the way, Lincoln was the most socialist president we ever had. He wanted freedom for EVERYONE, most importantly the slaves...that rat bastard.(note: that too was sarcasm) Then, all those plantation owners would have to go out and pay a fair wage to workers and the south just couldn't have that, that would put those poor plantaion owners out of business.

Please tell me you see then direction this is going, I hate tutoring without getting paid.

The Wool Cupboard said...


Just to be clear, the Military Commissions Act was passed by both the Senate 65-34 and the House 250-170 (12 abstaining). Then President Bush signed the bill into law. The writ of habeas corpus was suspended ONLY for alien enemy combatants. No change was made for citizens of the United States. Your attempt to blame GW Bush falls flat since no President can (at least for now) write, pass & sign into law any bill on his own. It was a bi-partisan accomplishment.

I'm not in favor of czars in any administration, because it circumvents the Constitution and the protective checks and balances. Any appointee should have to be vetted, questioned and approved before being given any power or status. I don't care whose administration we discuss. Also, for your information, I did not say that I "didn't like anything or anyone Democratic." What I said was (you can re-read it for yourself) was that I did not like Democrat (liberal) POLICIES, and I listed the people to whom I was referring. The last time I checked, we still have the freedom to disagree with policy decisions of any elected official.

For your information, while I think GW Bush was a decent man who did his best to defend the US from terrorists, I disagreed with his lack of financial restraint, his poor handling of the border issue (we need to close them) and his "new tone" which gave way too much influence to liberals in Congress. He was also very lousy at communicating his policies to the press and to the American people. It might surprise you to hear that I think Barack Obama is a gifted speaker and very intelligent. I'm sure he is a good father and I believe he sincerely believes that completely changing America is a good thing. I think he REALLY believes that taking money from those who earn it and giving it to those who won't work is a good thing. I just don't happen to agree with that philosophy.

As far as the way I talk, that is the way I talk. I'm sorry if I somehow offend you with my sentence structure or punctuation or grammatical style. Your profanity offends me. Why does that make you think that I think that I am "better than everyone else?" Would I be more acceptable to you if I spelled words incorrectly or had lousy sentence structure? I guess I shouldn't have listened so well in school and then I would never have gotten A's in English all those years. If it makes you feel any better, I got D's in chemistry. (I never did understand chemistry.)

GW Bush was reading books to the kids in that school to emphasize the importance of reading. I, personally don't see anything wrong with encouraging kids to think about the poor or those in need and to donate toward helping them. Contrast that with the campaign to "pledge to serve Barack Obama." I'm sorry, but I feel that that is going too far and has the potential to be misused with impressionable children.

The eavesdropping question...that was only applicable to people who were calling or speaking to suspected terrorists and or terrorist organizations outside our borders. It did NOT apply to everyday conversations between American citizens inside the US. I think you need to check YOUR facts, this time. By the way, Annette. Your penchant for calling people names in anger does not help you make your point. You just sound angry.

Prescott Bush owned stock (literally one share) in UBC which was owned by one Fritz Thyssen in pre-Nazi Germany. Fritz Thyssen was later discovered to be a Nazi symphathizer. I guess you are right...that teeeeeency little involvement automatically makes Prescott a buddy of Hitler...

I'm sure that since you obviously feel that BH Obama is as pure as the driven snow, that nothing I say is going to make any sense to "Bye!"

The CDM said...

Typical. Take your ball and go home. First off, YOU came here and took a shot at me. If you want to "disagree", then do so without taking a shot. I had no idea about you nor do I care to. Remember, YOU started this whole thing not moi. Don't take a smart ass shot at someone then expect nothing in response. You made your bed, you lie in it...or was it lay? Hmmm, damn grammer and sentence structure, seems to be gettin' in the way again.

Second, YOU came to THIS blog which is known for going off the deep end in grammer/profanity...whatever. That's like going to Harlem and being offended because there isn't any Baroque period art galleries.

I never implied you were better, if anything, your worse at taking what's being dished out. Again, take your ball and go home, the kids here play too rough.

