Do you ever tire of the back and forth arguing? Tire of reading and writing political stuff?
Just like tonight, I'm called a hypocrit, a Mormon hater, a bigot, just a plain ole hater in general! I'm none of those, infact have I ever said the word hate on this blog? No, in fact check for yourself, I don't say anywhere that I hate somebody.
Now I have said stuff like... conservatives are fuckin idiots, I have called people morons, and assholes, I have criticized Limpballs and Beck(they soooo deserve it!). I make fun of rightwingers, and the stupid things they say and do. But thats just what I am here to do, defend our President, defend my progressive views, and put on some awesome music for you all to enjoy! I'm really liking my Maroon 5 stuff!
BTW, why does the right think President Obama should be right of center?? The majority elected a left of center Democrat, why do you think he should move right just to appease you? Did we ask your Repub elected to move left, and if we did would he have? Hell NO!
Are you watching bits and pieces of the Values Voter Summit? Interesting line-up of speakers, Sarah Palin is a no-show last I heard. The list of 2012 contenders is kinda lame to say the least, we have Palin, Gingrich, Huckabee, Romney, Pawlenty. Pence. Any one of these scare you?
Oh shit, I'm missing Keith!! Lawrence is talking Czars, Conservatives are up in arms about Obamas czars while forgetting Bushs' czars outnumbered Obamas czars, oh Good God.....
Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
"and put on some awesome music"
What? No 80's heavy metal???
what the fuck?? you don't like Maroon 5?? I'll look up some Ozzy, oh and my favorite all time Aerosmith!!
are they considered heavy metal??
Ozzy, yay. Aerosmith...not my cup of tea. They haven't been the same since they sobered up, although Steven Tyler IS trying to change that. I'll save you the trouble of mentioning Kiss as they are not worth mentioning.
Maroon 5....*shakes head and walks away*
I could not and would not mention KISS!!!
How about an eclectic mix? I put forth the intitiative of a mix of: Luther Vandross, Andrea Bocelli, Whitesnake, Michael McDonald, The Cult, Donnie Hathaway, Tina Turner, Ziggy Marley, the London Philharmonic and Sammy Hagar.
*First draft of the bill. No punkass lobbyist moves allowed.
philharmonic?? nah...I can do some of these just to make you happy!
Can I at least vie for a replacement of "Dream on" with Rush's "Time Stand Still" and "Cryin'" with "Mama kin"?
I LOVE Dream On!! It's stayin!
shut up and read your email!!!
Thanks Sue for your birthday wishes on my blog site! Your site is one of my favorite places...which it why I added you to my goggle reader
Thanks Susan, I'm trying to track down my co-author to upload a funny video, check back, you'll like it!!
Sue Sue,
Don't tell CD but I LOVED your Maroon 5 music! :)
Oh, and by the way, you are not a Mormon hater, you just know a bitch when you see one! :) It's not the Mormon that you strongly dislike, it's the hypocritical bitches that hide behind the religious title that piss you the "EFF" off.
Donna M
PERFECTLY said Donna!!!
I kept the Maroon 5 songs on but added a few he wanted. (my songs are better, Shhhhhhhh)
Given the teabagger/wingnut spelling that we have seen on their signs, I suspect that when you called someone a moron, they thought you wrote morMon.
Jerry - I actually laughed out loud on that one.
Jerry you just may be right on that one!!
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