Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This is good news for democrats!

Courtesy The Daily Kos:

Mayo Clinic issues statement supporting Obama's health plan

Mayo Clinic strongly supports President Obama’s call for health insurance reform and health care delivery reform, and agrees with the President’s position that the status quo is not acceptable. We believe that a bipartisan, collaborative approach is essential to achieving significant, patient-centered health care reform.

Mayo Clinic and the many organizations and individuals working with us in the Mayo Clinic Health Policy Center are strongly in favor of reform of both health care delivery and health insurance. True health care reform is getting better results for the money spent. Better results for money spent is what we meant by high value health care: better outcomes, safer care, better service and at lower costs over time. And this will translate to better access to medical services for all Americans.

We agree with President Obama’s focus on insuring all Americans and reforming the health care payment system.

  • In addition to posting its support for Obama's health reform plan, Mayo has added a link to an article on the Liberal Values site, titled: "Sarah Palin’s Lack of Understanding of Health Care."

Palin apparently does not realize that the waste and unwarranted subsidies which Obama referred to come from George Bush’s Medicare Advantage plans. This is yet one more example of Republicans governing incompetently and then using this history to make their argument that government is always incompetent.

The problem is not "the government that brought us" this waste but the Republican Party which brought us this waste. Without these Republican policies Medicare is far more efficient than private insurance at providing health care. The Republican policy of paying subsidies to private insurance companies costs 13% to 19% more to care for Medicare patients through private companies than it costs to care for them thorough the government Medicare program.

It is unusual for Mayo to take sides politically. The article also is critical of Ms. Palin's lack of understanding and expertise in health care issues.


The CDM said...

"Palin apparently does not realize"

She could have just stopped right there. Pretty much sums it up.

I'm just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Not only is Sarah out of her League, but she is out of her mind. I could never figure out how anyone ever took her seriously. She sounds like a babbling idiot when she speaks... and that screech in her voice does not help her any.

I pray each night that Obama's Health Care bill is passed. I puzzles me as to why anyone in their right mind would be opposed to Obama's Healthcare Plan. It benefits us all.

Donna M

Anonymous said...

Excuse my little typo... :)

Annette said...

What more can I say.. CDM and Donna about said it all..

I was thinking today about the lady who is paying $63,000 to eat dinner with her.. that's one dumb lady.. if I had 63 grand.. I would write a check to charity.. it is a great charity that is getting the money from her, but eat dinner with Palin.. give me a break.. why would I want to do that.. and the best part of it, was going to Alaska.. and now that's even been changed..

This is great news.. Hopefully this will help the numbers of support and it will start to show people there is a lot more people for this than there is against it.

B.J. said...


Got behind and have just read all your and CDM's posts back through Sunday.

I won't comment exeept to say thanks for all the info@

AND, Peter, Paul & Mary!


The CDM said...

From Palin's embarrassing speech in Honk Kong:

"Palin argued that many average Americans are uncomfortable with health care reforms that infringe on private enterprise"

Uh...that stupid cow doesn't speak for me. I care that "they"(private enterprise) have infringed upon vulnerable Americans.

Sue said...

damn I miss so much good shit cuz I have to watch Elmo and Dora!! I'll read the speech somewhere online. The bitch is fuckin wacko, I can't believe shes getting these invites to speak!!!

The CDM said...

Right now, I'm watching CNN and Khadaffi speaking...er, rambling at the U.N.

Dude is straight up O.G. CRAY-ZAY! He's gone WAY back.