For your information, I never thought he was as pure as the driven snow, AGAIN typical for your uptight wanks. This is why conservatives get fucked with all the time. They make assumptions and they're usually based out of a defensive posture(or fear, as your kind are riddled with and won't admit it). I also love how conservatives want the best parts of a socialist structure(I.E. Medicare) but, they don't want the nasty title that goes with it.

Don't feel bad about your D's in Chemistry. This is a typical problem with people who can't grasp actual science, it gets in the way of their religios beliefs, not all but some.

Bottom line woman, you need to RECOGNIZE!!! Have a nice fuckin' day!

Sue said...

hey manager, I'm gonna be a little sarcastic here for a minute... do you really think my blog is known for going off the deep end in grammer and profanity?? ( I'm not sure I'm liking that!) I do state I don't mind you all saying the F word cuz I use it often in my every day life, but grammer problems? Do you think we have grammer problems? Nah...

Annette I thought you were going to bed, I went around 11 and got up at 8:30 to more arguments! Way to hold your own girlfriend!!

The CDM said...


Just being real. She obviosly has pride in her "skills" and thus decided to take that last response of her to point that out. Typical, very typical of somebody like her kind. Since she got more than she bargained for, she took time to point out that she is better at language and sentence structure as a means of making me and others to not being in her league...Oh well, whatever it takes to make herself feel better, ay?

I gots me an idear here. What say we all chipp in and buy some wood. I'll take the wood, build her across, then she can get on it and have herself nailed to it.

Shit was gettin' to real, again typical for a conservative mind. I deal with this ALL the time with some of my brother-in-laws kin. I would tell her that personal opinion = time, but I'm sure I'd have to explain it to her(sounds scientific, don't ya think?)

It really pisses me off when people come to YOU and expect you to be on their par(despite it being prude, sanctimonious and condescending) when they take a parting shot. Her and her kind just don't get it and they never will. Thank God, they're dying off and being replaced with more liberal(open-minded) folk.

I see your sarcasm, I find it amusing. That's the difference between me and the likes of her. Besides, it's your blog, your rules. So glad the grammer cops are around to patrol the blogs and force us into dialog that THEY find desirable and credible...WAIT, doesn't that sound...socialist? Just sayin'.

The CDM said...

P.S. I find your blog morally deprived and has no redeeming value what-so-ever...perfect for my blog roll.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Sue and CD,

I am over her cracking up! (LMAO) It's funny how most conservatives use anything but the truth to justify their wacky sense of thinking! (LOL) I hope my sentence structure was ok... I would hate for the Grammer PO-PO (slang for Police) to come and grammatically whoop my ass. (LOL)


My entire office just moved into a new space. Things have been hectic!

Talk to you in a bit.

Donna Marie

The Wool Cupboard said...

The sad part of this whole thing is that you all are patting yourselves on the back for making issues of things that don't amount to grammar??? For the record, my comments about grammar (tongue in cheek, BTW) were in response to critical statements about the way I talk. You seem to think that my manner of speech revealed some arrogance on my part. I was merely pointing out that this is the way I express myself and why do you judge my character by the way I put sentences together? I'm just trying to make my points more easily understood. Far too often, reading someone's words are not the best way to interpret what they meant to say. You all seem defensive over your profanity, and that is your right, of course. I also have the right to choose not use it. In my opinion, your arguments are limited when laced with four letter words.

You also are patting yourselves on the back for "using the truth" to talk down the "ignorant conservative." I think that if you go back and read the arguments, I basically defended my beliefs with facts, or I stated that what I said is my belief. The problem that I have had in talking to liberal people is that two minutes into the conversation, they become angry and start with the inevitable name-calling. As a conservative, I have found that liberals basically won't debate. They become angry and begin to accuse. Why not try actually debating ideas and laws and rights?

By the way, when past presidents appointed czars, they were basically information gathering aides to the President. Our current Commander-in-Chief has given his czars power and control over billions of our tax dollars. That has never happened before. Do you really want an unelected appointee, answerable only to the President to have control over how your hard earned tax dollars are spent? I do not. There is no oversight of these people! Already there are millions of dollars missing with no record of how it was spent. There is change we can believe in, right?

