First, I want to say "Thank you, Sue" for the privilege of posting on your blog. I promise, I will not abuse it...much.
Now for the the good stuff. As the title states, this is an explanation of the public option for those who are a bit slow in understanding what it means and yet will fully embrace some douchebag named glenn beck and his idea that it is evil and will destroy America. This message is fully explained by former Labor Secretary Robert Reich. Enjoy the video.
***For those who are conservatives: This nice man had a very important job high, high up in Washington D.C. and his job involved the goings on of Americans getting jobs with laws and stuff. YAY, JOBS!!! He's gonna tell ya what those mean ol' soshlists in the commie guvernment are talking about when they say "public opshun"
*rolls eyes and moves on*
I am the Complaint Department Manager and I approve this FULL EXPLANATION.
Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
Another very informative post!!! I love it! Now dose sochlists kin git it skrate... (lol)
I read a few of the comments on the You Tube video.. people are such assholes. A bunch of fucking (sorry) retards! I don't get why they are fighting against something that will benefit them and their families! It makes no sense at all!
Donna M
Let me see.. where do I start..
A. Because Barack Obama wants it.
B. Because he is Black.. oh, was I supposed to say
C. Because he is a Democrat/Liberal/Progressive.
D. Because Glenn Beck/Sean Hannity/ Rush Limbaugh told them to hate it.
E. They have no brains and can't think for themselves. (See above)
Is that enough Donna Marie or do you want me to go on?
Let the wing nuts attack...
You pretty much summed it up! I know it's true... I guess I just wished things were different in terms of race and pure hate.
Donna M
I know, I wish it were different too. I really do.. I know the many conservative/republicans who come here and other places seem to think we hate them, but I really don't. I truly wish we could get along. Why is it when there is a republican president, the dems in congress go along, vote with him and work to pass legislation that needs to be done.
True fact.. look it up..
However when a democratic president gets into office, the republicans do nothing but obstruct, delay and deny. Again, true fact.. however this time it is even worse than normal.
With the death threats against Pres. Obama up by 400% more than any other President.. even Pres. Bush.. since everyone says we hated him so much... that should tell them this hatred is much, much worse on their side than it ever was on our side, and make them examine things a little closer, wouldn't you think?
great post C! Donna and Annette you are so right, repubs can't stomach the other party having the power, it drives them insane!! But what did they do for their 8 years??? NUTTIN but cause deaths of millions, oh and spend, spend, spend, on wars and tax cuts for the rich DUH
So lets' this straight. A public option is subsidized by who exactly?
Did I miss something?
Thanks for proving the title right.
so glad he summed in up in just under 2 miutes. Maybe one day we'll get to the bottom of how this will work "exactly"
Lisa, Maybe you should sign up for remedial common sense.
Lisa, Maybe you should sign up for remedial common sense
Donna see comment #6
Looks like all this witty banter is a moot point, given the new state of things.
Okay for those of you economists who say you understand the Public Option but really don't being no one has really explained it. For now it will be an additional 13% of your income until the money runs out in 8 years then who knows maybe we can have it go to the same 55% rate as Canada or higher like the UK. And then of course that still won't be enough being by that more business will be taxed out of existence so we will need to cover all those additional people.
But so what if people can't afford food or energy. We'll have free health care!
Oh the anticipation is so over- whelming.
Until you can prove yourself credibile,(far stretch as you are effectively an imbecile)from here on out, start stating your sources.
Oh please CD you are the smart one around here I assume you already know all this. You want to me call on you every time you state something about your sources?
The 13% increase was from your own party. Shhh! don't tell anyone.
The rest is just obvious if you know anything about socialism.
Lisa I already told CD no more petty back and forth shit, so unless you have something of interest to share on topic please go home. NO more flirting from you!
Sue why do you delete things that hit a nerve? Maybe the truth is more painful than you'd like to admit.
I told you I am bored with the back and forth, STOP, this is not a town hall!
No lisa, because you never stay on topic, you plaigerize, you constantly run off about anything new that pops up on Faux News and you have the debate skills of a 6 year old.
How's that for starters?
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