An open letter to my friends who visit me from the right side of the isle. Those of you who ask why your voices aren't heard at these tea parties and rallies, those of you who claim to love America and just want to take your country back, those of you who can't fathom the next 8 years with a dark skinned president, who claim Obama is like Hitler and is hypnotizing us from the TV screen!
Do me a favor please, and this is serious. Go to Elizabeths her no comments necessary post, and look at yourselves in the video she posted. Then ask yourself why you let yourself be used by people like Beck and Limbaugh. Beck is the one guilty of hypnotizing you through the TV screen! Isn't it weird when you see these people talking like zombies, repeating the Beck theory, just following their leader! Thats what YOU are doing!
OK, here's a little test you can take, STOP watching Beck and all of Fox news for 2 weeks, I know it seems almost IMPOSSIBLE, but how else will you know if this hypnosis theory is correct? Watch other channels for balanced news, I love MSNBC starting with Ed Shultz at 6 and going to Rachel Maddow at 9. But you don't have to watch them, you can watch CNN, or just read the paper. Can ya do it?? Check back with me in 2 weeks and let me know if you feel any different, less addicted to Glenn. I bet you'll see the light!!
Don't forget to watch the video at Elizabeths!
Top Democrats Blasts The Idea That Democrats Should Keep The Government
Open For Republicans
The top Democrat on the House Rules Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern debunked
the notion that Democrats have a responsibility to keep the government open
for R...
5 hours ago
I do not belong to any party. I belong to the common sense party. I watch what ever shows I want to no one sucks me in. Not Fox, not CNN, and not MSNBC.
I am not a racist, a idiot, or any other word you want to call me because I stand for something else,that is the best part about America, we are free to choose for ourselves.
I will test you.
Do not call people who don't agree with you names, I thought this was a good debate blog.
In order to have a good debate blog you need to debate the facts, when you start doing the facts, I will gladly debate you.
You have a total of 12 followers on this blog, and the same 6or 7 comment. Get a clue, no one wants to hear politacaly any side bash the other side, that is not healthy debate.
When you deside to grow up, I will be back.
And before you bash my comment, and call me a racist, know that my children and my husband are not white. watch your words please!
That brings up a question. What do you call black people who disagree with the president?
Is it safe to call them racist being is is half white?
good for you Chelsea. My blog has been up for just a few months, so I am proud of my followers and my circle of friends who visit here. As you would see if you looked at most political blogs, we get thousands of viewers but not alot of those take the time to comment and that is true for liberal and conservative blogs. Now as for name calling, if the shoe fits...
lisa there is such a thing as disagreeing with the president, but what the wingnuts have chosen to do is not helpful for the party, calling Obama Hitler and a socialist for example, what good does that do except make you look like Beck zombie morons, just sayin....
I DID NOT say 1000's of hits a post, READ!! I am in no way putting my blog up against CNN, get real bitch. If you don't like how I talk then stay the fuck off my blog, if you can't force yourself to then there is the trusty delete button.
Devri you and your mormon bitches are not commenting on my blog, go the fuck home
What do you call black people who disagree with the president?
"Michael Steele".
Seriously, one blogger I regularly read, Professor Darren Hutchinson, is often very critical of Obama, and he happens to be black. You'll never see him throwing around rubbish like swastikas and Obama with a Hitler moustache, though.
Look, nobody's saying all conservatives are crazy. There are a lot of rational conservatives -- David Frum, Bruce Bartlett, and Rod Dreher, for example -- who have spoken out about the craziness engulfing the conservative movement, which they realize will ultimately cripple it. I really wish we did still have a sane opposition on the right. The country needs two parties that a rational person could vote for. Right now we don't have that. To be shy about calling the crazies crazies does not do anyone any favors. Look at the video Elizabeth has up, which this post references. Can anyone seriously claim those people aren't crazies?
As long as the teabaggers keep obsessively calling us Nazis and Communists, the right is in no position to complain about name-calling. For that matter, a lot of them call Obama a racist. Beck himself did that.
As long as we're sending the teabaggers to Elizabeth, don't forget this posting. Don't be put off by the word "wingnut". She is really trying to address the teabaggers' cause seriously. It should make you think.
