Once again, Dylan lays the pimp hand down and calls on the insurance industry(and those who are too stupid to see what they are doing) to recognize. Here's how someone gets shit done and does so by calling out all those responsible REGARDLESS of party affiliation.
Why is health insurance the only business that has an exemption from the Sherman Anti-Trust Act other than Major League Baseball? If the delivery of taxpayer trillions by our politicians to the banks to support their fraudulently paid bonuses hasn't shown you what our current government's values are, check this link out.
Through the governmental negligence that we as voters allowed, a health care system was created in which a single health care company controls at least 30 percent of the insurance market in 95% of the country, including states like the following:
Maine, where Wellpoint controls 71% of the market.
North Dakota, where Blue Cross controls 90% of the market.
Arkansas, where Blue Cross Blue Shield controls 75% of the market.
Alabama, where Blue Cross Blue Shield controls 83% of the market.
This monopoly, combined with the misaligned incentives that trap people in employer-based health care, is causing the skyrocketing health care costs that are hurtling our nation towards bankruptcy.
I don't know what's worse: that most Republicans seem to be against ending this unfair legal protection for an entrenched industry that is ruining our country with their non-competitive practices, or that most Democrats seem to be threatening this arrangement only as a bargaining chip to push for a meaningless public option that wouldn't be accessible to almost 85% of the population?
Instead of improving our country, through creating and enforcing free and fair markets, our politicians are currently engaging in backroom deals, most of which protect the very companies who profit the most from these disastrous outdated systems -- industries like health insurance and big Pharma.
While we clearly have the ability as a group of 305 million to update the system that is American Health Care and move our country into the 21st century in the process, it's becoming clear that we may not have the leaders to do it.
Instead of seeking answers to the problem of paying for and providing medicine, we are doing the exact opposite. Taxpayers' money is being played with by politicians who are desperately trying to protect the competition-stifling, false security of the monopolistic employer-based health care system and its outdated, over-charging, under-delivering ways. Given the least consideration are those affected the most -- the patients and the doctors who care for them.
This country's founders built an ingenious system of checks and balances for a reason: to ensure that no special interest or group could use government power to commandeer the creative and economic wealth of our nation to their own ends. How much longer must we live in a country where the citizens are subservient to the banks, health insurance companies and any other special interest able to control our government at the expense of our the most basic principles of fairness, our future as a nation and, as a result, our freedom?
This is what you call responsible journalism at its best. Take that teabaggers, take it and reflect on it. Next time you feel like fighting to take your country back, why don't you take a more detailed look at those that organize you(and don't bother showing up themselves) and ask yourself, "what's my motivation, again?"
Socialize that ya bastards.
I am the Complaint Department Manager and I approve this lesson of the day.
Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
great post C!! I was just watching Moore on Ed Shultz talk about Reagan and the beginnings of this whole capitalism disaster. Its frightening and they call our side frightening?? They are so fucked up they don't know whats up, down, in, out.. fucktards...
I want to tell you something, I am sure you won't understand because you have to have a brain bigger than the size of a walnut..
We are still operating on George Bush's budget.. The only money that Pres. Obama has spent.. is a portion.. a SMALL portion of the Recovery Act.. and everyone has been yelling, (even the RETHUGS) that it isn't enough, and it should have been more or bigger. Pres. Obama's budget will not start until next month.. and will have to be voted on. So any money that has been "SPENT" has been money that BUSH allocated to be spent.. not Pres. Obama..
Why you continually come here to stir up trouble is beyond me.. you just make a fool out of yourself and show how stupid you really are.. no one really wants you here..
Now, do you want to answer any of what has been posted or are you going to just ignore it and go on?
excuses excuses. Like Rahm Emaunel says "Let's not let a good crisis go to waste"
Believe whatever you like the fact is this has nothing to do with GW's budget anymore than it has to do with the democrats 30 year wish list and all their ecomnomy killing ideas.
Talk to any business owner small,medium or large and I bet you can't find one who likes what they see coming.
More unemployment ,more people who need government. I know you don't want to face those facts but that is a reality.
Not to mention the million who work for the insurance companies who will be added to the unemployment rolls.
I answered this already let them do reforms part of which is the newest thing the left is crying about "The Anti Trust" act.
No they'd rather throw us all in a governemnt system that we can't afford.
The probelm is there are too many politicians wheeling and dealing.
So much for the transparency we were promised. They can't even do some major reforms because they all have theri hand in the till and you want these same people in charge of your healthcare? You think they reallygive a shit about us. All they care about is themselves. All of them even Obama.
That drivel is so fundamentally...idiotic, I don't even know where to begin.
Oh well, now I realize just how intoxicating a beverage Kool-Aid can be. :-(
Sue & CD... I am so out of the loop. I am going to play catch up.. let me get started.
Donna M
ok Donna, have fun reading thru all the crazy comments! lol
Last time democrats had total control was during the Carter years . Why do you think thye haven't since? Because people who weren't around then(children)don't know what a disater it was. But they are learning quickly.
Once again, lisa proves she is a retard:
Oh look lisa, it has colors!
An excellent post, CDM.
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