How many times have you had a conservative say to you, "its not Obamas skin color its his policies"? Well you know what you are LIARS!!!
First we have the disrespectful Joe Wilson yelling out during Obamas speech calling him a liar, then I go visit my friend Busted and he's bombarded by a racist troll calling him a nigger lover!!! Another blogger enemy of mine has a picture of Obama on her sidebar with the word LIAR under it, her and her evil friends are praising Joe Wilson and his stupidity! She claims to be one of those so-called Christians, go figure. I don't dare tread over to the dark side and read the racist hate on conservative blogs today, I'd probably end up with heart failure.
It's a sad day for America when we elect an intelligent man who truely loves this country and wanted the job so he could do something Good for the people, but because of his skin color he is demeaned, disrespected, looked down on like he is not worthy to hold the office of president. It's the truth. You are liars if you deny it!
Your racist behavior is the cause of your partys demise, apparently your hate is so strong that you are blinded by that fact. Its really confusing to me how you can call Obama Hitler when its your party who is Hitler-like, wanting to rid the country of all but those like YOU! Don't deny it, your actions speak louder than words!
A good and decent man, a beautiful family, and you hate him, you hate them. You hate them because they are black. Don't deny it you are a liar if you do.
edited addition: Ron Reagan is on Hardball, uses the word 'creepy' when he describes the actions by republicans towards Obama. yes creepy indeed.
Learning from Antiquity 10 – Hephaestus
When I came across this information, I knew I needed to consult the gods on
how to do justice to it. Since it’s regarding incarcerated firefighters, I
1 hour ago
Sue ~ I am so tired of you calling people who honestly disagree with Obama's EXTREMELY liberal policies racist!
What PROOF do you have that any of us are racist? I couldn't care less what color he is. He could be purple and I would still disagree with his taking money from those who earn it to give it to people who won't work. I would still want the government to stay out of my life and stop taxing me to death. I still don't want Obama or any beaurocrat telling me whether or not I can get certain treatments if I'm ill. I don't want someone who doesn't know FOR SURE that global warming is caused by anything that man does to tell me what temperature I can keep my home (especially when the president keeps his oval office at 85 degrees in cold weather. (That fact came from none other than David Axelrod.) I don't want Obama telling me that if I make too much money (in his opinion) that I have to pay a whole lot more taxes than people making less. I don't want any government official regulating my life as much as Obama plans to. Why does that make me a racist? You are angry because not everyone is in love with President Obama. Well, grow up...that's life. According to Rassmussen, 53% of Americans don't want Obama's utopia. There are a lot of people who don't like his policies. Are 53% of Americans just being racist? I think your anger is making you foolish and maybe you should go back and listen to Obama's old speeches and read what he has written in the past. He IS lying about his agenda and what his health care plan will involve. He will be rationing health care and limiting coverage for all
Americans. He will be covering illegals in his health care plan. He was blatantly lying about that during his speech last night. He DOES associate himself with socialists and worse. He and Michelle may look like every one's dream of a second "Camelot", but they have an agenda that will destroy our economy, businesses and our freedoms. Ask any economist and they will tell you that you cannot borrow or spend your way out of a recession. His policies just won't work, and that has NOTHING to do with his race!!
Linda maybe you are one in a thousand, but I will not take back my observations. I see it and read it every day!
this is what you people are listening to.
Eric Cantor said on Good Morning America.."we need to drop the public option, most Americans FEAR this reform plan", when in reality polls say 53% agreed with the reform before lasts night speech, after the speech 67% agree with reform! and those who opposed the reform dropped from 36% to 29% after the speech.
and unbelievably blantantly lying to YOU was Sean Hannity...
Obamas words in his speech last night.. "insurance executives don't do this because they are bad people, they do it for profits".
Last night Hannity spewed... "he(Obama) said insurance executives are bad people"
WTF?? So all of your assumptions about the Obama administrations policies are just that, assumptions, my 2 examples are FACTS coming right from the mouths of the morons.
Sue ~ The numbers that you quoted are from a CNN poll taken right after the speech last night. Oh, but wait, when you read the fine print...the pollsters polled 45% democrats and 18% republicans in order to artificially create that "fair" look at reaction. That's really representative of the actual population, isn't it?
My head is still pounding... I may be coming down with something.
I loved Obama's speech.
You are right... his race has alot to do with the sly remarks and hatred.
I will come back and spar tomorrow. I am not feeling too great.
Donna M
When one republican congressman yells "liar"at the POTUS, really shows a lot about the moral fiber of the party he represents. But for the Democrats to yell "racist" back only lowers us to his level.
When my 3 boys were little, there were, naturally, a lot of squabbles and fights... The rule around our house was the same one I grew up with... "the one who strikes last is the one who will get in trouble".
Likewise, if we respond with "Racist" every time the right wingers do something insanely stupid, we will be the ones in trouble. Just let them do the name-calling,scream, tea bag and yell "liar". Don't take any attention away from their behaviour by reacting to it. They are already self-imploding. Enjoy the view.
the racism post isn't just because of Joe Wilson. When I read a comment to a friend calling him a nigger lover because he is an Obama supporter I was sickened. I'm just commenting on what I see and hear every day in the wonderful world of blogging. now when Linda claims she is not supporting Obama because of his policies I believe her, but that doesn't mean I can't go after the wingnuts who are racist, they're out there! They are hiding behind things such as birth certificates, death panels and tea parties.