Chelsea, Devri and Lisa,
If this blog has no stats, and no followers, then why are you here? This is Sue's do and say what ever she wants. If she wants to call you racist Ho's racist... then that's just what she will do. (simple as that)
It's funny how Chelsea and Devri both say their husbands aren't white... but you fail to say what they are. Not that it's any of my business, but you bought it up... (Im just saying)
Lisa, I can not speak for Sue, but do you want to know what I call black people who hate Obama??? I call them "ashamed of who they are". I know one too many... (just one person) and she HATES blacks in general. She lives in an all white neighborhood, she dates white men only, she has mostly all white friends and she HATES that her skin is brown. She hates anything that reminds her of being black! I know her personally and I know of a lot more just like her. (Some are my family members)
As far as Sue calling you idiots etc... ANYONE WHO CALLS ANYONE HITLER IS A FUCKING IDIOT!
Adolf Hitler, murderer of millions, master of destruction and organized insanity, was seized by an obsession with the Jews all his life. The Nazi Führer had always been straightforward about his plans - his dream of a racially "pure" empire would tolerate no Jews. He announced at many occasions the "annihilation of the Jews" living in the territory under his control.
In Hitler's mind, murdering millions of Jews could only be accomplished under the confusion of war - from the beginning he was planning a war that would engulf Europe ..
The European Jews were the primary victims of Adolf Hitler. In 1933 nine million Jews lived in the 21 countries of Europe that would be occupied by Germany during the war. By 1945 two out of every three European Jews had been killed.But Jews were not the only group singled out for persecution by Hitler's Nazi regime. One-half million Gypsies, 250,000 mentally or physically disabled persons, and more than three million Soviet prisoners-of-war also fell victim to Nazi genocide. Jehovah’s Witnesses, homosexuals, Social Democrats, Communists, partisans, trade unionists, and Polish intelligentsia were also victims of the hate and aggression carried out by the Nazis.
You pompous assholes call OUR PRESIDENT OF OUR COUNTRY A FUCKING NAZI and you get offended because Sue calls you an IDIOT OR A RACIST??? You should be glad that she has not called you worst. Like "Stupid Bitch" or something good like that!
Grow the fuck up and respect your President!!!! Have respect for the man that has YOUR best interest at heart! He is cleaning up after the mess that BUSH left behind. As much of a fuck up as Bush was, I NEVER called him names... (ok.. I called him stupid once or twice, but that was it.)
Donna M
PS.. If you don't like it, kiss my twist.. and I dont mean my wrist ;)
thanks for calmness in the face of my uncalmness towards trolls who like to entice rage on my blog, Infidel! :-)
LOL!! You too Donna, thanks for staying calm!! xo
Sue, Infidel was your calm side.. I was your un-calm side.. they got the best of both sides! :)
Sorry for my potty mouth but they pissed me off...
hey, I told ya before, this blog allows dirty words but only from me and my friends! :-)
(Devris bloglist has all the typical mormon bitches we both know!)
Great post, Sue. I stopped by Elizabeth's and left a comment. It seems that some are not happy unless they are goose-stepping.
Lisa, there's a difference between disagreeing with the President and calling him a nigger. That such signs are welcome in these protests underlines the overall racism of the movement.
Yeah Sue... I noticed... they are all coming from the same place.. The Holy Land of Bitchwitch. (LOL)
Donna M
Sue,let their sorry asses comment. They are going to sound like idiots one way or the other. I am ready for them!!!
I luvz me sum FOX Noose. It gets mi brane to werkin' reel good like and I be an Merkin paytreeut frum wahching FOX Noose on the talkin' pitcher box.
Turn my back for one damn minute to go to class and look at all the carnage.
Sue, if you still have the original drafts of these..."individuals", I'd like to see what they wrote, as I'm sure they'd love to hear from me. Thank ya, dear.
Donna Marie - damn, damn, damn, damn DAMN! If only were.......ah, hell nevermind. One cold shower comin' up. That thing you do....just sayin'....
Uh, Chelsea is it? Who forced you onto this blog? I'm serious. Last time I checked, it was SUE'S blog not mine, not yours, not anyone elses. YOU came here of your own volition and decided to run your head. Do you feel better now?
