Last night, Keith Olbermanns hour long show and this was my favorite paragraph spoken in the hour,
Jonathan Alter:
"Look, the Republicans at this point are basically irrelevant to the process. I know that sounds like a harsh and definitive thing to say, but they‘ve taken a hard right off the main highway of American politics. And Democrats don‘t need their votes. And whatever noise they make is ambient noise. It‘s not really relevant to how any of this shakes out."
Did ya get that?? IRRELEVANT!!! My thoughts exactly, nuf said...
Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
Yep Olberman should know about irrelevent. Just look at his ratings. No one listens to the advice of a hate filled wind bag.
Well ,some still do.
Olbermanns ratings are just fine thank you! lisa, why so hostile?? I have never heard Keith speak anything but the truth, unlike your faux noise group, they get called out on their reporting lunacy all the time.
Just like his station purposely didn't report on the biggest march on Washington in history and him and his coherts have the nerve to call those people names. To me that is hateful.
i agree the repubs are irrelevant. at the same time so are some of the spineless dems. they should have tried to push thru a single payer health program. they chose not to, because they were afraid they did not have enough votes. the blue dogs are yellow dogs. they are the saboteurs of the progressive dems. they are bought and paid for shills by the insurance corps, and big pharma.
And here he is now on TV telling us how wonderful he is.
You don't think the dems have corporations in thei pockets? Ha there's a laugh.
RZ you are absolutely right on the spineless dems, no way am I gonna defend those yellow dogs!! Next week is the debate on the public option, so of course it was postponed from today...we better damn well see some spine!!!
lisa lisa lisa, why can't you stop calling that pathetic march the biggest in history, get real girl!!!
I'm sorry to see you've drawn the wrath of lisa, who is apparently as incapable of a rational though as Mark Sanford is of keeping his underwear on.
But, still, this is exactly right; the Rushpubliscums were handed their behinds in November, and it's past time for the President and Congress to begin behaving as such.
lisa is cute, though, with her good little girl recitation of the "biggest march in history" BS. Sorry lisa, but I doubt the Klan and the National Alliance combined can muster 2 million people in toto.
this is for you lisa, read it and weep.
* 1925 - Ku Klux Klan – 35,000 KKK members marched on Washington
* 1963 – March for Freedom with Martin Luther King – 250,000 marched
* 1969 – March to end the Vietnam War – 600,000 marched
* 1993 – Gay and Lesbian Rights – 800,000 marched
* 1995 – Million Man March – 600,000 marched
* 2004 – March for Women’s Lives (Pro-Choice) – over 1 million marched
* 2009 – Obama Inauguration – over 1 million celebrate
* September 12, 2009 – Tea Party Hillbilly Rally - 78,000 marched but only 3 seemed to know what they were marching about.
I disagree. The GOP isn't irrelevant. Certainly it's not relevant in any coherent, sane way, but when it comes to whipping its base into a frothy, vitriolic, seething and paranoid mass, it's very relevant; it's destructive to Democracy and to political discourse and as such it is germane. Since day one of Obama's presidency the Republicans never bothered to work within the channels of the political establishment to find solutions to the country's problems, they resorted to dipshit insane rhetoric and delusional obstructionist tactics. We laugh at them and think they're silly, but they're playing a dangerous game and as such should not be dismissed out of hand so cavalierly. You're seeing the paroxysms of a deranged hissy fit that will see no end until Obama is out of office, and for these people that doesn't necessarily mean having him voted out (wink, wink--watering the tree of liberty and whatnot).
Right ther was only a few thousand right? I guess if they were protesting Bush's spending(the quarter of what this admin has spent) then it would be 2 million and MSNBC would have made sure to interview people and show their "true" concerns.
There was approx 600,000 people there. But you won't get that from MSNBC. All you get from them is the promotion of this administration even though they have no idea what they are doing.
Did you watch Obama fillibuster all the questions he was asked by the press today. and I think I counted about 30 "uh's" being there was no teleprompter.
Poor guy. Those campaign type speeches can only work for so long. He should have gottten some more experience other than community organizing first.
for you Sue:
of course Zirgar I agree with your points. Alter was referring to the healthcare debates and in that context he is correct, they have no intention of adding anything to the debates, in fact they want to scrap the whole thing and start over, fuckin lame ass do-nothings!!!
Bush never put the cost of war into the budget lisa. and stop putting links up, I'm not interested in your jibberish. You are coming real close to me telling you to shut the fuck up too!
sue; this has never been about health care. the naysayers, and saboteurs from both sides of the aisle are only interested in failure. they are still living in the age of [stay the course], instead of the age of aquarius. lol
zirgar; i agree, never ever under estimate the repubs. they are trying to reinvent themselves. they are in search of a new leader that can provide the facade of a bigger tent.
