Sunday, September 13, 2009

Paul Begala you rock!!!

Damn I love this guy! He's friggin pissed about the sign professionaly made and handed out at the hate rally.... BURY OBAMACARE WITH KENNEDY. Isn't that sick?? Heres what else he says...

"They hate Pres. Obama - even though he has bent over backwards to accommodate Republicans. They hate tax increases - even though the Democrats have cut taxes for 95% of Americans. They hate health care reform - even though Ted Kennedy fought his whole life to get them the same health care millionaires like him already had.

There was not, to my knowledge, a sign that said, "Let's Bury Medicare," even though Medicare is precisely the sort of single-payer, government-run, socialized health insurance the whack-jobs say they hate. Nor did I hear about a sign that said, "Let's Bury Tricare," although the military health system is as socialized as Britain's, its beneficiaries (including, according to Newsweek, Congressclown Joe Wilson of South Carolina) are very happy with their socialized health care. Nary a sign, so far as I know, decried the Bush prescription drug entitlement, even though it ballooned the deficit, enriched the pharmaceutical companies and furthered the supposed slide toward socialism. Nor, I'm told, were there any signs criticizing the $2 trillion Mr. Bush's unjust, unwarranted, unwise war in Iraq will cost our children and grandchildren. Nor ever a single sign about the Bush tax cuts, which helped squander the Clinton surplus. If this were about fiscal policy, the protests would have happened long ago.

These tea parties are, at least for some, more about hate than high-minded debate. Anyone who needed proof need look no further than the sign captured in the photo on the front page of the Huffington Post."

Great job Paul. Sadly tho none of those protestors give a damn about any of it, most don't even know what they are protesting! These are Americans?? They make me puke.


Annette said...

I love Paul Begala.. he is awesome.. He is straightforward and pulls no punches.. He reminds me of Howard Dean.. They both just lay it out there with no sugar

I have long said that same thing.. if they really wanted to protest they should have started several years ago.. but this all started Jan. 20th.. that's why I said it is obvious there is a racial tendency to it. There can't be any other reason.

I was just watching Pres. Obama on 60 minutes.. I think it is just he is so intelligent and so patient and calm, they just can't deal with him, they don't know what to do next. He was talking about Joe Wilson, wingnut of the Congress and he was laughing about it.. and how because they are talking about censuring him, he has become the center of the debate again instead of Health Care...and he said that's what I didn't want. That's why I accepted his apology and wanted to move on.. or words to that effect.. and I thought to myself.. yep, he is right..

Sue said...

Annette I watch Obama and listen to him and think this man IS so intelligent(like you say) and also so kind and so giving, yes patient and calm. How is it we got to this hateful time, why are these idiots acting like insane mental patients?? We should be a country standing with our president actually holding him up as he goes thru the next 8 years doing everything in his power to fix what is broken in our country. The right are nothing but a small minority of zombies, screaming and fighting for god only knows! They are killing their party, day after sickening day.

Lisa said...

Isn't it amazing that out of more than a million people the Huffington Post finds that one person? How do they manage that? Sounds like a plant to me.

He should never had yelled out I agree and Obama didn't lie because he said this will not cost one more dime and he will take full responsibility.

The only problem with that is by the time the bill comes due he will be out. So he can whaever he wants and no one can call him on it because like you say he is smooth and convincing.

Sue said...

lisa are you talking about the man with the sign? I guess there were hundreds of them, not just one. Paul said they were mass produced. AND BTW there were only 60,000 teabaggers at the hate rally not 2 million like the faux news people and their followers would like you to believe. 60,000 zombies... thats only a football stadium full lisa. Very tiny group of morons... need I go on? CDM where are you??

Lisa said...

The only manufactured signs are the ones the SEIU holds at the Pro-Union,I mean pro-health care rallies.

The CDM said...

Ahhhhhh, the progression into the conspiracy theory.

The only problem is that Faux News showed that same idiot(s). And so did CNN and MSNBC. I know because I decided to watch the spectacle unfold. Don't believe me? Check for yourself. I'm sure they'll run the footage again.

I have a tendency to overindulge on sweets on the weekends and watching Faux News helps with that problem.

Honestly woman, can't you do any better than that?

Anonymous said...


I watched President Obama on 60 mins too. He IS very intelligent and he handles himself with such grace and dignity that I just cant stop smiling.... :)

Obama does not seem to be worried about those sick fucks... so why should we?

I say let them protest all they want.. they are just showing their true colors! RACISTS!

Donna M

Jerry Critter said...

Are you suggesting that the sign that said "Bury Obamacare with Kennedy" was printed up by the SEIU? What??? Are you nuts? Did you even read the article?

B.J. said...

I suppose we should be grateful the signs didn't say "Bury Obama with Kennedy," because that's what they would really like. Sad times. BJ

TomCat said...

I wish I could remember where I saw it, but I did see a pic with three or four of those signs in it. They claim to ge grass roots, but the grass is pure astro-turf.

The CDM said...

TomCat, not to correct you or anything, but I believe that grass roots in this case meant that their parents smoked WAY too much tainted weed. It does certainly explain a lot.

Lisa said...

"Are you suggesting that the sign that said "Bury Obamacare with Kennedy" was printed up by the SEIU"

JC-No it wasn't and you know that. The SEIU all carry the same signs.
They are told which party to support as where people who actually are concerned about the country's survival are doing their homework.

Butnic try anyway. We could go "tit for tat" on what signs say but the reality is the community is organizing whether you like it or not. I guess the left can't believe they aren't the ones leading the protests for a change.
But we totally understand your frustration as it has usually been us on the other side.

Infidel753 said...

This T-shirt looks mass-produced too. Think about it. These people are constantly calling us Nazi Communists and so forth, but at least some of them want to see McCarthyism come back, which is probably the closest this coultry ever actually came to the practices of totalitarianism.

Lisa said...


Sue said...

lisa your point is??? SEIU does support Obama, so?? the shirts say SEIU supports Obama, NOT something evil like the right wears and carries, DUH and heavy sigh...

mac said...

I dunno.
I was too taken away in the moment listening to "Sunday Morning Coming Down" to actually read and develope an opinion on the post. Great Song !!!!

But, yeah, Bush sucks ;-)

Lisa said...

Of course they support him they are getting big paybacks from him. Guarantess of jobs(unlike the rest of us) and big bonus money.
Now we can turn over a portion of the economy over to Union thug mafia bosses. Now they get to pay union dues to the same thugs.
What a joke.

Sue said...

welcome mac, this blog allows foul language IF its aimed at the wingnuts! :-)