I heard it with my own ears, I heard it from Joe Scarborough on his morning show. He called on conservative republicans to denounce Glenn Beck! When Beck says the president is racist and hates all whites then calls himself a radio clown, that frees him of any responsibility if violence should occur. Joe says Glenn Beck is BAD for conservatives.
He showed a little clip of Beck this morning talking with Katie Couric, Beck said he very well may have voted for Hillary and also said McCain woulda been a worse president than Obama! Wuz up with that?? He's got something up his sleeve!
Next Scarborough should call out fat fuck racist Limbaugh! When Limpy says there should be segregated busing just because of a little fight between a few black and white students, thats psycho talk!! Come on Joe, take him on!
Rachel Maddow Devastates Trump And Calls Him A Decorative President
Rachel Maddow described Trump as a decorative president, while Elon Musk
does the real work.
4 hours ago
anyone that listens to Limbaugh understands alot of his material is satirical. That's why when conservatives gather in assembly there is no violence(from them anyway).
That's why we have a dial on the radio because it's a free country...so far.
lisa thats not true of the fringe wackos, they have shown themselves to be capable of violence. They are the ones who take limpy, beck and hannity to heart.
can anybody name a radio or tv host who is left leaning and who spoke the way those guys do when we have republican presidents?
Why should they when they have Olberman,Maddow and the Speaker of the House .
So when have they shown themselves to be violent?
Anytime I have ever went to a "peaceful" tea party the opposers are so nasty and vile. (All 3 of them). They yell "Fuck You and yell "Racist" and give htier favorite gesture of a middle finger, and if they stop and get out they speak with quivering lips. They try to bait someone in. It's pretty typical.
It's because you have MSNBC falling all over themselves playing the race card.
When someone as right wing as Joe calls out Beck like that, it clearly shows just how off the deep end Beck is.
exactly Tom, and Joe is calling on all republicans to follow suit. He sees how the likes of beck and limpy are bringing down the party.
Hello all!!! Sue (((HUG))))
My 14 yr old daughter called me in her room this morning and asked. "Who is this nut???" It was Beck. GMA showed a segment of his interview. She was not happy that Beck said, "McCain would have been a worst President than Obama." The first thing she asked was, "Well who did he vote for then?" She picked up immediately that the was a flaming asshole! She said that she thinks Obama is a darn good President and she thinks that fat faced guy is a Looser! (BECK) LOL
Oh so now you like Scarborough. Or is the General in Afghanistan. I can't keep up.
By the way how is the "good" war working out or you?
If anything, I hope that he outs him for being nothing but a machine of chaos and mayhem. The fucker clearly doesn't seem to think he will or would be responsible for the shit he's spreading.
A TOTAL fuctastrophe of humanity.
It appears Mark Levin has jumped on the bandwagon.
Mark Levin blasts glenn beck
Oh wow that was rich.
So now you like Levin too?
Can someone please translate what this..."lisa" is saying. I don't speak howler monkey.
Thank you for your cooperation.
lisa are you anonymous or do we have 2 lisas? I never said I was in bed with Scarborough, I just stated some facts.
hugs to you Donna, you raised a smart daughter!!
C, There are quite a few who posted this same subject, looking at google search, BUT I was first :-))))
It's a little joke us wing nuts use. Whenever a conservative person says says something against another the left always makes sure to go ape shit over it.
"Look even Mark Levin said something against Beck" or "Scarborough said something against Beck"
Even if it was so minuscule it's something you can grab onto and use for whatever reason.
Just like Maddow last night now because General McChrystal wants to increase troops and the Administration won't give him more troops now she say things against him because "Obama" said no so she has to pick things out about the general and going against him, you know because she is such an expert about war and all. This is why I can't watch them because no matter what Obama says they go along no matter what he says. I guess when you are on the payroll of GE you have little choice but to follow in lock step.
Just like the NEA is doing.
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