I know RZ, obstruct and destroy. They want to destroy Obama at the expense of the American people and their followers are fuckin blind to that fuckin fact!!!
Holy shit! I go to a damn Planners meeting and look at this. I see the primate is back to throwing shit again without the added benefit of stating, "but...but...but" just for clarification.
RealityZone - Couldn't agree more even if I wanted to. Dems are in control and yet, for some reason, a select few are still scared of their own shadow(of course they call it their "constituents").
Jolly Roger - Save yourself the trouble of addressing the resident howler monkey, it just makes life easier and she can only try to drag your IQ down to her level so she can beat you with homefield advantage and experience. "Rushpubliscums", nice one. We may have to use that here.
Zirgar - I see your hissy fit and raise you a quagmire cualdron of flagrant frenzied fanatacism and beck pagan idolatry.
Sue - haven't you learned by now that you can't agrue with facts? Didn't we have this conversation earlier(nudge, nudge)? You do see the A.D.H.D. pattern here, yes?,0,1126931.story
This Kirk appointment by Dem Governor Deval Patrick is just typical of Democrat hypocrisy. When John Kerry was running for President, Ted Kennedy promoted the change in MA law that took the appointment of a replacement senator out of the then Gov. Mitt Romney's hands. We can't have a Republican appointing the Senator, can we? Now that the shoe is on the other foot, what is the honorable thing to do? Why yes, let's change the law back so that the Dem governor can appoint a replacememnt in order to stifle opposition to health care votes. In no way is this honorable, but it is TYPICAL of the double standard that Democrats foist on the American people.
BTW, Republicans are not irrelevant at all. The Democrats won't seem to pass health care without at least one "bi-partisan" republican vote so that they can blame republicans when the American people finally realize how much it will cost them and how bad the care will be. Democrats ALWAYS have to have someone to blame for their thoughtless regulations. Big Brother always needs a whipping boy.
Linda why don't you read about the reform? do you not hear when the Congressmen and the President say we need this because of skyrocketing costs, each year costs rising to the point of millions not being able to afford their premiums, millions going without simple care, and yes dying because of it. Now don't come back and say there is always a place to go and get care, but again I say, you are paying for those without coverage with your higher premiums. So, whats the argument?? Even repugs say reform is necessary. You all are just petrified of the public option, well get over it, it won't affect you in the least.
Wow, Linda. I see more deluded than ever. Like both sides haven't been doing this for some time now? Politicians manipulating law to keep control. I suppose now you're going to say Tom Delay and Katherine Harris had NO bias in doing "their jobs". Get a new argument. The rest of your rambling is so wrong, I don't even know where to begin.
I submit that republicans are NOT irrelevant, even better, they are simply obsolete.
I told a friend recently that all I kept hearing from the right was "ambient noises." Woohoo - and someone else thinks like me. I can't shout enough "we won the election, the repubs want NO part of bipartisanship, only to bitch that there is none!" So now, it is time to gather the Dems and handle some constructive business. the democratic party was elected to the majority - now Obama has to get on with the "change" and forget about stepping on toes and being Mr. Nice Guy.
Olbermann's ratings are good enough for MSNBC. Fox only has the high ratings, because of those that watch for entertainment and fodder of their lies and misinformation.
As for your troll Lisa...Obama had NO choice on the monies spent to save us from the huge mess of the last eight years. And NO - Bush NEVER factored int the multiple billions of dollars spent in Iraq. Add that back in and you see a completely different picture...if you have a brain.
Lisa said... Just like his station purposely didn't report on the biggest march on Washington in history and him and his coherts have the nerve to call those people names. To me that is hateful.
Actually they did report it, Lisa. Unlike Faux Noise they didn't lie about the attendance.
Sue said * 1969 – March to end the Vietnam War – 600,000 marched
I helped organize that one and the crowd at the Beck's astro-turf rally was tiny by comparison.
RZ, your comment is right on the mark.
Tom you helped organize the march to end the Vietnam war??? If I had just been 10 years older I woulda been there with you Tom, I woulda been there!!!
Hey, Sue -- I have a gift for ya! Go see. :)
I know plenty of people who were there and the DC police said they never had such a large crowd ther rthat it actually shut down the whole city.
Either way maybe you can arrange another protest for the Afghanistan War.
Sue, I'm a retreaded 60s activist, having graduated from HS in '66. I was one of the folks who wanted the peace movement to remain nonviolent, and I dropped out of SDS when the weather faction took control. I helped organize several of the big ones, such as '67 NYC, '68 Chicago (Democratic Convention), and MLK's Vietman Summer demonstrations. I believe you would have been there. You're 'there' now.
Tom I get all goose-pimply thinking about those days! I woulda been there in a heartbeat, and I consider myself a wanna-woulda been radical!!
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