Every conservative would have been behind Colin Powell if he ran,Michael Steele or Bobby Jindal so your point is moot.
Okay I won't deny there is racism.
Now I know you all just hate Sarah Palin and I heard alot and read alot of worse thing about her even before the "death panel" comment.
Of course it's always aceptable to hang a white conservative woman in effigy.
Yes they are out there. On the left and the right.
There are loonies all over. There are whites who are racist and blacks who are racist and Muslims who are racist.
The word Liar is not racist Sue but the word Monkey is but that was reserved for Bush.
The left wing bloggers said the downright nastiest dispicable things about Bush and McCain and Palin. 10x worse than being called a Liar. What should e call them?
In case you missed this:
two wrongs don't make a right. This racist hate towards Obama is much different, much deeper, much more sinister. Rightwingnuts are dangerous and no republicans are speaking up and denouncing the racist hate.
my mormon trolls forget I have feedjit
seriously sue, I understand what you are saying. The rhetoric on the blog-o-sphere and rightwinging talk shows is outrageous and over the top. Most of these people are simpletons hiding behind masks of anonymity.
You and I and all like minded progressives should hit this kind of stuff as hard as we can and call it what it is... raw racism.
As far as yesterday's "liar" attack. That one is playing very well on the national stage straight into the liberal's favor. Wilson did us a favor! Republicans are beating each other up over it. This incident will make it into the history books and you can bet that it will be attributed to the lingering right wing racism that steal rears it's ugly head in republican party tent.
"still" rears its head....
Not "steal"
thanks Susan, it was in the heat of the moment post. But I don't regret calling them out.
If Linda and Lisa are "So tired of you calling people who disagree with Obama racist" then they don't have to come here and read your posts.. that would solve the problem really quickly... Just stay the hell away and stop reading and then they wouldn't have to worry about seeing them or reading them and wonder if you were talking about them or not.
Great job Sue.. and You are right.. maybe not all of the criticism is racist in nature, but I would be willing to bet the majority of it is... Like 90% or so..
So if anyone fits in that small percentage left over... have at it.. but I think you probably come closer to the other 90...
Sorry if that shoe pinches a little..
Annette you know why we come here it's hard to look away. You know how you just have to look? Or you just have to yell out "Liar"?
One thing I can agree with England is they give equal Time to members to question the PM.
I remember getting into blogging about 6 years ago a few times the left would write "wait till you are at the receiving end" (like I was at the giving end ) You know the way Bush made them feel so violated. And what the democrats are doing is so partisan you can smell it from coast to coast and it couldn't be more obvious how many people are against it. Are you people actually saying 52% of the population is racist? Actually I take that back that wasn't a question that was a statement. How could you possibly believe that 52%of American are racist
Sorry but that just borders on a fine line of "unbelievable" to " I don't know what anymore".
I think you do it on purpose. There is no other logical explanation.
We need a good independent candidate.
Or a good mediator.
lisa what has Obama done so far that has affected you personally? Couldn't be much since you are from Canada, right?
Whining, bitching and assumptions of whats to come, well 77% of the country likes what Obama is offering in his reform package, so here it comes kids!
I am feeling a little better... I a going to rest up for the rest of the day... I will pop in later.
Donna M
Keith Olbermann has a very good commentary on Joe Wilson (and it gets into the racism issue too).
Infidel I saw that show. I hope my conservative Bush lovin Obama bashing readers click on the link! Thanks!
Obama never lies. This weekend he is going around making speeches on how great the economy is doing thanks to all that spending.
Maybe it's good for Wall Street but what about "Main Street"?
Hmm where have I heard that before?
Obama never lies.
All politicians lie. That's not the point. Wilson yelled "You lie!" at Obama specifically when he said that the proposed health reform would not cover illegal aliens. On that point, he was wrong and Obama was telling the truth. It will not cover illegal aliens. The wording of the bill is very clear on that issue.
What PROOF do you have that any of us are racist?
Were there any black parents or educators protesting Obama's speech to children on Tuesday? I did not see any. It was a display of white paranoid rage.
Wilson's behavior suggests much of the same.
Interesting how today they took that out of the bill although by the time the bill goes through in 2013 all the illegals would be granted amnesty for votes and health care but not for income tax.
Okay they didn't actually take it out but they are rewriting the language. You know the language that was left to interpretation(purposely)
The language that the ones singing of on it didn't even understand it
"Interesting how today they took that out of the bill although by the time the bill goes through in 2013 all the illegals would be granted amnesty for votes and health care but not for income tax.
Okay they didn't actually take it out but they are rewriting the language. You know the language that was left to interpretation(purposely)
The language that the ones singing of on it didn't even understand it
*heavy sigh*
Speaks volumes
" It was a display of white paranoid rage. "
I won't even mention for the umteenth time what people were against because obvioulsy it is being ignored(purposely).
But here's a question that I would be curious to see what the answer would be. What name do you call a black person who is against Obama's policies?
There may be -- and why not -- legitimate disagreements with Obama's policies and one can rightly criticize him for doing or not doing certain things, Lisa.
But the uproar over his speech to schoolchildren was just plain stupid -- and pure white, like a KKK hood.
If you can find one example of a black parent or educator who opposed that speech, I may change my opinion. But so far, the picture of this particular eruption of the Obama Derangement Syndrome is crystal clear, all because of its whiteness.
Not worth expalianing for the 50th friggin time.
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