I guess we can agree to disagree. FYI, if I did not passionately believe what I say, then why would I choose to try to change your minds about President Obama's agenda? I'm assuming that you feel that your beliefs are right, too. This is the very reason people debate and try to win others over to their own viewpoint. That logic seems to be lost on many progressives!

Sue said...

logic?? win progressives over to your side?? this really is the fight between good and evil, and sorry to tell you this but we are the good..

Sue said...

OMG! First off, the billions in stimulus money from Bushs administration is the money that vanished into thin air. Second, can you explain Bushs spending habits and why he never included the cost of the wars in his budget, he hid it from the people! Now Obama is including those numbers in his budget you all call explosive. There was NEVER oversight in the Bush administration EVER, they did whatever the hell they wanted even made up their own laws to fit their own evil agenda. So don't be saying anything to me about Obama, he is trying his best in the face of adversity to fix this hell hole made by Bush and Dick.

Infidel753 said...

Socialism and Marxism and Communism are ENEMIES of America. If those mindsets take control here, there will be no more America.

Sigh. These words keep being thrown around with no awareness of what they actually mean.

Socialism is not the same thing as Marxism or Communism. Socialism is what France and Britain and Germany have. Socialism is stuff like Social Security and Medicare. People recoil from the word, but once they have the substance of it, they like it enough to raise pluperfect Hell if anyone tries to take it away.

The definitive characteristic of Communism in the Soviet sense is state ownership of the means of production. If Obama supported nationalizing every factory and farm in the US and converting all the workers in them to government employees, it would be accurate to call him a Communist or a Marxist. Needless to say, he does not advocate anything resembling actual Communism.

The CDM said...

Name calling. This from someone who started this whole damn thing with taking a cheap shot at me first...amazing. You not only split the hair it was a split end to boot. Plus, I KNOW you're not talking to me with the whole "name calling" issue. Show me where I called you a name. If anything, I did say the "idiot bretheren" which are the idiotic conservatives (I.E. Sara Palin and Chuckles Grassley) that want to crash town hall meetings(them or idiots they have charged up and didn't even read a single paragraph of the 500 page bill) with phony outrage and not say a damn thing constructive to help the passing of health care.

Make assumptions at your own risk.

See, THIS is why I don't debate with conservatives. They argue with their hearts and not their logic. Just so you know, I don't see eye to eye with a LOT of my liberal friends. I'll give you an example: I believe in the death penalty AND a woman's right to choose. At least I'm being consistant in believing in death. Hell, I wish there actually were death panels, I'd love to be on one as I have LOADS of suggestions.

For someone who has such a strong dislike for socialists and communists, you sure do sound like one. Tell me, do you approve of Homeland Security and what it did during the Bush years? Hell, even now? If you do, this is the same kind of set up that socialist/communist countries use to keep control over the populous, afterall, they too are based in fear and paranoid behavior. The very simple fact that if I want to start making biodiesel fuel in my garage or maybe in a garage based elsewhere that I get put on a watch list is absurd. Yet, it happens.

My bottom line here is that you are making a lot of assumptions(I did too, as to sink to your level so I could get a point across). Seems like everytime you put the shovel in, you're bringing up 3 scoops of dirt. Try 2 scoops of raisins and call it a day, already.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, so much fur flying, your place looks like my dog's groomer's, Sue!

Infidel, you beat me to it. :) I too was struck by this customary mingling of Socialism (OMG!), Communism (holy crap!) and Marxism (spit three times over your left shoulder!) that was about to put in my two cents when I read your comment. Thanks, now I don't have to.

But I notice a serious omission here in this, um, discussion. Because where, for the love of children, is Hitler in all of this? We can't have a proper Obama-bashing without mentioning Hitler, or at least the Nazis, just once.

Fortunately, I see that at least some folks are able to keep it all straight.

B.J. said...


The Republican Party is racist! That’s what this is all about.

I just got online to read some news, and this is INSANE!

At least, Obama won’t be reading “My Pet Goat” for seven minutes while New York City has blown up!

If there is any reason at all left in the country, this will be the death knoll for the Republican Party.


B.J. said...