Let me tell you about an exercise I learned when I stumble across conservative blog that are toxic and more riddled with hate than you think this blog has. Here's what you do, you ready?:
First, take the hand you use to navigate your mouse, move your cursor to the top right hand corner. You should see an "X" in a reddish box...CLICK IT! It's that easy.
It just seems to me that people like yourself feel COMPELLED to find blogs like this and spew. Well, no one forced you here and no one is going to force you to come back. By the way was there a topic for debate in that rambling somewhere? No?
So anyone who disagrees with him and is black is a what -a traitor?
Or a racist. Got it. Thanks for the enlightenment.
OH DAMN! Lisa, I forgot you were there, honest mistake.
First, did you ever get that count on how many times I used "racist"? No? I'll tell you what, I'll give you a hint on what the results are going to look like. You will find more times where I called Donna Marie a smokin' hot babe more times than I used "racist". I DID(and still do) say hater a whole lot. Do you know the difference?
On second glance, I see you bringing up the whole "racist" accusation a lot. What's up with that? Really and this time answer please.
Ummm Lisa, I dealt with you on paragraph 3 of my rant/comment. Ummmm after all I ranted on about... why is it the HITLER issue that you ask me about???? I thought I answered your question.
CD... Lisa asked Sue what she called black people who hated Obama and I answered her question as honestly as I could. To disagree with him is one thing.. but to hate him is another.
...and no Lisa, I would not call them traitors, I would call them "ashamed of who they are". Like I said, I know a few... and that IS the case.
Will someone proxy the cause of Lisa and go back, find where she has stayed on topic, answered all questions/comments directed toward her and while you're at it find out just how many times me "Complaint Department Manager" used the term "racist" And if it's not too much trouble, contrast that with the times I used "hater", if you would. I need this person to advocate for Lisa as I have an assesment and need all the facts before announcing it.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Complaint Department Manager
So anyone who disagrees with him and is black is a what -a traitor?
Nope. See my comment above, and others. Why won't you address what people actually say instead of these imaginary straw men you carry around in your head?
Chelsea - Here's what you left on Sue's comments:
"Thanks Devri, my husband and kids are not white also. NO use arguing with the far left..
They can't see past Bullbamas ears..
Devri is right! Where are your stats says you have 1000's of hits a post.. If people really care, they will comment, look at cnn's posts.
Don't kid yourself.
Did you take your test yet?
Keep with your blog, keep with the name calling, the bashing, if the shoe fits, then I will tell you what.. I want to test you again, go out on the street where real life is, and call some one a racist. I know for a fact, that your sorry butt would be on the ground faster than you could type racist!"
For someone who just wants to debate without name calling you sure took a few nice shots there. Oh, for your information, comments aren't everything, I VERY seldom leave comments on stories I read, mainly because I don't feel like it, simple as that, no matter how good the story is. You seem to look at things in terms of absolutes. It appears as though my assesment of you just being "COMPELLED to find blogs like this and spew" was spot on.
Let's recap. You want to debate WITHOUT name calling, YET it's perfectly okay to take cheap shots. Typical, absolutely typical. Once again, you and your kind show your true colors. And in your world, everything seems to revolve around results and/or input. With this inane babbling, what result did you get? What did YOUR input accomplish? Absolutely dick, that's what.
Devri - Here's some of what you left:
"Key word- most potical blogs.. Not yours..
So if the shoe fits.. hmm
Did you just call me a racist? yup, your right, I hate my husband and kids. You are so smart!"
You know, if I didn't know better, I'd swear you were Lisa and that is by NO means a compliment. Way to fucking go.
You both are a shining example to your alleged kids. Don't do as mommy does, just what she says.
Kind of annoying isn't it?
Okay I am going of topic here.I am Happy to say that Acorn will not be conducting next year's census although it was unconstitutional for them to even be considered for it in the first place.
Anyway I was really looking forward to their arrival at my front door so was my dog.
Thank you Glenn Beck and FOX News for exposing this corrupt organization sucking up our tax dollar money.
And MSNBC-Thanks for nothing!
Funny you should just mention this, Lisa. As it turns out, I'm watching glenn beck. You happened to post this, just as he touched on it. Don't you fucking DARE deny it. This answers A LOT of questions.
Sometimes, it's actually a good idea to watch people you wouldn't normally watch. This gives you insight into their motives.
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