Reading through the comments, I find there is a lot of discussion about the “F” word.

For the record, the origin of the word is found in British Common Law. It was an abbreviated notation on court records which stood for “For unlawful carnal knowledge.”

All you pantywaist prudes get a grip.

Can’t be half as bad as you teaching your children to disrespect the President of the United States of America. Why don’t you admit you are teaching them prejudice?

You are "narrowminded people on a narrow, winding street."


Sue said...

thanks BJ! BTW, a libertarian radio host on Hardball tonight calls these people bigots. He's absolutely right!! Bush Sr. spoke to school children with the blessings from his party, I guess Bush Jr. didn't have the brains to speak so he just read one of those Little Golden books...I crack myself up, sorry!!!

The Wool Cupboard said...

I read blog comments all the time as well as political commentary from a wide variety of sources, and I have to tell you that I have never encountered so much hatred and vitriol as I have on this blog. You all really do need some help. You can't even give a clear explanation of what you believe because you seem compelled to punctuate each comment with some caustic remark. I guess I just have two words of advice...get counselling.

Sue said...

Linda if you want a list of conserva tive blogs that have the most hateful, demeaning, down-right racist Obama (and his beautiful family)posts I'd be happy as a lark to email them to you!

The CDM said...

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

...and if think there are no toxic conservative blogs, then you are either a liar or truly naive.

"get counselling"

So, since we don't see your side and use our freedom of expression to disagree, we need to "get counselling". That's the kind of remark that an oppressor would make. Clearly you don't get it, thus you are closed-minded. To go through life with blinders...

I actually feel sorry for you.

Lone Ranger said...

This is Karma. Back in 1991, when Bush Sr. gave a speech at a junior high school to urge kids to to study hard, avoid drugs and turn in troublemakers, the dems had a hissy fit. Two House committees demanded that the department explain the use of its funds for the speech. And House Majority Leader Dick Gephardt (remember him?) said, "The Department of Education should not be producing paid political advertising for the president, it should be helping us to produce smarter students, and the president should be doing more about education than saying, 'Lights, camera, action."

Were you speechless than?

Liberals can dish it out, but they caaaan't take it.

Sue said...

Lone ranger, I wasn't into Bush Sr, so could you tell me was the country petrified what Bush was gonna say or just the few in Congress? I think this outrage with Obama is much different and more sinister.

Sue said...

Linda I found managers comments to be far from hateful, more comedic actually. So that proves conservatives have no sense of humor. Now, this is the second time you have said goodby, political blogs really are addictive aren't they?? :-)

( plus we are so darn fun here! LOL)

The CDM said...

Linda - I'll let my 2 best friends(1 in Nashville and the other in Little Rock) how much I "hate" them, as they are hardcore conservatives(your batting 1000 on the assumption thing). Once agian, you obviously avoided showing me where I called you a name. Remmeber, I don't "hate" you, I feel sorry for you. As Sue pointed out, my comments were ment for savage amusement which you are oblivious to. I can(and have) debate with facts, you conveiently side stepped plenty on your exchanges, so I see no validity in your attempt to discredit me.

Let's recap, I didn't call you names, I just brought YOUR punk card that you threw at me(meaning you started it) back to your door step and it got too real. I called you on it and you can't back peddle fast enough. You are expecting me to believe that you debate with facts??? You're too busy getting it twisted. I think it's funny that you like to take shots at people, yet when they respond however they do, you get all pissy. Tell me, what's the difference in you taking a cheap shot at someone and calling someone names? Noun vs. proper sentence structure? Obviously, my humor goes over your head. I'll ask again, SHOW ME WHERE I CALLED YOU NAMES.

I'll battle wits, I just expect my opponents to be armed.

Are you actually gone this time?

The CDM said...

News flash: I now see where I called you a name. I did call you a conservative. I know I wouldn't want someone to call me something like that. That was a bit low for me to do something like that, let alone to call someone a conservative, that's just plain WRONG!

I take it back and apologize. No one should go through life being called/labeled a conservative. I am ashamed of myself.

Folks, please forgive me.(especially that smokin' hot number from New Jersey)